Two Aspects Of Fascism On Display

Sorry but we dont have a free press.

We have a bought and paid for press.
Hitler shut down 90% of German newspapers.

STFU and go get your 48th booster, peasant....The lords of BigPharm command you!
OK . But where do you stand on this matter of a Fascist left wing Fake Press ? Are they deliberately stupid or suffering from some sort of system imbalance , for example ?
You have been doing nothing but gas lighting so stop bitching. News flash slow boy trump IS gone and has been for years, He was no fascist you unediucated fool. Fascism does not exist anymore
I will always correct little fascist witches like you. You gas light, I set you on word fire. Trump is campaigning hard for the nomination and fascist DeSantis the same. All will be gone after 2024's election. You will cry those sweet, sweet MAGA tears of sorrow and anguish.
I will always correct little fascist witches like you. You gas light, I set you on word fire. Trump is campaigning hard for the nomination and fascist DeSantis the same. All will be gone after 2024's election. You will cry those sweet, sweet MAGA tears of sorrow and anguish.
You gas light and correct nothing.

There are no fascists here.

Neither he nor desantis are fascists. Sorry boy I never voted for trump. I am simply not a narrow minded knee jerk fool who has been brainwashed into believing he is a fascist
Republicans are engaging in two Fascist activities

1. Fracture public confidence in a Free Press
2. Fracture public confidence in our elections

Both essential in establishing a Dictatorship
Our elections are fraudulent and our press isn't free. It's the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
I will always correct little fascist witches like you. You gas light, I set you on word fire. Trump is campaigning hard for the nomination and fascist DeSantis the same. All will be gone after 2024's election. You will cry those sweet, sweet MAGA tears of sorrow and anguish.
You're the fascist, douchebag.
Fascists like SoupFascist will always be corrected, will not be allowed to gas light, and always opposed.

That is their lives forever. They will be defeated nexty year with the fascists Trump and DeSantis.
Democrats are all that stands between Republican Fascism and American values
Democrats are the fascists, dumbass. Democrats are the ones orchestrating censorship of big tech. Democrats are the ones making lists of parents who they view as a threat to their brainwashing in the public schools. Democrats are the ones punishing industries that aren't approved by the ruling class. Democrats are the ones locking people up for month after month because they protested a fraudulent election.
Facebook is a private company. They have the right to kick people off their private property if they so choose.
The government has no authority to be telling facebook who to censor, you NAZI asshole.

If you want to talk about limited constitutional government, why don't we talk about Ron DeSantis passing a law trying to force private companies to host the speech of politicians or be fined by the government.
What law is that?

It's clearly not free market. It's not free voices because Facebook's voice is suppressed in the matter. It definitely isn't free people since Facebook is being forced by a politician to use their property to help politicians against their will.
You mean the FBI?
Facebook has the freedom to kick people off at their own discretion. Government is not forcing anything. Government is not rewarding it.
Yes it is, turd. Government is telling Facebook who to censor and who to kick off. My tax dollars are paying for this activity.

Being kicked off Facebook does not "silence" anyone in any rational way.
Of course it does, dumbass. Why else would Facebook and the FBI kick anyone off?

You're a special kind of dumbass.
Facebook is exercising their first amendment rights. The first amendment is not fascist.
The FBI telling Facebook who to censor is fascism in its purest form.

You're a NAZI dumbass.
Ron DeSantis championed legislation intended to harm Disney after executives publicly stated their opposition to DeSantis's policies.

That's an attack on free speech.

Being kicked off Facebook isn't.
That's no more of an attack then Biden attacking DiSantis directly
Facebook has the freedom to kick people off at their own discretion. Government is not forcing anything. Government is not rewarding it.

Being kicked off Facebook does not "silence" anyone in any rational way.

Facebook is exercising their first amendment rights. The first amendment is not fascist.

Totally and completely wrong.
To avoid being sued for everything that Facebook allows to be posted, they license themselves as "common carriers" of the government internet services.
So Facebook can not at all try to exercise ANY "first amendment rights" in any way at all.
That is totally and completely illegal and in violation of the 14th amendment.
It is the users of the internet that have protected "first amendment rights", not a common carrier like Facebook that only rents bandwidth from the government.

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