Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

There's so much evidence against Trump and his entire inner-circle for working with Russia to take down our democracy that there's no question these fuckers are going down.

Easyt65 is just a liar that is so brainwashed by rushfatblob that he can't even start to consider the reality staring him in the face. And I am being nice by saying this as it is possible that he is a troll for russia.

So that is why Mueller indicted those two on charges completely unrelated to Trump? Yeah, that makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.
You're wrong there, the server was set up the day AFTER she accepted the appointment to SOS. IF it had been in place years before you might have something.

I hate to hand you your ass, but take this. ASS
Timeline of Clinton email server setup

The timeline is as follows:

June 2008: An Apple representative installs a private server in the basement of the Clintons' Chappaqua home - hosts the & private email domains.

Fall 2008: Clinton aide Justin Cooper – at the suggestion of Huma Abedin – contacts IT specialist Bryan Pagliano about building a new server to host a private Hillary Clinton email domain and to maintain that server (separate from the Apple server).

Fall 2008 to January 2009: Bryan Pagliano uses hardware from Clinton's presidential campaign headquarters and commercially bought equipment to construct the new server.

From you link:

January 2009: HRC decides to stop using her BlackBerry email account ([email protected]) and directs aides to create a new private domain ( That domain is hosted on the Clinton's Apple server maintained by Cooper.

1/13/2009: The domain registered with Network Solutions. Clinton aide Justin Cooper is listed as the domain's point of contact.

Mid-to-late January 2009: Clinton transitions to the newly created [email protected] account. At this time she stopped using her BlackBerry email account as her primary address.

1/21/2009: Hillary Clinton sworn in as Secretary of State.

She had already accepted the nomination before the domain was registered. Hardware without a domain is just a boat anchor. And note they didn't give the exact date of the transition. Also what makes you think she didn't know in advance she was going to be nominated, like in the fall 2008?

. Clinton is the stake in Muellers investigation in trying to convict Trump, because him and Comey have ignored the mountain of evidence against Hillary Clinton his darling Miss Ma Barker and her gang.
Talk about a circus.. Good grief.. Where can I sign up to get free money with all these Demon-crats ??

here, let me prove to you why you are considered a fucking idiot........

Is this thread about Trump....Or...Clinton???

Has Mueller been entrusted to investigate Trump.....Or .....Clinton???

With a freaking majority in both chambers of congress whose job is to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate......Trump.......Or investigate.........Clinton???

Answer the above questions and you'll be just a bit less of a moron (or, of course, go to bed....LOL)
Fall 2008 to January 2009: Bryan Pagliano uses hardware from Clinton's presidential campaign headquarters and commercially bought equipment to construct the new server.

From you link:

January 2009: HRC decides to stop using her BlackBerry email account ([email protected]) and directs aides to create a new private domain ( That domain is hosted on the Clinton's Apple server maintained by Cooper.

1/13/2009: The domain registered with Network Solutions. Clinton aide Justin Cooper is listed as the domain's point of contact.

Mid-to-late January 2009: Clinton transitions to the newly created [email protected] account. At this time she stopped using her BlackBerry email account as her primary address.

1/21/2009: Hillary Clinton sworn in as Secretary of State.

She had already accepted the nomination before the domain was registered. Hardware without a domain is just a boat anchor. And note they didn't give the exact date of the transition. Also what makes you think she didn't know in advance she was going to be nominated, like in the fall 2008?


YUP, Clinton planned and build the server BEFORE being nominated to SOS.

When she transitioned means nothing, you were talking INTENT, which is proved by building it before the nomination.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but BOOM. No intent.
. Clinton is the stake in Muellers investigation in trying to convict Trump, because him and Comey have ignored the mountain of evidence against Hillary Clinton his darling Miss Ma Barker and her gang.
Talk about a circus.. Good grief.. Where can I sign up to get free money with all these Demon-crats ??

here, let me prove to you why you are considered a fucking idiot........

Is this thread about Trump....Or...Clinton???

Has Mueller been entrusted to investigate Trump.....Or .....Clinton???

With a freaking majority in both chambers of congress whose job is to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate......Trump.......Or investigate.........Clinton???

Answer the above questions and you'll be just a bit less of a moron (or, of course, go to bed....LOL)

Considering the Steele dossier Mueller my very well wind up right in the middle of the bitch and the DNC. Ya just don't know where he will go, but it is all connected.

Fall 2008 to January 2009: Bryan Pagliano uses hardware from Clinton's presidential campaign headquarters and commercially bought equipment to construct the new server.

From you link:

January 2009: HRC decides to stop using her BlackBerry email account ([email protected]) and directs aides to create a new private domain ( That domain is hosted on the Clinton's Apple server maintained by Cooper.

1/13/2009: The domain registered with Network Solutions. Clinton aide Justin Cooper is listed as the domain's point of contact.

Mid-to-late January 2009: Clinton transitions to the newly created [email protected] account. At this time she stopped using her BlackBerry email account as her primary address.

1/21/2009: Hillary Clinton sworn in as Secretary of State.

She had already accepted the nomination before the domain was registered. Hardware without a domain is just a boat anchor. And note they didn't give the exact date of the transition. Also what makes you think she didn't know in advance she was going to be nominated, like in the fall 2008?


YUP, Clinton planned and build the server BEFORE being nominated to SOS.

When she transitioned means nothing, you were talking INTENT, which is proved by building it before the nomination.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but BOOM. No intent.

Keep telling yourself that, BTW when are you going to address the issue raised in post 437, you seem to have just passed right over that one.

Considering the Steele dossier Mueller my very well wind up right in the middle of the bitch and the DNC. Ya just don't know where he will go, but it is all connected.

You right wingers simply REFUSE t accept that Mueller is only partially looking at "collusion" and the "dossier"..........The MAIN objective of his probe is to prove OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by Trump and his entourage of incompetents.....

The above stated......feel free to go back to blabbering about the Steele dossier.
YUP, Clinton planned and build the server BEFORE being nominated to SOS.

When she transitioned means nothing, you were talking INTENT, which is proved by building it before the nomination.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but BOOM. No intent.

Keep telling yourself that, BTW when are you going to address the issue raised in post 437, you seem to have just passed right over that one.

Why are you deflecting from the lack of intent shown by when the server was built? You said building it showed intent to bypass FOIA and federal records act requirements.. Even though it was build before she was even considered for a cabinet position.
Considering the Steele dossier Mueller my very well wind up right in the middle of the bitch and the DNC. Ya just don't know where he will go, but it is all connected.

You right wingers simply REFUSE t accept that Mueller is only partially looking at "collusion" and the "dossier"..........The MAIN objective of his probe is to prove OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by Trump and his entourage of incompetents.....

The above stated......feel free to go back to blabbering about the Steele dossier.

So you're saying Mueller has completely abandoned his charter of completing Comey's investigation? You know, the one Comey said multiple times Trump was not a target of.

YUP, Clinton planned and build the server BEFORE being nominated to SOS.

When she transitioned means nothing, you were talking INTENT, which is proved by building it before the nomination.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but BOOM. No intent.

Keep telling yourself that, BTW when are you going to address the issue raised in post 437, you seem to have just passed right over that one.

Why are you deflecting from the lack of intent shown by when the server was built? You said building it showed intent to bypass FOIA and federal records act requirements.. Even though it was build before she was even considered for a cabinet position.

Prove that, you don't know what was communicated to the bitch during the transition, like in the fall of 2008 after the election when they started to build the hardware. There was a reason for weiners bitch to suggest a separate server. Of course maobama couldn't make the nomination official until just before the inauguration and the server didn't go on line until after she officially accepted. So keep pretending is wasn't premeditated if it makes you feel better.

Edit, seems I was a little wrong on my time line. It was reported by the NYT on Nov 21, 2008 that the bitch was going to accept the nomination for SOS, just about the time they started putting the server together.

Clinton Is Said to Accept Offer of Secretary of State Position

Now back to post 437, care to address that felony?

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Two ex-Watergate prosecutors who have no idea what evidence there is (if any) agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’
Fixed it for you.

NO.......what these prosecutors are basing their assessment on are TWO already proven factors.....

1. Trump asking Comey to "cut Flynn a break" (and when Comey refused, Trump fired him.

2. Trump telling the damn Russians in May of this year that he had fired the "nut job" FBI Director Comey to ease the pressure of the mounting investigation into his campaign's ties to Russia.

The above is a prima facie evidence that Trump tried to OBSTRUCT the course of Justice.....

So, although a prosecution of Trump is unlikely, the main value of any evidence of criminal acts such as obstruction of justice would be as the basis of articles of impeachment drafted by house lawmakers.

The Senate would hold a trial on any articles of impeachment that pass the House, with a two-thirds Senate majority needed for removal from office.
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So you're saying Mueller has completely abandoned his charter of completing Comey's investigation? You know, the one Comey said multiple times Trump was not a target of.

I cannot help your lack of reading comprehension.....Really, I wish I could do it, but its not worth my time.
So you're saying Mueller has completely abandoned his charter of completing Comey's investigation? You know, the one Comey said multiple times Trump was not a target of.

I cannot help your lack of reading comprehension.....Really, I wish I could do it, but its not worth my time.

The American taliban is only ever so slightly above the islamic state member. They're truly braindead and incapable of critical thought to levels that are truly sad.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors who have no idea what evidence there is (if any) agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’
Fixed it for you.

NO.......what these prosecutors are basing their assessment on are TWO already proven factors.....

1. Trump asking Comey to "cut Flynn a break" (and when Comey refused, Trump fired him.

2. Trump telling the damn Russians in May of this year that he had fired the "nut job" FBI Director Comey to ease the pressure of the mounting investigation into his campaign's ties to Russia.

The above is a prima facie evidence that Trump tried to OBSTRUCT the course of Justice.....

So, although a prosecution of Trump is unlikely, the main value of any evidence of criminal acts such as obstruction of justice would be as the basis of articles of impeachment drafted by house lawmakers.

The Senate would hold a trial on any articles of impeachment that pass the House, with a two-thirds Senate majority needed for removal from office.

Actually, the Senate doesn't even have to hold a trial.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!
Are they working on the investigation? Who gives a flying fuck what two people not involved have to say? Oh yeah, dumb ass swamp tards.
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Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

You silly liberals crack us up...

You just keep pissing in the wind

and all you end up with is piss on your face.....

Get use to President Donald J. Trump

You can't beat him.....

He has proved this over and over again.

Seven More Years my Butt Hurt foes....

Trump has done a great job at defeating himself. The article is correct they have enough evidence to indict Trump on Obstruction of Justice. You know when you get on an NBC interview and admit you fired Comey over the Russian investigation--I really don't think there is clearer evidence of Obstruction of Justice, and really am not certain what Mueller is waiting for on this one.

Comey did mention to others--regarding Trump pressuring him to drop the case on Michael Flynn, and when he didn't, Trump he fired him. Then they made up this ridiculous excuse that Trump fired Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton. That didn't fly--so he decided to do that NBC interview--:badgrin: That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go - CNNPolitics
Deputy AG briefs the full Senate after whirlwind week of controversy

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