Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

There you go again, Redfish.

yep, defeating libs with the truth. its not really that hard, snake
You are a Trumpanzi, so you and the truth are not on talking terms. But Mueller will force Trump and his spawn to face the truth before too long, and the Nation will be much better off with his downfall.

But Mueller will force Trump and his spawn to face the truth before too long, and the Nation will be much better off with his downfall.
In a court they call that "assuming facts not in evidence"..
Silly goofus, we are not in court, not yet.

And all you've got are assumptions. I guess looking the fool is your normal state.

There you go again, Redfish.

yep, defeating libs with the truth. its not really that hard, snake
You are a Trumpanzi, so you and the truth are not on talking terms. But Mueller will force Trump and his spawn to face the truth before too long, and the Nation will be much better off with his downfall.

But Mueller will force Trump and his spawn to face the truth before too long, and the Nation will be much better off with his downfall.
In a court they call that "assuming facts not in evidence"..
Silly goofus, we are not in court, not yet.

Great, get back to us when you have a court date.

It’s not a fact since you can’t actually prove Clinton raped anyone (except your mind, which isn’t a crime).

so his accusers are all lying? But Moore's accusers are all telling the truth? How about Franken's accusers? Conyers' accusers? Kennedy's accusers? LBJ's accusers?

you libs are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
There are no “accusers.” There was one accuser. Only when it came time for her to testify under oath where lying could have landed her in jail, she admitted Clinton never raped her.

bullshit, there are a string of them. and Juanita did testify that he raped her. She has been consistent with her story from the beginning. Obviously, she has no evidence or eye witnesses. Neither do the Moore accusers, but you believe them. Why is that?
Post a link to me saying I believe Moore’s accusers or once again expose yourself as the nutcase you are.....
Still waiting for that link, Redfish.....

it was a generic "you". meaning liberals, democrats, and the biased lying media. not you personally, I don't give a flying fuck what you personally think.
Yes, it is. Look it up. The director of the FBI, CIA, all cabinet posts, agency heads, etc. serve at the option of the president. He can fire any of them, for any reason at any time.

"He can fire any of them, for any reason at any time."

100% incorrect. He can not fire them "for any reason", and specifically not for illegal reasons, like in an effort to obstruct justice.

Yes he can, moron. There are no "illegal reasons."

100% wrong, and you have no idea what you are talking about.

so you are claiming that the president cannot fire a cabinet member or agency head? Amazingly ignorant. But here's an opportunity for you. post the language from the constitution or any federal statute that confirms your claim.
Should Trump fire Mueller, the President will be removed right quick from office.

the other poster was questioning his ability to fire Comey, not Mueller. He could fire Mueller but why should he, the Mueller investigations will clear Trump of any wrongdoing and may come up with indictable offences against Hillary and the Clinton foundation.

Trump is sitting back and watching for the Clintons to fall. we will all enjoy that when it happens.
Just another example of Trump being a fool. Hey dumbass....when Comey told you that you were not under investigation...he lied to you, stupid. Damn dude, why is Trump so damn dumb?

Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

"If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. "

Wrong again, as he can be charged with obstructing justice regarding the Flynn investigation. Damn man, you really need to take about 5 seconds to think before posting. I think you could have puzzled that out for yourself, if you had.

we understand, you hate trump for beating your wonderful crooked Hillary. You hate him for reducing the unemployment rate, for reducing the number on welfare and food stamps, you hate him for enforcing our immigration laws, you hate him because he says what he thinks rather than spitting out bullshit like most politicians. You hate him because he uses twitter to communicate directly to the people without the biased media filters. You hate because he has made the USA respectable once again in international relations. But mostly you hate him because he is making America great again and in so doing showing up the flaws in the dem party and liberalism in general. But mostly you hate him because he is an American winner. MAGA.

Man, another whiny little b***h with Hillary Tourette's syndrome.
Just another example of Trump being a fool. Hey dumbass....when Comey told you that you were not under investigation...he lied to you, stupid. Damn dude, why is Trump so damn dumb?

Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

You're full of crap, Comey said flat out that Trump was NOT a target of his investigation. He said it to Trump, Grassley and Feinstein and the congressional committee under oath. You can pretend he didn't if it makes you feel better, but it won't change the facts.


And that was Comey, keeping private that Trump was under the umbrella of suspicion. Seems obvious to anyone but the most out of touch Trumpkins.

So you're saying Comey perjured himself?


No, because there is plenty of wiggle room, there. "You're not under investigation...just everyone around you, which forces us to investigate things you have said and done."

You have to keep in mind that Comey is a brilliant law enforcement officer, and Trump is a moron.
"He can fire any of them, for any reason at any time."

100% incorrect. He can not fire them "for any reason", and specifically not for illegal reasons, like in an effort to obstruct justice.

Yes he can, moron. There are no "illegal reasons."

100% wrong, and you have no idea what you are talking about.

so you are claiming that the president cannot fire a cabinet member or agency head? Amazingly ignorant. But here's an opportunity for you. post the language from the constitution or any federal statute that confirms your claim.
Should Trump fire Mueller, the President will be removed right quick from office.

the other poster was questioning his ability to fire Comey, not Mueller. He could fire Mueller but why should he, the Mueller investigations will clear Trump of any wrongdoing and may come up with indictable offences against Hillary and the Clinton foundation. Trump is sitting back and watching for the Clintons to fall. we will all enjoy that when it happens.
Not in the slightest, goofus.
Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

"If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. "

Wrong again, as he can be charged with obstructing justice regarding the Flynn investigation. Damn man, you really need to take about 5 seconds to think before posting. I think you could have puzzled that out for yourself, if you had.

we understand, you hate trump for beating your wonderful crooked Hillary. You hate him for reducing the unemployment rate, for reducing the number on welfare and food stamps, you hate him for enforcing our immigration laws, you hate him because he says what he thinks rather than spitting out bullshit like most politicians. You hate him because he uses twitter to communicate directly to the people without the biased media filters. You hate because he has made the USA respectable once again in international relations. But mostly you hate him because he is making America great again and in so doing showing up the flaws in the dem party and liberalism in general. But mostly you hate him because he is an American winner. MAGA.

Man, another whiny little b***h with Hillary Tourette's syndrome.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt human being ever to set foot in Washington DC, and that is saying a lot. Even her supporters in the media and Hollywood are now turning on her now that she has no power. I find it amusing to watch the rats leaving the sinking ship.
And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

"If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. "

Wrong again, as he can be charged with obstructing justice regarding the Flynn investigation. Damn man, you really need to take about 5 seconds to think before posting. I think you could have puzzled that out for yourself, if you had.

we understand, you hate trump for beating your wonderful crooked Hillary. You hate him for reducing the unemployment rate, for reducing the number on welfare and food stamps, you hate him for enforcing our immigration laws, you hate him because he says what he thinks rather than spitting out bullshit like most politicians. You hate him because he uses twitter to communicate directly to the people without the biased media filters. You hate because he has made the USA respectable once again in international relations. But mostly you hate him because he is making America great again and in so doing showing up the flaws in the dem party and liberalism in general. But mostly you hate him because he is an American winner. MAGA.

Man, another whiny little b***h with Hillary Tourette's syndrome.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt human being ever to set foot in Washington DC, and that is saying a lot. Even her supporters in the media and Hollywood are now turning on her now that she has no power. I find it amusing to watch the rats leaving the sinking ship.

That's nice. Delusional and stupid, but nice.
Yes he can, moron. There are no "illegal reasons."

100% wrong, and you have no idea what you are talking about.

so you are claiming that the president cannot fire a cabinet member or agency head? Amazingly ignorant. But here's an opportunity for you. post the language from the constitution or any federal statute that confirms your claim.
Should Trump fire Mueller, the President will be removed right quick from office.

the other poster was questioning his ability to fire Comey, not Mueller. He could fire Mueller but why should he, the Mueller investigations will clear Trump of any wrongdoing and may come up with indictable offences against Hillary and the Clinton foundation. Trump is sitting back and watching for the Clintons to fall. we will all enjoy that when it happens.
Not in the slightest, goofus.

Aw, will you cry when the Clintons are sent to prison?
If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

"If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. "

Wrong again, as he can be charged with obstructing justice regarding the Flynn investigation. Damn man, you really need to take about 5 seconds to think before posting. I think you could have puzzled that out for yourself, if you had.

we understand, you hate trump for beating your wonderful crooked Hillary. You hate him for reducing the unemployment rate, for reducing the number on welfare and food stamps, you hate him for enforcing our immigration laws, you hate him because he says what he thinks rather than spitting out bullshit like most politicians. You hate him because he uses twitter to communicate directly to the people without the biased media filters. You hate because he has made the USA respectable once again in international relations. But mostly you hate him because he is making America great again and in so doing showing up the flaws in the dem party and liberalism in general. But mostly you hate him because he is an American winner. MAGA.

Man, another whiny little b***h with Hillary Tourette's syndrome.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt human being ever to set foot in Washington DC, and that is saying a lot. Even her supporters in the media and Hollywood are now turning on her now that she has no power. I find it amusing to watch the rats leaving the sinking ship.

That's nice. Delusional and stupid, but nice.

it probably is delusional because in this country today the politically elite are not subject to the laws that apply to you and me. It is highly unlikely that any of them will ever be convicted or anything, even though we all know they are guilty.

Are you happy with some people being above the law? That is the real issue here, not which party is the most corrupt, that none of them are ever held accountable when they violate federal laws.

I held top secret and SAP clearances, if I did what Hillary did, I would be typing this from a federal prison.
I have no remit for the Clintons.

More importantly, your head will implode when Trump is removed from office.
"If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. "

Wrong again, as he can be charged with obstructing justice regarding the Flynn investigation. Damn man, you really need to take about 5 seconds to think before posting. I think you could have puzzled that out for yourself, if you had.

we understand, you hate trump for beating your wonderful crooked Hillary. You hate him for reducing the unemployment rate, for reducing the number on welfare and food stamps, you hate him for enforcing our immigration laws, you hate him because he says what he thinks rather than spitting out bullshit like most politicians. You hate him because he uses twitter to communicate directly to the people without the biased media filters. You hate because he has made the USA respectable once again in international relations. But mostly you hate him because he is making America great again and in so doing showing up the flaws in the dem party and liberalism in general. But mostly you hate him because he is an American winner. MAGA.

Man, another whiny little b***h with Hillary Tourette's syndrome.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt human being ever to set foot in Washington DC, and that is saying a lot. Even her supporters in the media and Hollywood are now turning on her now that she has no power. I find it amusing to watch the rats leaving the sinking ship.

That's nice. Delusional and stupid, but nice.

it probably is delusional because in this country today the politically elite are not subject to the laws that apply to you and me. It is highly unlikely that any of them will ever be convicted or anything, even though we all know they are guilty.

Are you happy with some people being above the law? That is the real issue here, not which party is the most corrupt, that none of them are ever held accountable when they violate federal laws.

I'm fine with rooting them all out. I am beholden to ideas, not demagogues. It is interesting that you would ask such a question, given your penchant for saying just about anything to provide cover for the Conman in Chief.
I have no remit for the Clintons.

More importantly, your head will implode when Trump is removed from office.

what will cause him to be removed from office? beating a Clinton is not an impeachable offence.

What specifically do you think Trump has done that would warrant impeachment?
I have no remit for the Clintons.

More importantly, your head will implode when Trump is removed from office.

what will cause him to be removed from office? beating a Clinton is not an impeachable offence.

What specifically do you think Trump has done that would warrant impeachment?

Using his office for personal gain is a big one, if it can be proven with evidence. Easier said than done. Obstruction of justice by the head executive officer is another big one. We all know he has done those things. At this point, it's a matter of meeting the standards of evidence for prosecution.

The "third rail" (and let's all hope this doesn't happen) is that he issues a bad order to the military, and they refuse it. He would be impeached so quickly our heads would spin.
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so his accusers are all lying? But Moore's accusers are all telling the truth? How about Franken's accusers? Conyers' accusers? Kennedy's accusers? LBJ's accusers?

you libs are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
There are no “accusers.” There was one accuser. Only when it came time for her to testify under oath where lying could have landed her in jail, she admitted Clinton never raped her.

bullshit, there are a string of them. and Juanita did testify that he raped her. She has been consistent with her story from the beginning. Obviously, she has no evidence or eye witnesses. Neither do the Moore accusers, but you believe them. Why is that?
Post a link to me saying I believe Moore’s accusers or once again expose yourself as the nutcase you are.....
Still waiting for that link, Redfish.....

it was a generic "you". meaning liberals, democrats, and the biased lying media. not you personally, I don't give a flying fuck what you personally think.
Liar, you directed that question at me. There was nothing generic about it. But thanks for admitting you were full of shit when you levied that false accusation against me. :thup:
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Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

You're full of crap, Comey said flat out that Trump was NOT a target of his investigation. He said it to Trump, Grassley and Feinstein and the congressional committee under oath. You can pretend he didn't if it makes you feel better, but it won't change the facts.


And that was Comey, keeping private that Trump was under the umbrella of suspicion. Seems obvious to anyone but the most out of touch Trumpkins.

So you're saying Comey perjured himself?


No, because there is plenty of wiggle room, there. "You're not under investigation...just everyone around you, which forces us to investigate things you have said and done."

You have to keep in mind that Comey is a brilliant law enforcement officer, and Trump is a moron.

I just love the way the regressive fairy tales evolve over time. You claim Comey is brilliant, (LMAO) while he had no problem exonerating the bitch publicly, with a duty to correct, yet he claimed a duty to correct was a reason to leave the public hanging when it came to Trump not being under investigation. No Comey isn't brilliant, he's nothing but a self serving weasel, with an obvious bias.

And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

You're full of crap, Comey said flat out that Trump was NOT a target of his investigation. He said it to Trump, Grassley and Feinstein and the congressional committee under oath. You can pretend he didn't if it makes you feel better, but it won't change the facts.


And that was Comey, keeping private that Trump was under the umbrella of suspicion. Seems obvious to anyone but the most out of touch Trumpkins.

So you're saying Comey perjured himself?


No, because there is plenty of wiggle room, there. "You're not under investigation...just everyone around you, which forces us to investigate things you have said and done."

You have to keep in mind that Comey is a brilliant law enforcement officer, and Trump is a moron.

I just love the way the regressive fairy tales evolve over time. You claim Comey is brilliant, (LMAO) while he had no problem exonerating the bitch publicly, with a duty to correct, yet he claimed a duty to correct was a reason to leave the public hanging when it came to Trump not being under investigation. No Comey isn't brilliant, he's nothing but a self serving weasel, with an obvious bias.


Of course Comey is brilliant....he's highly educated and has spent his life in law enforcement. You're disrespect of this is an embarrassing two step by you. But, welcome to the new America, where education and experience is not something to be respected....where uneducated slobs think they can criticize acientific theories because they read a blog... Where education is no longer valued, becaise the nation's figurehead has instead placed value on ignorance , classlessness, and unethical behavior.

And, of course, Trump is a moron who knows very little about anything.

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