TWO clear-cut examples of right wing hypocrisy......SHAME !!

Holder got a Contempt of Congress medal for being Obama's wingman. Maybe Barr can get one too!!

Is hypocrisy the same as a double-standard? <g>

Congress got the documents they sought. Holder did not get appointed because Obama needed cover from the false narrative and phony scandal dubbed Fast and Furious.
Congress got the documents they sought.
Obama claimed Executive Privilege, they did not get what they wanted.

The courts overruled his claim. The documents didn't have the damning information on Holder they had hoped for.
Holder got a Contempt of Congress medal for being Obama's wingman. Maybe Barr can get one too!!

Is hypocrisy the same as a double-standard? <g>

Congress got the documents they sought. Holder did not get appointed because Obama needed cover from the false narrative and phony scandal dubbed Fast and Furious.
Congress got the documents they sought.
Obama claimed Executive Privilege, they did not get what they wanted.

The courts overruled his claim. The documents didn't have the damning information on Holder they had hoped for.
I don't think they were worried about Holder.
Holder got a Contempt of Congress medal for being Obama's wingman. Maybe Barr can get one too!!

Is hypocrisy the same as a double-standard? <g>

Congress got the documents they sought. Holder did not get appointed because Obama needed cover from the false narrative and phony scandal dubbed Fast and Furious.

Tell that stupid comment to the Terry family, and the other innocents killed with those F&F weapons.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Guns don't kill people. Hell, even AZ's lax gun laws don't kill people. Why don't you blame
Smith & Wesson while you're at it!

People who order agents to use "bean bag" shot at armed suspects do get people killed.
Holder got a Contempt of Congress medal for being Obama's wingman. Maybe Barr can get one too!!

Is hypocrisy the same as a double-standard? <g>

Congress got the documents they sought. Holder did not get appointed because Obama needed cover from the false narrative and phony scandal dubbed Fast and Furious.
Congress got the documents they sought.
Obama claimed Executive Privilege, they did not get what they wanted.

The courts overruled his claim. The documents didn't have the damning information on Holder they had hoped for.
I don't think they were worried about Holder.

They figured if Holder knew about it, he would have told the President.
Congress got the documents they sought. Holder did not get appointed because Obama needed cover from the false narrative and phony scandal dubbed Fast and Furious.

That kind of SOUND LOGIC will never penetrate the half brains of Trump ass kissers.....Good thing that they only make up a third of voters so that we will soon be rid of this social and moral stain on our nation and republic.

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