TWO agencies have too much power = The White House and Supreme Court


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Thumbs up against right wing anti American Fascist Communist Party as legitimate in the USA. All government officials at local, state and congressional levels must be indicted for participating in anti American activity! All retirement benefits gone!!

Or they can forfeit their USA citizenships and leave the USA forever without retirement benefits.

They made their anti american activity choices knowingly and willfully. Capitol Hill is like living in a small town thus many had to have known Jan 6th was being planned yet nobody contacted the FBI or Capitol police to enable them to plan accordingly.

Two agencies have too much power is the White House the other is the Supreme Court. Why does the White House have pardoning power?

Thumbs up against right wing anti American Fascist Communist Party as legitimate in the USA. All government officials at local, state and congressional levels must be indicted for participating in anti American activity! All retirement benefits gone!!

Or they can forfeit their USA citizenships and leave the USA forever without retirement benefits.

They made their anti american activity choices knowingly and willfully. Capitol Hill is like living in a small town thus many had to have known Jan 6th was being planned yet nobody contacted the FBI or Capitol police to enable them to plan accordingly.

Two agencies have too much power is the White House the other is the Supreme Court. Why does the White House have pardoning power?

For example, in 1987, Ronald Reagan issued a signing statement that declared: "If this provision were interpreted otherwise, so as to require the President to follow the orders of a subordinate, it would plainly constitute an unconstitutional infringement of the President's authority as head of a unitary executive branch."[21]

The George W. Bush administration made the Unitary Executive Theory a common feature of signing statements.[22] For example, Bush once wrote in a signing statement that he would, "construe Title X in Division A of the Act, relating to detainees, in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the President to supervise the unitary executive branch and as Commander in Chief and consistent with the constitutional limitations on the judicial power."[23] Critics acknowledge that part of the President's duty is to "interpret what is, and is not constitutional, at least when overseeing the actions of executive agencies," but critics accused Bush of overstepping that duty by his perceived willingness to overrule US courts.[24]
Thumbs up against right wing anti American Fascist Communist Party as legitimate in the USA. All government officials at local, state and congressional levels must be indicted for participating in anti American activity! All retirement benefits gone!!

Or they can forfeit their USA citizenships and leave the USA forever without retirement benefits.

They made their anti american activity choices knowingly and willfully. Capitol Hill is like living in a small town thus many had to have known Jan 6th was being planned yet nobody contacted the FBI or Capitol police to enable them to plan accordingly.

Two agencies have too much power is the White House the other is the Supreme Court. Why does the White House have pardoning power?

Neither the White House nor the Supreme Court have too much power so long as they respect and stick with the Constitution.

A White House that weaponizes the judicial system and courts and uses them against political opponents has too much power for sure and is a danger to everything America was intended to be.
Neither the White House nor the Supreme Court have too much power so long as they respect and stick with the Constitution.
it is not a matter of each branch "staying within the constitution," it is up to the rock paper scissors of the checks and balances to keep each branch within its lane.

originalist fictions and literalist delusions aside, how can checks and balances operate in a divided hyperpartisan democracy in which the "consent of the governed" is minimal?
it is not a matter of each branch "staying within the constitution," it is up to the rock paper scissors of the checks and balances to keep each branch within its lane.

originalist fictions and literalist delusions aside, how can checks and balances operate in a divided hyperpartisan democracy in which the "consent of the governed" is minimal?
There are no checks and balances when the consent of the governed is minimal or non existent. You have a dictatorship or monarchy or totalitarian government.
Maybe you fell asleep in civics 101 but the government consists of three separate but equal branches. Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life but you get to hire and fire the president, the senate and congress every four and six and two years. The only glitch in the system that the Founding Fathers didn't envision was the possibility that the overwhelming majority of the news media might become the willing propaganda agent of a political party. If you quit whining about the unfairness of it all you might appreciate the only Country in the world that guarantees certain freedoms in writing in the Constitution.
Maybe you fell asleep in civics 101 but the government consists of three separate but equal branches. Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life but you get to hire and fire the president, the senate and congress every four and six and two years. The only glitch in the system that the Founding Fathers didn't envision was the possibility that the overwhelming majority of the news media might become the willing propaganda agent of a political party. If you quit whining about the unfairness of it all you might appreciate the only Country in the world that guarantees certain freedoms in writing in the Constitution.

that is the way it is supposed to work, but Congress has largely abdicated many of their roles and let the executive branch have the power.

The 20 plus year AUMF that is still in effect and still being used is the most glaring example
in this case, oligarchy .
Totalitarian governments are oligarchies by definition. So is a Supreme Court that assumes the authority to make law which our current Supreme Court of mostly constitutionalists seems to appreciate.

We are still stuck with unelected, unaccountable, faceless bureaucrats making tens of thousands of rules and regulations with the force of law until we have a true reformer government that puts that power back into the hands of the people's elected representatives.

The people should not be subject to any law at the federal level other than what was passed by Congress and signed by the President plus what few laws are passed by overriding a Presidential veto. And a good government would pass every law as a stand alone bill and every member of Congress would vote for or against that law on the record and would not be allowed to change their vote once it was finalized. (And as an aside, no member of Congress, out of sight of the gallery and/or media, would be able to revise and extend their remarks on the record in the Library of Congress.
that is the way it is supposed to work, but Congress has largely abdicated many of their roles and let the executive branch have the power.

The 20 plus year AUMF that is still in effect and still being used is the most glaring example
Don't blame congress or the president, blame the fools who elect these politicians.

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