Two Climate Protesters Shot Dead

Libs don’t work much so don’t have cars much. If they did both they would comprehend the illegality and frustration of having you vehicle blocked by simpletons on their “mission” Have an emergency situation in your car and those ass wipes become like sticks in the road.
Libs don’t work much so don’t have cars much. If they did both they would comprehend the illegality and frustration of having you vehicle blocked by simpletons on their “mission” Have an emergency situation in your car and those ass wipes become like sticks in the road.
White wing sissies talk a big game.
Tribes lmao. Same ole BS Mac.

When you gonna own up to being with the left?


This is not a right or left thing, this has nothing to do with Americna polotics at all.

But you fucking people are so damned ignorant you think everything revolves around you love of your chosen party

If you had a lick of sense you would be embarrassed, but instead you are proud of your ignorance
Libs don’t work much so don’t have cars much. If they did both they would comprehend the illegality and frustration of having you vehicle blocked by simpletons on their “mission” Have an emergency situation in your car and those ass wipes become like sticks in the road.

Another mindless partisan drone proudly displaying their ignorance and thinks this is some how tied to American politics
There is no hypocrisy, they were not protesting due to global warming.

There are two issues at play, the biggest being that the Panamanian Govt is letting outside companies exploit their natural resources and the people of the country are getting very little in return. They see it as a repeat of the Canal.

Then there are some that want the mine closed because it is a giant scar on the countryside.

Would you want this in your back yard....

View attachment 856682
Where you see a problem? Many folks see an opportunity.

I know we have a lot of conservatives that only want to favor international capitol, I am not one of those.

Any time economic activity affects the global commons, that is why we have government regulation of economic activity. . . to safeguard the rights of the community.

But? Only a fool would deny that the free-market brings prosperity to the poor and the middle classes. Scientists and engineers, with the assistance of economists and policy makers can craft suitable legislation to extract those resources, create jobs for the local economy, tax the companies doing it, and create even MORE jobs to restore the environment close to its previous condition, making it a win-win situation for all involved.

This does not need to be a zero sum gain situation IMO.

Is this location of the world a rich place? Are these protestors speaking for all the population in how they are engaging in political action?

Growing Mineral Demands Mean Jobs and Career Opportunities​

The Effects of Strip Mining and Possible Solutions

Solutions to Strip Mining

". . . Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the negative effects of strip mining. These include:

– Reclamation efforts that involve restoring mined areas through techniques such as tree planting and erosion control.

– Adopting strict regulations that require mining companies to adhere to environmental standards and ensure the protection of local wildlife and resources.

– Implementing more sustainable mining practices, such as subsurface mining and underground drilling, which minimize surface disturbance.

– Educating local communities on the potential impacts of strip mining and encouraging them to be involved in decision-making processes related to the operation.. . . ."

If cleaning up after coal mines shut down can provide jobs, then perhaps specially created government funds, could possibly provide for jobs, long after the resource is depleted. An added benefit? This would reduce folks down south pressure to move north for jobs. .
But? Only a fool would deny that the free-market brings prosperity to the poor and the middle classes. Scientists and engineers, with the assistance of economists and policy makers can craft suitable legislation to extract those resources, create jobs for the local economy, tax the companies doing it, and create even MORE jobs to restore the environment close to its previous condition, making it a win-win situation for all involved.

Yet, the Govt of Panama did none of that, thus the people are pissed off.

The signed off on the new deal in private and the people of the country did not even find out about it till after the fact.

Solutions to Strip Mining

". . . Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the negative effects of strip mining. These include:

– Reclamation efforts that involve restoring mined areas through techniques such as tree planting and erosion control.

– Adopting strict regulations that require mining companies to adhere to environmental standards and ensure the protection of local wildlife and resources.

– Implementing more sustainable mining practices, such as subsurface mining and underground drilling, which minimize surface disturbance.

– Educating local communities on the potential impacts of strip mining and encouraging them to be involved in decision-making processes related to the operation.. . . ."

And you of course would be 100% cool with such a mine within 20 miles or so of your home?
White wing sissies talk a big game.
The people driving on the highways when this happens are not owners of 200-thousand-dollar cars and going home to expensive mansions. All of this is being filed in the recesses of their craniums until they have had enough. The key is the Progs wising up. up to now they are to hardheaded even if they see their own lives threatened from groups within their own party.
The people driving on the highways when this happens are not owners of 200-thousand-dollar cars and going home to expensive mansions. All of this is being filed in the recesses of their craniums until they have had enough. The key is the Progs wising up. up to now they are to hardheaded even if they see their own lives threatened from groups within their own party.
The key is throwing everyone in prison who thinks and acts on the idea that killing people is acceptable relief from blocked traffic.
The signed off on the new deal in private and the people of the country did not even find out about it till after the fact.
.. . and these Open Society protestors are protesting the company and not the government. . .

hmmmm. . . seems everything Westwall has been saying about you is true.

And you of course would be 100% cool with such a mine within 20 miles or so of your home?

. . . I wasn't really cool with the casino being built, but shit happens.

It brought jobs and prosperity, so, life goes on.
Libs don’t work much so don’t have cars much. If they did both they would comprehend the illegality and frustration of having you vehicle blocked by simpletons on their “mission” Have an emergency situation in your car and those ass wipes become like sticks in the road.
I think a lot of bed wetters are afraid to operate a vehicle.
And you of course would be 100% cool with such a mine within 20 miles or so of your home?

Yeah, I would. My business was involved in the research that led to the legislation governing strip mine reclamation.

It's a hell of a job. The first efforts were long on promises, but real short on results. We have worked for 40 years to come up with methodologies to make reclamation work.

Ultimately that's the biggest problem with EV technology, it only works with strip mining.
Libs don’t work much so don’t have cars much. If they did both they would comprehend the illegality and frustration of having you vehicle blocked by simpletons on their “mission” Have an emergency situation in your car and those ass wipes become like sticks in the road.

In Panama?

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