Two Black Men Arrested for Killing a White Person Over a Pair of Shoes

So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
"Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight."


You haven't seen the video, have you?

Describe how Arbery could have tackled the ex-cop.........

Tackled isn't the exact word, but clearly he was fighting with the ex-cop over the gun, and naturally was shot.

Thank you for not allowing the critics play semantics. If we change the dynamic a little and presume the cop was not retired and Arbery done the same, exact thing, most people would see it as a justifiable shooting. Arbery KNEW this ex cop. If he did not know that the ex cop was retired, then his motives are easily discerned. Arbery, lacking knowledge of the cops retirement status, will play a pivotal role in how this plays out.

The house had a no trespassing sign according to the owner. He committed burglary and knew he was caught.

I bet good money that he stole the fishing set from the boat.

Media sides with the criminals over the innocent people here, fueling a lynch mob.

I keep coming back to the same question. Arbery knew the ex cop personally. If Arbery did not know the ex cop's status, he had to assume the ex cop is still a cop and has him in the act of committing a crime. Arbery's state of mind is a major issue. If, in Arbery's mind, he is running from a cop, the whole equation changes and helps put perspective on what happened. So Arbery don't live in the neighborhood. I doubt he kept up with the day to day lives of the cops who have arrested, investigated, and interrogated him.

Good question. I am not sure if they knew personally, or if he was only working on the case.

But it is clear he was fleeing either way. He also probably stole their gun and may have been thinking about that.

No, the ex cop and Arbery KNEW each other. The ex cop had investigated and interacted with Arbery in his official capacity as a LEO. I don't know how to articulate any better than that. Unless Arbery knew that the ex cop retired, in Arbery's mind, he was dealing with a cop that he KNEW. IF that is the case, Arbery's intentions are indisputable.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?
"Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news?"

Delusional dumbfuck...

I said almost any news. There is no national coverage of the story. Is the problem that the girl was not a criminal, or is it just her white skin tone?
if the two suspects were known and not bothered by the police for months, and only arrested after a video of the shooting emerged, then i would expect more coverage.
this however seems to be a solved case.

Total bullshit. These kinds of events probably happen much more often than you think. And it is in no way relevant, they had very good reason to dismiss the case.

If you actually look at which case plays to the racist narrative more strongly, obviously it's this case, or the one where black man gunned down white folks at a graveyard. The case was only brought to our attention to play the "WHITE MAN BAD" narrative, which is false. Blacks commit way more crime.

Why are you calling B.S. on my post. Do I not articulate my position good enough? Let me try again.

1) In this scenario, Arbery is known to be casing the neighborhood at least TWICE

2) Arbery wears jogging gear, but stops to look over a building site on more than one occasion

3) Arbery has a criminal record

4) The ex cop was a cop AND

5) Arbery knows the cop from previous criminal actions he was involved in ...SO

6) Arbery sees he's being chased by the same guy that has investigated him and is known to him as a cop

7) Does Arbery know that the cop retired? My guess is no since Arbery does not live in that neighborhood Soooo...

8) In Arbery's mind, he is eluding law enforcement

9) I've always been told that innocent people do not run from cops. Whether the ex cop was a cop or not is irrelevant in this argument. Arbery KNEW this man as a cop and, most likely, thought he was busted by cops that had gone undercover

10) Arbery ran and it looks like he did not stand down, but advance on the ex cop.

Now which of those do you disagree with? In that version, Arbery does not appear to be a mere victim. He appears to be a criminal using jogging as a cover for casing a neighborhood he did not live in. In his mind, he's not running from a couple of "rednecks" as some want us to believe. Arbery thought he was running from the cops.

Where do you think I'm getting this wrong?
Great, let's see your evidence Arbery knew what Gregory McMichael looked like....

"Glynn County, Georgia (CNN)One of the men accused in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was involved in a previous prosecution of Arbery, according to a letter written by a prosecutor who has since recused himself from the case.
In an April 7 letter, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill wrote that his son and the suspect, Gregory McMichael, helped with an earlier prosecution of Arbery when they both worked for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office

Now fuck off troll. When McMichael helped prosecute the case, he knew damn well what Arbery looks like since his rap sheet and picture accompanies all the documents. Arbery knew McMichael. Arbery knew McMichael - defendants know the principal parties involved. Ex cop, prosecutor in the District Attorney's office. You are playing semantics. That is all.

You dumbfuck, nothing in there says they even met. Just that McMichael helped prosecutors.

That's why I challenged you to try and prove your bullshit -- I already knew you couldn't.

I am not extrapolating anything, did you fail to read the 13 percent of people committing 50 percent of the crime? Official statistics, moron...

So for how long are you going to keep defending the burglar? Had he not tried to grab a gun,

You need a brain.

The real question is what did he INTEND to steal, the answer is any valuable item.
If I thought about robbing a bank, got my gun, drove to the branch, walked right up to the branch door, but then decided against it, drove home and said my you think I should be prosecuted and/or murdered for my transgression?

If you also charged at the cops who had guns... yes.

And clearly also, you were responsible for burglary and much worse.
We're talking about the INTENT as you so conspicuously communicated.

The so-called "charge" isn't relevant here.

So try answering my question again.

Please and thanks.
And there's the hammer found in the middle of the street.
Oh? Who found a hammer?

So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
"Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight."


You haven't seen the video, have you?

Describe how Arbery could have tackled the ex-cop.........

Tackled isn't the exact word, but clearly he was fighting with the ex-cop over the gun, and naturally was shot.

Thank you for not allowing the critics play semantics. If we change the dynamic a little and presume the cop was not retired and Arbery done the same, exact thing, most people would see it as a justifiable shooting. Arbery KNEW this ex cop. If he did not know that the ex cop was retired, then his motives are easily discerned. Arbery, lacking knowledge of the cops retirement status, will play a pivotal role in how this plays out.

The house had a no trespassing sign according to the owner. He committed burglary and knew he was caught.

I bet good money that he stole the fishing set from the boat.

Media sides with the criminals over the innocent people here, fueling a lynch mob.

I keep coming back to the same question. Arbery knew the ex cop personally. If Arbery did not know the ex cop's status, he had to assume the ex cop is still a cop and has him in the act of committing a crime. Arbery's state of mind is a major issue. If, in Arbery's mind, he is running from a cop, the whole equation changes and helps put perspective on what happened. So Arbery don't live in the neighborhood. I doubt he kept up with the day to day lives of the cops who have arrested, investigated, and interrogated him.

Good question. I am not sure if they knew personally, or if he was only working on the case.

But it is clear he was fleeing either way. He also probably stole their gun and may have been thinking about that.

No, the ex cop and Arbery KNEW each other. The ex cop had investigated and interacted with Arbery in his official capacity as a LEO. I don't know how to articulate any better than that. Unless Arbery knew that the ex cop retired, in Arbery's mind, he was dealing with a cop that he KNEW. IF that is the case, Arbery's intentions are indisputable.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?
"Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news?"

Delusional dumbfuck...

I said almost any news. There is no national coverage of the story. Is the problem that the girl was not a criminal, or is it just her white skin tone?
if the two suspects were known and not bothered by the police for months, and only arrested after a video of the shooting emerged, then i would expect more coverage.
this however seems to be a solved case.

Total bullshit. These kinds of events probably happen much more often than you think. And it is in no way relevant, they had very good reason to dismiss the case.

If you actually look at which case plays to the racist narrative more strongly, obviously it's this case, or the one where black man gunned down white folks at a graveyard. The case was only brought to our attention to play the "WHITE MAN BAD" narrative, which is false. Blacks commit way more crime.

Why are you calling B.S. on my post. Do I not articulate my position good enough? Let me try again.

1) In this scenario, Arbery is known to be casing the neighborhood at least TWICE

2) Arbery wears jogging gear, but stops to look over a building site on more than one occasion

3) Arbery has a criminal record

4) The ex cop was a cop AND

5) Arbery knows the cop from previous criminal actions he was involved in ...SO

6) Arbery sees he's being chased by the same guy that has investigated him and is known to him as a cop

7) Does Arbery know that the cop retired? My guess is no since Arbery does not live in that neighborhood Soooo...

8) In Arbery's mind, he is eluding law enforcement

9) I've always been told that innocent people do not run from cops. Whether the ex cop was a cop or not is irrelevant in this argument. Arbery KNEW this man as a cop and, most likely, thought he was busted by cops that had gone undercover

10) Arbery ran and it looks like he did not stand down, but advance on the ex cop.

Now which of those do you disagree with? In that version, Arbery does not appear to be a mere victim. He appears to be a criminal using jogging as a cover for casing a neighborhood he did not live in. In his mind, he's not running from a couple of "rednecks" as some want us to believe. Arbery thought he was running from the cops.

Where do you think I'm getting this wrong?
Great, let's see your evidence Arbery knew what Gregory McMichael looked like....

"Glynn County, Georgia (CNN)One of the men accused in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was involved in a previous prosecution of Arbery, according to a letter written by a prosecutor who has since recused himself from the case.
In an April 7 letter, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill wrote that his son and the suspect, Gregory McMichael, helped with an earlier prosecution of Arbery when they both worked for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office

Now fuck off troll. When McMichael helped prosecute the case, he knew damn well what Arbery looks like since his rap sheet and picture accompanies all the documents. Arbery knew McMichael. Arbery knew McMichael - defendants know the principal parties involved. Ex cop, prosecutor in the District Attorney's office. You are playing semantics. That is all.

You dumbfuck, nothing in there says they even met. Just that McMichael helped prosecutors.

That's why I challenged you to try and prove your bullshit -- I already knew you couldn't.

I proved it you silly son of a bitch. No matter what is proven, you're in favor of defending criminals. Own up to what you are - a black racist (if you're white you're a reverse Oreo) and your challenge was met. YOU FAIL. I'm done arguing with idiots like you.
They will go to prison for good and no one feels the need to justify their actions.
No they wont. They'll be released on good behavior and murder someone else.

Those two will be vilified until they are charged with hate crimes and receive the death penalty. The idiots in favor of Arbery are so stupid, they're pissed that prosecutors recused themselves from the case. In other words, knowing the ex cop, they could be biased so they had a duty to pass this off to another prosecutor who did not know any of the parties involved.
^^^ Another strawman. Folks are pissed because he recused himself.... they're pissed because the McMichaels were not being charged with a crime after murdering Ahmaud Arbery.

You're being silly. Do you even know what a straw man is? Prosecutors are legally and ethically prohibited from working cases where they know any of the parties. It's called conflict of interest.
Yes, a straw man is a deflection from something which you can not argue against. You can't argue against a public that' s pissed because the McMichaels were not charged so you attempted to beat up your own straw man that people were pissed because that guy recused himself.


That made no sense at all.
People that support criminals never do make any sense.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.

No, because we're not stupid. I had a black cop pull his gun and point it at me through the window of my parked car, that I parked when he pulled me over.

I didn't hit the neanderthal button, and lunge at his gun. I remained a civilized human being, and said "What can I do for you sir?" And then obeyed every command he gave without question or protest.

If that kid had done the same thing, he would be alive today.

Last I checked these 2 cowards are not the police. Next.

Cowards don't fight off and shoot attackers, when they are attacked.

Cowards get courage when they have a gun in their hand.

If they had cried and handed over their guns when the little criminal bastard attacked them, then they would have been cowards.

The 2 racist criminal bastards asses are in jail.

I think the word you can't bring yourself to say is "Heros". Heros who wiped out some trash.

So 2 racist cowards who murderd an unarmed black man in your mind are heroes, that pretty much speaks for what kind of POS you are.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.

No, because we're not stupid. I had a black cop pull his gun and point it at me through the window of my parked car, that I parked when he pulled me over.

I didn't hit the neanderthal button, and lunge at his gun. I remained a civilized human being, and said "What can I do for you sir?" And then obeyed every command he gave without question or protest.

If that kid had done the same thing, he would be alive today.

Last I checked these 2 cowards are not the police. Next.

Cowards don't fight off and shoot attackers, when they are attacked.

Cowards get courage when they have a gun in their hand.

If they had cried and handed over their guns when the little criminal bastard attacked them, then they would have been cowards.

The 2 racist criminal bastards asses are in jail.

I think the word you can't bring yourself to say is "Heros". Heros who wiped out some trash.

So 2 racist cowards who murderd an unarmed black man in your mind are heroes, that pretty much speaks for what kind of POS you are.

The two American heroes upholding American law and defending their communities will be freed shortly.

Then they will sue the media for defamation and become millionaires. Because that's what heroes do.

They should receive a medal of honor for risking their lives to defend their community. These are the sons of America.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
"Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight."


You haven't seen the video, have you?

Describe how Arbery could have tackled the ex-cop.........

Tackled isn't the exact word, but clearly he was fighting with the ex-cop over the gun, and naturally was shot.

Thank you for not allowing the critics play semantics. If we change the dynamic a little and presume the cop was not retired and Arbery done the same, exact thing, most people would see it as a justifiable shooting. Arbery KNEW this ex cop. If he did not know that the ex cop was retired, then his motives are easily discerned. Arbery, lacking knowledge of the cops retirement status, will play a pivotal role in how this plays out.

The house had a no trespassing sign according to the owner. He committed burglary and knew he was caught.

I bet good money that he stole the fishing set from the boat.

Media sides with the criminals over the innocent people here, fueling a lynch mob.

I keep coming back to the same question. Arbery knew the ex cop personally. If Arbery did not know the ex cop's status, he had to assume the ex cop is still a cop and has him in the act of committing a crime. Arbery's state of mind is a major issue. If, in Arbery's mind, he is running from a cop, the whole equation changes and helps put perspective on what happened. So Arbery don't live in the neighborhood. I doubt he kept up with the day to day lives of the cops who have arrested, investigated, and interrogated him.

Good question. I am not sure if they knew personally, or if he was only working on the case.

But it is clear he was fleeing either way. He also probably stole their gun and may have been thinking about that.

No, the ex cop and Arbery KNEW each other. The ex cop had investigated and interacted with Arbery in his official capacity as a LEO. I don't know how to articulate any better than that. Unless Arbery knew that the ex cop retired, in Arbery's mind, he was dealing with a cop that he KNEW. IF that is the case, Arbery's intentions are indisputable.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?
"Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news?"

Delusional dumbfuck...

I said almost any news. There is no national coverage of the story. Is the problem that the girl was not a criminal, or is it just her white skin tone?
if the two suspects were known and not bothered by the police for months, and only arrested after a video of the shooting emerged, then i would expect more coverage.
this however seems to be a solved case.

Total bullshit. These kinds of events probably happen much more often than you think. And it is in no way relevant, they had very good reason to dismiss the case.

If you actually look at which case plays to the racist narrative more strongly, obviously it's this case, or the one where black man gunned down white folks at a graveyard. The case was only brought to our attention to play the "WHITE MAN BAD" narrative, which is false. Blacks commit way more crime.

Why are you calling B.S. on my post. Do I not articulate my position good enough? Let me try again.

1) In this scenario, Arbery is known to be casing the neighborhood at least TWICE

2) Arbery wears jogging gear, but stops to look over a building site on more than one occasion

3) Arbery has a criminal record

4) The ex cop was a cop AND

5) Arbery knows the cop from previous criminal actions he was involved in ...SO

6) Arbery sees he's being chased by the same guy that has investigated him and is known to him as a cop

7) Does Arbery know that the cop retired? My guess is no since Arbery does not live in that neighborhood Soooo...

8) In Arbery's mind, he is eluding law enforcement

9) I've always been told that innocent people do not run from cops. Whether the ex cop was a cop or not is irrelevant in this argument. Arbery KNEW this man as a cop and, most likely, thought he was busted by cops that had gone undercover

10) Arbery ran and it looks like he did not stand down, but advance on the ex cop.

Now which of those do you disagree with? In that version, Arbery does not appear to be a mere victim. He appears to be a criminal using jogging as a cover for casing a neighborhood he did not live in. In his mind, he's not running from a couple of "rednecks" as some want us to believe. Arbery thought he was running from the cops.

Where do you think I'm getting this wrong?
Great, let's see your evidence Arbery knew what Gregory McMichael looked like....

"Glynn County, Georgia (CNN)One of the men accused in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was involved in a previous prosecution of Arbery, according to a letter written by a prosecutor who has since recused himself from the case.
In an April 7 letter, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill wrote that his son and the suspect, Gregory McMichael, helped with an earlier prosecution of Arbery when they both worked for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office

Now fuck off troll. When McMichael helped prosecute the case, he knew damn well what Arbery looks like since his rap sheet and picture accompanies all the documents. Arbery knew McMichael. Arbery knew McMichael - defendants know the principal parties involved. Ex cop, prosecutor in the District Attorney's office. You are playing semantics. That is all.

You dumbfuck, nothing in there says they even met. Just that McMichael helped prosecutors.

That's why I challenged you to try and prove your bullshit -- I already knew you couldn't.

I proved it you silly son of a bitch. No matter what is proven, you're in favor of defending criminals. Own up to what you are - a black racist (if you're white you're a reverse Oreo) and your challenge was met. YOU FAIL. I'm done arguing with idiots like you.

You proved you're a moron, that's all you proved. You're claiming Arbery recognized McMichael as a cop -- and as evidence of that, you post a link to an article that doesn't even say they ever met.

What is it with black people and shoes? I have never heard of any other class of people who steal shoes and kill to steal shoes. 10 and 11 year old children have been killed for their shoes. Shoes are stripped from the dead. Why? What is it about shoes that drives black people to murder?

Professional sports. The modern gladiator is not much different from the ancient gladiator except that most, but not all, survive the games. In order to keep the masses distracted from the machinations of government, we train and send our children to fight in the games, killing many of them every year, and elevate the fame and the names of our favorite gladiators until the masses are joining the games by killing for trinkets designed to celebrate the gladiators.
People that support criminals never do make any sense.

People who don't defend the rights of all people make no sense.

In another thread, are you talking about how unfair a certain judge is for refusing to defend the rights of General Flynn? I'll bet you are. According to that judge and many others (not me) Flynn is a criminal. They decided it and they don't think that, as a suspected criminal, he deserves to have his rights protected.

Please never again, as long as you live unless you openly and publicly acknowledge your error, pretend to be a conservative; you are not. Conservatives defend the rights of everyone, even suspected criminals. If one right from one man can be taken then there's nothing preventing government from taking any or all rights from any or all men.
People that support criminals never do make any sense.

People who don't defend the rights of all people make no sense.

In another thread, are you talking about how unfair a certain judge is for refusing to defend the rights of General Flynn? I'll bet you are. According to that judge and many others (not me) Flynn is a criminal. They decided it and they don't think that, as a suspected criminal, he deserves to have his rights protected.

Please never again, as long as you live unless you openly and publicly acknowledge your error, pretend to be a conservative; you are not. Conservatives defend the rights of everyone, even suspected criminals. If one right from one man can be taken then there's nothing preventing government from taking any or all rights from any or all men.
General Flynn pled guilty to crimes Levant.
I am not extrapolating anything, did you fail to read the 13 percent of people committing 50 percent of the crime? Official statistics, moron...

So for how long are you going to keep defending the burglar? Had he not tried to grab a gun,

You need a brain.

The real question is what did he INTEND to steal, the answer is any valuable item.
If I thought about robbing a bank, got my gun, drove to the branch, walked right up to the branch door, but then decided against it, drove home and said my you think I should be prosecuted and/or murdered for my transgression?
Then Norman's "intent" argument is bogus, correct?
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.

No, because we're not stupid. I had a black cop pull his gun and point it at me through the window of my parked car, that I parked when he pulled me over.

I didn't hit the neanderthal button, and lunge at his gun. I remained a civilized human being, and said "What can I do for you sir?" And then obeyed every command he gave without question or protest.

If that kid had done the same thing, he would be alive today.

Last I checked these 2 cowards are not the police. Next.

Cowards don't fight off and shoot attackers, when they are attacked.

Cowards get courage when they have a gun in their hand.

If they had cried and handed over their guns when the little criminal bastard attacked them, then they would have been cowards.

The 2 racist criminal bastards asses are in jail.

I think the word you can't bring yourself to say is "Heros". Heros who wiped out some trash.

So 2 racist cowards who murderd an unarmed black man in your mind are heroes, that pretty much speaks for what kind of POS you are.

The two American heroes upholding American law and defending their communities will be freed shortly.

Then they will sue the media for defamation and become millionaires. Because that's what heroes do.

They should receive a medal of honor for risking their lives to defend their community. These are the sons of America.

Yea and then they will go to DisneyLand.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
"Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight."


You haven't seen the video, have you?

Describe how Arbery could have tackled the ex-cop.........

Tackled isn't the exact word, but clearly he was fighting with the ex-cop over the gun, and naturally was shot.

Thank you for not allowing the critics play semantics. If we change the dynamic a little and presume the cop was not retired and Arbery done the same, exact thing, most people would see it as a justifiable shooting. Arbery KNEW this ex cop. If he did not know that the ex cop was retired, then his motives are easily discerned. Arbery, lacking knowledge of the cops retirement status, will play a pivotal role in how this plays out.

The house had a no trespassing sign according to the owner. He committed burglary and knew he was caught.

I bet good money that he stole the fishing set from the boat.

Media sides with the criminals over the innocent people here, fueling a lynch mob.

I keep coming back to the same question. Arbery knew the ex cop personally. If Arbery did not know the ex cop's status, he had to assume the ex cop is still a cop and has him in the act of committing a crime. Arbery's state of mind is a major issue. If, in Arbery's mind, he is running from a cop, the whole equation changes and helps put perspective on what happened. So Arbery don't live in the neighborhood. I doubt he kept up with the day to day lives of the cops who have arrested, investigated, and interrogated him.

Good question. I am not sure if they knew personally, or if he was only working on the case.

But it is clear he was fleeing either way. He also probably stole their gun and may have been thinking about that.

No, the ex cop and Arbery KNEW each other. The ex cop had investigated and interacted with Arbery in his official capacity as a LEO. I don't know how to articulate any better than that. Unless Arbery knew that the ex cop retired, in Arbery's mind, he was dealing with a cop that he KNEW. IF that is the case, Arbery's intentions are indisputable.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?
"Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news?"

Delusional dumbfuck...

I said almost any news. There is no national coverage of the story. Is the problem that the girl was not a criminal, or is it just her white skin tone?
if the two suspects were known and not bothered by the police for months, and only arrested after a video of the shooting emerged, then i would expect more coverage.
this however seems to be a solved case.

Total bullshit. These kinds of events probably happen much more often than you think. And it is in no way relevant, they had very good reason to dismiss the case.

If you actually look at which case plays to the racist narrative more strongly, obviously it's this case, or the one where black man gunned down white folks at a graveyard. The case was only brought to our attention to play the "WHITE MAN BAD" narrative, which is false. Blacks commit way more crime.

Why are you calling B.S. on my post. Do I not articulate my position good enough? Let me try again.

1) In this scenario, Arbery is known to be casing the neighborhood at least TWICE

2) Arbery wears jogging gear, but stops to look over a building site on more than one occasion

3) Arbery has a criminal record

4) The ex cop was a cop AND

5) Arbery knows the cop from previous criminal actions he was involved in ...SO

6) Arbery sees he's being chased by the same guy that has investigated him and is known to him as a cop

7) Does Arbery know that the cop retired? My guess is no since Arbery does not live in that neighborhood Soooo...

8) In Arbery's mind, he is eluding law enforcement

9) I've always been told that innocent people do not run from cops. Whether the ex cop was a cop or not is irrelevant in this argument. Arbery KNEW this man as a cop and, most likely, thought he was busted by cops that had gone undercover

10) Arbery ran and it looks like he did not stand down, but advance on the ex cop.

Now which of those do you disagree with? In that version, Arbery does not appear to be a mere victim. He appears to be a criminal using jogging as a cover for casing a neighborhood he did not live in. In his mind, he's not running from a couple of "rednecks" as some want us to believe. Arbery thought he was running from the cops.

Where do you think I'm getting this wrong?
Great, let's see your evidence Arbery knew what Gregory McMichael looked like....

"Glynn County, Georgia (CNN)One of the men accused in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was involved in a previous prosecution of Arbery, according to a letter written by a prosecutor who has since recused himself from the case.
In an April 7 letter, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill wrote that his son and the suspect, Gregory McMichael, helped with an earlier prosecution of Arbery when they both worked for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office

Now fuck off troll. When McMichael helped prosecute the case, he knew damn well what Arbery looks like since his rap sheet and picture accompanies all the documents. Arbery knew McMichael. Arbery knew McMichael - defendants know the principal parties involved. Ex cop, prosecutor in the District Attorney's office. You are playing semantics. That is all.

You dumbfuck, nothing in there says they even met. Just that McMichael helped prosecutors.

That's why I challenged you to try and prove your bullshit -- I already knew you couldn't.

I proved it you silly son of a bitch. No matter what is proven, you're in favor of defending criminals. Own up to what you are - a black racist (if you're white you're a reverse Oreo) and your challenge was met. YOU FAIL. I'm done arguing with idiots like you.

You proved you're a moron, that's all you proved. You're claiming Arbery recognized McMichael as a cop -- and as evidence of that, you post a link to an article that doesn't even say they ever met.


Early reports in the news referred to him as an ex cop.

"The Georgia ex-cop charged in Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting death lost his police certification for failing to complete mandatory use-of-force and firearms training, according to a new report."

You've been proven to be a total dumb ass TWICE. Wanna go three for three? And you're a lying of son of a bitch the next time you claim that what I said was not what the media reported.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.

No, because we're not stupid. I had a black cop pull his gun and point it at me through the window of my parked car, that I parked when he pulled me over.

I didn't hit the neanderthal button, and lunge at his gun. I remained a civilized human being, and said "What can I do for you sir?" And then obeyed every command he gave without question or protest.

If that kid had done the same thing, he would be alive today.

Last I checked these 2 cowards are not the police. Next.

Cowards don't fight off and shoot attackers, when they are attacked.

Cowards get courage when they have a gun in their hand.

If they had cried and handed over their guns when the little criminal bastard attacked them, then they would have been cowards.

The 2 racist criminal bastards asses are in jail.

I think the word you can't bring yourself to say is "Heros". Heros who wiped out some trash.

So 2 racist cowards who murderd an unarmed black man in your mind are heroes, that pretty much speaks for what kind of POS you are.

The two American heroes upholding American law and defending their communities will be freed shortly.

Then they will sue the media for defamation and become millionaires. Because that's what heroes do.

They should receive a medal of honor for risking their lives to defend their community. These are the sons of America.

Yea and then they will go to DisneyLand.

Disneyland sucks. I'd sell the tickets before going.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.

No, because we're not stupid. I had a black cop pull his gun and point it at me through the window of my parked car, that I parked when he pulled me over.

I didn't hit the neanderthal button, and lunge at his gun. I remained a civilized human being, and said "What can I do for you sir?" And then obeyed every command he gave without question or protest.

If that kid had done the same thing, he would be alive today.

Last I checked these 2 cowards are not the police. Next.

Cowards don't fight off and shoot attackers, when they are attacked.

Cowards get courage when they have a gun in their hand.

If they had cried and handed over their guns when the little criminal bastard attacked them, then they would have been cowards.

The 2 racist criminal bastards asses are in jail.

I think the word you can't bring yourself to say is "Heros". Heros who wiped out some trash.

So 2 racist cowards who murderd an unarmed black man in your mind are heroes, that pretty much speaks for what kind of POS you are.

Cowards get courage when they have a gun in their hand.

You tell me. Which were the cowards, the three black men with guns, or the little 5 foot Asian woman?

No, coward criminal scum, are always cowards with or without guns.

Hero's fight off criminal scum with guns. Nothing cowardly about it.

Sorry, but your claim that courage comes with having a gun in their hands... tell that to your black roaches that ran from the light of one 5 foot tall Asian woman.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
"Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight."


You haven't seen the video, have you?

Describe how Arbery could have tackled the ex-cop.........

Tackled isn't the exact word, but clearly he was fighting with the ex-cop over the gun, and naturally was shot.

Thank you for not allowing the critics play semantics. If we change the dynamic a little and presume the cop was not retired and Arbery done the same, exact thing, most people would see it as a justifiable shooting. Arbery KNEW this ex cop. If he did not know that the ex cop was retired, then his motives are easily discerned. Arbery, lacking knowledge of the cops retirement status, will play a pivotal role in how this plays out.

The house had a no trespassing sign according to the owner. He committed burglary and knew he was caught.

I bet good money that he stole the fishing set from the boat.

Media sides with the criminals over the innocent people here, fueling a lynch mob.

I keep coming back to the same question. Arbery knew the ex cop personally. If Arbery did not know the ex cop's status, he had to assume the ex cop is still a cop and has him in the act of committing a crime. Arbery's state of mind is a major issue. If, in Arbery's mind, he is running from a cop, the whole equation changes and helps put perspective on what happened. So Arbery don't live in the neighborhood. I doubt he kept up with the day to day lives of the cops who have arrested, investigated, and interrogated him.

Good question. I am not sure if they knew personally, or if he was only working on the case.

But it is clear he was fleeing either way. He also probably stole their gun and may have been thinking about that.

No, the ex cop and Arbery KNEW each other. The ex cop had investigated and interacted with Arbery in his official capacity as a LEO. I don't know how to articulate any better than that. Unless Arbery knew that the ex cop retired, in Arbery's mind, he was dealing with a cop that he KNEW. IF that is the case, Arbery's intentions are indisputable.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?
"Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news?"

Delusional dumbfuck...

I said almost any news. There is no national coverage of the story. Is the problem that the girl was not a criminal, or is it just her white skin tone?
if the two suspects were known and not bothered by the police for months, and only arrested after a video of the shooting emerged, then i would expect more coverage.
this however seems to be a solved case.

Total bullshit. These kinds of events probably happen much more often than you think. And it is in no way relevant, they had very good reason to dismiss the case.

If you actually look at which case plays to the racist narrative more strongly, obviously it's this case, or the one where black man gunned down white folks at a graveyard. The case was only brought to our attention to play the "WHITE MAN BAD" narrative, which is false. Blacks commit way more crime.

Why are you calling B.S. on my post. Do I not articulate my position good enough? Let me try again.

1) In this scenario, Arbery is known to be casing the neighborhood at least TWICE

2) Arbery wears jogging gear, but stops to look over a building site on more than one occasion

3) Arbery has a criminal record

4) The ex cop was a cop AND

5) Arbery knows the cop from previous criminal actions he was involved in ...SO

6) Arbery sees he's being chased by the same guy that has investigated him and is known to him as a cop

7) Does Arbery know that the cop retired? My guess is no since Arbery does not live in that neighborhood Soooo...

8) In Arbery's mind, he is eluding law enforcement

9) I've always been told that innocent people do not run from cops. Whether the ex cop was a cop or not is irrelevant in this argument. Arbery KNEW this man as a cop and, most likely, thought he was busted by cops that had gone undercover

10) Arbery ran and it looks like he did not stand down, but advance on the ex cop.

Now which of those do you disagree with? In that version, Arbery does not appear to be a mere victim. He appears to be a criminal using jogging as a cover for casing a neighborhood he did not live in. In his mind, he's not running from a couple of "rednecks" as some want us to believe. Arbery thought he was running from the cops.

Where do you think I'm getting this wrong?
Great, let's see your evidence Arbery knew what Gregory McMichael looked like....

"Glynn County, Georgia (CNN)One of the men accused in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was involved in a previous prosecution of Arbery, according to a letter written by a prosecutor who has since recused himself from the case.
In an April 7 letter, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill wrote that his son and the suspect, Gregory McMichael, helped with an earlier prosecution of Arbery when they both worked for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office

Now fuck off troll. When McMichael helped prosecute the case, he knew damn well what Arbery looks like since his rap sheet and picture accompanies all the documents. Arbery knew McMichael. Arbery knew McMichael - defendants know the principal parties involved. Ex cop, prosecutor in the District Attorney's office. You are playing semantics. That is all.

You dumbfuck, nothing in there says they even met. Just that McMichael helped prosecutors.

That's why I challenged you to try and prove your bullshit -- I already knew you couldn't.

I proved it you silly son of a bitch. No matter what is proven, you're in favor of defending criminals. Own up to what you are - a black racist (if you're white you're a reverse Oreo) and your challenge was met. YOU FAIL. I'm done arguing with idiots like you.

You proved you're a moron, that's all you proved. You're claiming Arbery recognized McMichael as a cop -- and as evidence of that, you post a link to an article that doesn't even say they ever met.


Early reports in the news referred to him as an ex cop.

"The Georgia ex-cop charged in Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting death lost his police certification for failing to complete mandatory use-of-force and firearms training, according to a new report."

You've been proven to be a total dumb ass TWICE. Wanna go three for three? And you're a lying of son of a bitch the next time you claim that what I said was not what the media reported.
He/she is a distractor, not on to debate or present any facts. Why it’s on ignore. Useless bantering

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