Two Americas....Ours And The Media's


This is the America that exists in the media, in Hollywood, and in the minds of elitist Democrats. This is not the America the rest of us live in. Colin Kaepernick, a washed up bench-warming NFL Quarterback, is being celebrated by Time Magazine for standing up for an imaginary cause. Racism in America.

Kaepernick's controversial protest puts QB on cover of Time

The left owns the media. Consequentially, you don't become a media darling unless you become an anti-American asshole who bad-mouths Republicans and America in general. This guy grew up in a white family yet he has let his girlfriend and her friends mislead him into turning against his own country. Because of this, he has the media's full support.

There are indeed two America's.

One side diverse with room for all Americans.

The other side virtually all white.

The clash of cultures is welcome and long overdue.'s payback time for all of the imaginary crimes folks have committed against you.

Happy now?

This isn't about me girlfriend .. nor is it about what you think.

This is the inevitable clash of cultures .. and it is indeed welcomed.

That's a very racist attitude, my friend. Mr Klan Man with a Tan.
This is about race-baiting and making money off of the grievous industry. Shaking down corporations. Spreading hate and division just to maintain political power.

You cannot force people to like you, motherfucker. You have to either earn it or just live with it. Learn to embrace the suck.

I've been called a ****** Lover too many times for you to be lecture me on this subject.

What I see on TV at these riots isn't what's happening in the real world. All you see is planned demonstrations by criminal elements in our society, backed by radicals in the White House. My guess is that if the voters had known before hand what Obama was setting up, he never would have won the presidency. Whites and blacks alike feel they made a serious error in voting for him. He has betrayed the trust that was placed on him.

Whatever you have to say matters a damn.

:lol: Does it appear as if I give a fuck about people liking me .. you stupid motherfucker? Who gives a fuck about what you do or don't like? Who gives a fuck about what you do or don't see in 'riots?'

If Obama ran again today, he would still get 90+ % of the Black vote .. and if he was running against Trump, he would win in a landslide. Point being, you don't know shit about what you're talking about .. and I never voted for Obama.

AND, I don't give a rats ass how many times you've been called whatever the fuck you've been called, what you should be called is ignorant.

Let me guess .. you're a republican .. a member of a virtually all white party .. here to lecture me about racism. :lol:

I'll say again .. Kaepernick's protest is nothing short of incredibly successful and effective.

Any chance your dumb ass can intelligently counter that truth? .. not holding my breath. :0)

This is the America that exists in the media, in Hollywood, and in the minds of elitist Democrats. This is not the America the rest of us live in. Colin Kaepernick, a washed up bench-warming NFL Quarterback, is being celebrated by Time Magazine for standing up for an imaginary cause. Racism in America.

Kaepernick's controversial protest puts QB on cover of Time

The left owns the media. Consequentially, you don't become a media darling unless you become an anti-American asshole who bad-mouths Republicans and America in general. This guy grew up in a white family yet he has let his girlfriend and her friends mislead him into turning against his own country. Because of this, he has the media's full support.

There are indeed two America's.

One side diverse with room for all Americans.

The other side virtually all white.

The clash of cultures is welcome and long overdue.'s payback time for all of the imaginary crimes folks have committed against you.

Happy now?

This isn't about me girlfriend .. nor is it about what you think.

This is the inevitable clash of cultures .. and it is indeed welcomed.

That's a very racist attitude, my friend. Mr Klan Man with a Tan.
This is about race-baiting and making money off of the grievous industry. Shaking down corporations. Spreading hate and division just to maintain political power.

You cannot force people to like you, motherfucker. You have to either earn it or just live with it. Learn to embrace the suck.

I've been called a ****** Lover too many times for you to be lecture me on this subject.

What I see on TV at these riots isn't what's happening in the real world. All you see is planned demonstrations by criminal elements in our society, backed by radicals in the White House. My guess is that if the voters had known before hand what Obama was setting up, he never would have won the presidency. Whites and blacks alike feel they made a serious error in voting for him. He has betrayed the trust that was placed on him.

Whatever you have to say matters a damn.

:lol: Does it appear as if I give a fuck about people liking me .. you stupid motherfucker? Who gives a fuck about what you do or don't like? Who gives a fuck about what you do or don't see in 'riots?'

If Obama ran again today, he would still get 90+ % of the Black vote .. and if he was running against Trump, he would win in a landslide. Point being, you don't know shit about what you're talking about .. and I never voted for Obama.

AND, I don't give a rats ass how many times you've been called whatever the fuck you've been called, what you should be called is ignorant.

Let me guess .. you're a republican .. a member of a virtually all white party .. here to lecture me about racism. :lol:

I'll say again .. Kaepernick's protest is nothing short of incredibly successful and effective.

Any chance your dumb ass can intelligently counter that truth? .. not holding my breath. :0)
It's amazing that your dumb ass can spell intelligent.

And speaking of breath....your's smells like your ass.

Oh, and another thing. I don't waste my time talking to worthless racist fucks.

On ignore.

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