Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

You're full of crap, Comey said flat out that Trump was NOT a target of his investigation. He said it to Trump, Grassley and Feinstein and the congressional committee under oath. You can pretend he didn't if it makes you feel better, but it won't change the facts.


And that was Comey, keeping private that Trump was under the umbrella of suspicion. Seems obvious to anyone but the most out of touch Trumpkins.

So you're saying Comey perjured himself?


No, because there is plenty of wiggle room, there. "You're not under investigation...just everyone around you, which forces us to investigate things you have said and done."

You have to keep in mind that Comey is a brilliant law enforcement officer, and Trump is a moron.

I just love the way the regressive fairy tales evolve over time. You claim Comey is brilliant, (LMAO) while he had no problem exonerating the bitch publicly, with a duty to correct, yet he claimed a duty to correct was a reason to leave the public hanging when it came to Trump not being under investigation. No Comey isn't brilliant, he's nothing but a self serving weasel, with an obvious bias.


Of course Comey is brilliant....he's highly educated and has spent his life in law enforcement. You're disrespect of this is an embarrassing two step by you. But, welcome to the new America, where education and experience is not something to be respected....where uneducated slobs think they can criticize acientific theories because they read a blog... Where education is no longer valued, becaise the nation's figurehead has instead placed value on ignorance , classlessness, and unethical behavior.

And, of course, Trump is a moron who knows very little about anything.

You're not very smart are ya, I questioned his character not his education. He can't, on one hand, exonerate the bitch saying she had no intent and then go before congress and testify he didn't consider false exculpatory statements and other elements that could be used to prove intent. No, he's a weasel.

Comey is brillant, OKTexas has the intellect of a rock. Trump is under investigation.

Assuming facts not in evidence, again.


Maybe, but you havr to admit that the Trumpkins are left with a pretty pathetic defense of their Dear Leader. Specifically, he was a horrible leader completely oblivious to the actions of all of his top officials, and basically either too stupid or to incurious and insulated to understand what was going on all around him with the people he chose.

Of course, it requires quite the stretch of credulity to believe such a thing. So, Trumpkins are bending over backwards to paint the Dear Leader as an ignorant, oblivious person who has poor leadership and judgment.

Now, come on, you have to get a chuckle out of that. You ARE human, right?
And that was Comey, keeping private that Trump was under the umbrella of suspicion. Seems obvious to anyone but the most out of touch Trumpkins.

So you're saying Comey perjured himself?


No, because there is plenty of wiggle room, there. "You're not under investigation...just everyone around you, which forces us to investigate things you have said and done."

You have to keep in mind that Comey is a brilliant law enforcement officer, and Trump is a moron.

I just love the way the regressive fairy tales evolve over time. You claim Comey is brilliant, (LMAO) while he had no problem exonerating the bitch publicly, with a duty to correct, yet he claimed a duty to correct was a reason to leave the public hanging when it came to Trump not being under investigation. No Comey isn't brilliant, he's nothing but a self serving weasel, with an obvious bias.


Of course Comey is brilliant....he's highly educated and has spent his life in law enforcement. You're disrespect of this is an embarrassing two step by you. But, welcome to the new America, where education and experience is not something to be respected....where uneducated slobs think they can criticize acientific theories because they read a blog... Where education is no longer valued, becaise the nation's figurehead has instead placed value on ignorance , classlessness, and unethical behavior.

And, of course, Trump is a moron who knows very little about anything.

You're not very smart are ya, I questioned his character not his education. He can't, on one hand, exonerate the bitch saying she had no intent and then go before congress and testify he didn't consider false exculpatory statements and other elements that could be used to prove intent. No, he's a weasel.


You also spoke to his "brilliance". A man of poor character cannot be brilliant?

Please, you said what you said. Stop deluding yourself.
. The charge was cullusion... No cullusion no charge.. Everything else is running on butt hurt emotion by mobs of liberals still hopeful for revenge after their cullusion to get Hillary elected failed. We all seen the fallout the next day, and all these months afterwards. LOL.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


the left wing idiots use the word and don't even know what it means or what they are claiming. Liberalism is a mental disease. the liberal posters on USMB prove that every day.

i gave you the legal definition fishface. if you bothered to go to the credible unbiased link... there is an excellent example of exactly what the meaning is & how it would apply to trumpco.

poorly educated fools such as yourself cannot be trusted to find out facts. why? do they hurt THAT much? :itsok:

want to talk about facts? Ok

Bill Clinton was/is a serial rapist and abuser of women
Hillary tried to destroy his victims
The Clintons traded influence for donations to the Clinton foundation (Clinton bank account)
Hillary Clinton violated federal laws regarding the protection and transmission of classified data
the DNC conspired to deny Bernie the votes that he legitimately received
Hillary was given debate questions ahead of time by the media and the DNC
The Russians have so much on the Clintons they could have blackmailed her into doing exactly what they wanted if she won
wikileaks, not Russia, disclosed the corruption within the DNC and the Clinton campaign

There is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion
There is zero evidence that Russians changed a single vote in our election

The only conspiracy here is the one between the media and the dems to try to destroy Trump with lies and falsehoods.


Bill Clinton never raped anyone--his xtramarital affairs were all consensual with ADULT women. Hillary Clinton never tried to destroy any of these women.

Bernie can't lose the primary popular vote by 3,775,437 votes and call it a rigged primary.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

No one ever convened a criminal Federal Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton.

To-date 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea have gone out on Trump surrogates. Soon to come is Michael Flynn if he doesn't work a plea deal with Mueller. Little Jeff Sessions is in front of congress again today for lying under oath 3 times in previous hearings. Carter Page, Jerad Kushner, and Roger Stone are all in the frying pan.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

While Trump admitted to Obstruction of Justice in an NBC interview with Lester Holt.

I would say that this administration is fairly close to being over. And it's clear that you're watching FOX NEWS whom isn't reporting on any of this. This is how they handled 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea.

And here is Rachel Maddow--the number one cable show today, and how she is reporting on all of this with recently released court documents in hand.

Rachel Maddow Crushes Fox News As Viewers Stampede To MSNBC After GOP Health Care Fail
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Comey is brillant, OKTexas has the intellect of a rock. Trump is under investigation.

Assuming facts not in evidence, again.


Maybe, but you havr to admit that the Trumpkins are left with a pretty pathetic defense of their Dear Leader. Specifically, he was a horrible leader completely oblivious to the actions of all of his top officials, and basically either too stupid or to incurious and insulated to understand what was going on all around him with the people he chose.

Of course, it requires quite the stretch of credulity to believe such a thing. So, Trumpkins are bending over backwards to paint the Dear Leader as an ignorant, oblivious person who has poor leadership and judgment.

Now, come on, you have to get a chuckle out of that. You ARE human, right?

Just about every politician makes those kinds of mistakes, it just usually happens when they are running for city counsel or some low level post. One of Trumps major attractions was he wasn't an established polished politician. Sure he made mistakes, but he still managed to beat one of the best political machines in American history. As I've said many times before, he could leave office tomorrow and I wouldn't regret voting for him. I've already gotten every thing I'd hoped to get.

So you're saying Comey perjured himself?


No, because there is plenty of wiggle room, there. "You're not under investigation...just everyone around you, which forces us to investigate things you have said and done."

You have to keep in mind that Comey is a brilliant law enforcement officer, and Trump is a moron.

I just love the way the regressive fairy tales evolve over time. You claim Comey is brilliant, (LMAO) while he had no problem exonerating the bitch publicly, with a duty to correct, yet he claimed a duty to correct was a reason to leave the public hanging when it came to Trump not being under investigation. No Comey isn't brilliant, he's nothing but a self serving weasel, with an obvious bias.


Of course Comey is brilliant....he's highly educated and has spent his life in law enforcement. You're disrespect of this is an embarrassing two step by you. But, welcome to the new America, where education and experience is not something to be respected....where uneducated slobs think they can criticize acientific theories because they read a blog... Where education is no longer valued, becaise the nation's figurehead has instead placed value on ignorance , classlessness, and unethical behavior.

And, of course, Trump is a moron who knows very little about anything.

You're not very smart are ya, I questioned his character not his education. He can't, on one hand, exonerate the bitch saying she had no intent and then go before congress and testify he didn't consider false exculpatory statements and other elements that could be used to prove intent. No, he's a weasel.


You also spoke to his "brilliance". A man of poor character cannot be brilliant?

Please, you said what you said. Stop deluding yourself.

No, a brilliant attorney considers all the elements of a crime, not just the ones they chose to consider for political reasons. Gowdy made him look like the idiot he is.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


the left wing idiots use the word and don't even know what it means or what they are claiming. Liberalism is a mental disease. the liberal posters on USMB prove that every day.

i gave you the legal definition fishface. if you bothered to go to the credible unbiased link... there is an excellent example of exactly what the meaning is & how it would apply to trumpco.

poorly educated fools such as yourself cannot be trusted to find out facts. why? do they hurt THAT much? :itsok:

want to talk about facts? Ok

Bill Clinton was/is a serial rapist and abuser of women
Hillary tried to destroy his victims
The Clintons traded influence for donations to the Clinton foundation (Clinton bank account)
Hillary Clinton violated federal laws regarding the protection and transmission of classified data
the DNC conspired to deny Bernie the votes that he legitimately received
Hillary was given debate questions ahead of time by the media and the DNC
The Russians have so much on the Clintons they could have blackmailed her into doing exactly what they wanted if she won
wikileaks, not Russia, disclosed the corruption within the DNC and the Clinton campaign

There is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion
There is zero evidence that Russians changed a single vote in our election

The only conspiracy here is the one between the media and the dems to try to destroy Trump with lies and falsehoods.


Bill Clinton never raped anyone--his xtramarital affairs were all consensual with ADULT women. Hillary Clinton never tried to destroy any of these women.

Bernie can't lose the primary popular vote by 3,775,437 votes and call it a rigged primary.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

No one ever convened a criminal Federal Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton.

To-date 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea have gone out on Trump surrogates. Soon to come is Michael Flynn if he doesn't work a plea deal with Mueller. Little Jeff Sessions is in front of congress again today for lying under oath 3 times in previous hearings. Carter Page, Jerad Kushner, and Roger Stone are all in the frying pan.

While Trump admitted to Obstruction of Justice in an NBC interview with Lester Holt.

I would say that this administration is fairly close to being over. And it's clear that you're watching FOX NEWS whom isn't reporting on any of this. This is how they handled 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea.

And here is Rachel Maddow--the number one cable show today, and how she is reporting on all of this with recently released court documents in hand.

Rachel Maddow Crushes Fox News As Viewers Stampede To MSNBC After GOP Health Care Fail

To-date 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea have gone out on Trump surrogates.

I know of two indictments, Manafort and Gates, who's the third?

Comey is brillant, OKTexas has the intellect of a rock. Trump is under investigation.

Assuming facts not in evidence, again.


Maybe, but you havr to admit that the Trumpkins are left with a pretty pathetic defense of their Dear Leader. Specifically, he was a horrible leader completely oblivious to the actions of all of his top officials, and basically either too stupid or to incurious and insulated to understand what was going on all around him with the people he chose.

Of course, it requires quite the stretch of credulity to believe such a thing. So, Trumpkins are bending over backwards to paint the Dear Leader as an ignorant, oblivious person who has poor leadership and judgment.

Now, come on, you have to get a chuckle out of that. You ARE human, right?

Just about every politician makes those kinds of mistakes, it just usually happens when they are running for city counsel or some low level post. One of Trumps major attractions was he wasn't an established polished politician. Sure he made mistakes, but he still managed to beat one of the best political machines in American history. As I've said many times before, he could leave office tomorrow and I wouldn't regret voting for him. I've already gotten every thing I'd hoped to get.


The only thing Hillary Clinton is guilty of, is underestimating the astounding ignorance in this country. And everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on her side of the field, by FBI director James Comey, who is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, along with Russian meddling into the election.

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause is all about in the Constitution, which is another reason for impeachment, should Democrats not want to go along with the current setup.
What is the ‘Emoluments Clause’? Does it apply to President Trump?

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Not true.

Yes, it is. Look it up. The director of the FBI, CIA, all cabinet posts, agency heads, etc. serve at the option of the president. He can fire any of them, for any reason at any time.

"He can fire any of them, for any reason at any time."

100% incorrect. He can not fire them "for any reason", and specifically not for illegal reasons, like in an effort to obstruct justice.

Yes he can, moron. There are no "illegal reasons."

100% wrong, and you have no idea what you are talking about.
He never does.
That's your usual argument, accusations based on nothing.
Reagan had the most corrupt administration in history with the most indictments and convictions of any president. .

Try again and this time try looking @ The Nixon Administration.
It’s a common fact Reagan’s administration has the most indictments and convictions.
LOL, what's a "common" fact ? does it resemble an actual FACT ?

Reasonable said:
Reagan had the most corrupt administration in history with the most indictments and convictions of any president.
Nixon Administration : 5.6 years : Criminal Indictments : 76 , Criminal Convictions : 55, Prison Sentences: 15
Reagan Administration: 8 years : Criminal Indictments: 26, Criminal Convictions: 16, Prison Sentences: 8

As I said your original assertion was false.

Comey is brillant, OKTexas has the intellect of a rock. Trump is under investigation.

Assuming facts not in evidence, again.


Maybe, but you havr to admit that the Trumpkins are left with a pretty pathetic defense of their Dear Leader. Specifically, he was a horrible leader completely oblivious to the actions of all of his top officials, and basically either too stupid or to incurious and insulated to understand what was going on all around him with the people he chose.

Of course, it requires quite the stretch of credulity to believe such a thing. So, Trumpkins are bending over backwards to paint the Dear Leader as an ignorant, oblivious person who has poor leadership and judgment.

Now, come on, you have to get a chuckle out of that. You ARE human, right?

Just about every politician makes those kinds of mistakes, it just usually happens when they are running for city counsel or some low level post. One of Trumps major attractions was he wasn't an established polished politician. Sure he made mistakes, but he still managed to beat one of the best political machines in American history. As I've said many times before, he could leave office tomorrow and I wouldn't regret voting for him. I've already gotten every thing I'd hoped to get.


The only thing Hillary Clinton is guilty of, is underestimating the astounding ignorance in this country. And everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on her side of the field, by FBI director James Comey, who is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, along with Russian meddling into the election.

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause is all about in the Constitution, which is another reason for impeachment, should Democrats not want to go along with the current setup.
What is the ‘Emoluments Clause’? Does it apply to President Trump?


Nah, the bitch underestimated how much her family was disliked in middle America, tie that with no meaningful message and you got yourself a loser.

And it's not everyday that you have regressives calling Comey a dog and brilliant in the same thread, I think I'll have to bookmark this one LMAO

Comey is brillant, OKTexas has the intellect of a rock. Trump is under investigation.

Assuming facts not in evidence, again.


Maybe, but you havr to admit that the Trumpkins are left with a pretty pathetic defense of their Dear Leader. Specifically, he was a horrible leader completely oblivious to the actions of all of his top officials, and basically either too stupid or to incurious and insulated to understand what was going on all around him with the people he chose.

Of course, it requires quite the stretch of credulity to believe such a thing. So, Trumpkins are bending over backwards to paint the Dear Leader as an ignorant, oblivious person who has poor leadership and judgment.

Now, come on, you have to get a chuckle out of that. You ARE human, right?

Just about every politician makes those kinds of mistakes, it just usually happens when they are running for city counsel or some low level post. One of Trumps major attractions was he wasn't an established polished politician. Sure he made mistakes, but he still managed to beat one of the best political machines in American history. As I've said many times before, he could leave office tomorrow and I wouldn't regret voting for him. I've already gotten every thing I'd hoped to get.


The only thing Hillary Clinton is guilty of, is underestimating the astounding ignorance in this country. And everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on her side of the field, by FBI director James Comey, who is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, along with Russian meddling into the election.

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause is all about in the Constitution, which is another reason for impeachment, should Democrats not want to go along with the current setup.
What is the ‘Emoluments Clause’? Does it apply to President Trump?


Nah, the bitch underestimated how much her family was disliked in middle America, tie that with no meaningful message and you got yourself a loser.

And it's not everyday that you have regressives calling Comey a dog and brilliant in the same thread, I think I'll have to bookmark this one LMAO

There is no comparison to the hate of Donald Trump in this country. You have seen it out in the streets. No President elect in this nations history had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower on the announcement that he won, and his communications were reduced to a tweeter account.


The woman's march the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. For more pictures go to this link. It's clear they were in the millions.

Woman's march pictures


For more pictures on the Trump protests across this nation go to this link.
trump protest pictures - Google Search

No one ever did this to Hillary Clinton.

Your first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the oval office.

As explained by a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

You have awoken a sleeping giant and they're coming for every Republican seat in 2018--2020 & beyond. It will be a massive blowout of Republicans across every state.
Last edited:
Elmets is incorrect: there will be no blowout, but at this point, unless something magical occurs, 2018 is going to be a solid thrashing for the GOP.

They have the President and both chambers of Congress, and yet they can barely govern. The defeats far outweigh the victories.

And the self-imposed shame on the Trump admin by Trumpanzis in and out of the WH as well as in and out of Congress staggers the imagination
Assuming facts not in evidence, again.


Maybe, but you havr to admit that the Trumpkins are left with a pretty pathetic defense of their Dear Leader. Specifically, he was a horrible leader completely oblivious to the actions of all of his top officials, and basically either too stupid or to incurious and insulated to understand what was going on all around him with the people he chose.

Of course, it requires quite the stretch of credulity to believe such a thing. So, Trumpkins are bending over backwards to paint the Dear Leader as an ignorant, oblivious person who has poor leadership and judgment.

Now, come on, you have to get a chuckle out of that. You ARE human, right?

Just about every politician makes those kinds of mistakes, it just usually happens when they are running for city counsel or some low level post. One of Trumps major attractions was he wasn't an established polished politician. Sure he made mistakes, but he still managed to beat one of the best political machines in American history. As I've said many times before, he could leave office tomorrow and I wouldn't regret voting for him. I've already gotten every thing I'd hoped to get.


The only thing Hillary Clinton is guilty of, is underestimating the astounding ignorance in this country. And everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on her side of the field, by FBI director James Comey, who is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, along with Russian meddling into the election.

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause is all about in the Constitution, which is another reason for impeachment, should Democrats not want to go along with the current setup.
What is the ‘Emoluments Clause’? Does it apply to President Trump?


Nah, the bitch underestimated how much her family was disliked in middle America, tie that with no meaningful message and you got yourself a loser.

And it's not everyday that you have regressives calling Comey a dog and brilliant in the same thread, I think I'll have to bookmark this one LMAO

There is no comparison to the hate of Donald Trump in this country. You have seen it out in the streets. No President elect in this nations history had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower on the announcement that he won, and his communications were reduced to a tweeter account.


The woman's march the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. For more pictures go to this link. It's clear they were in the millions.

Woman's march pictures


For more pictures on the Trump protests across this nation go to this link.
trump protest pictures - Google Search

No one ever did this to Hillary Clinton.

Your first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the oval office.

As explained by a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

You have awoken a sleeping giant and they're coming for every Republican seat in 2018--2020 & beyond. It will be a massive blowout of Republicans across every state.

Yeah, the failure to coronate the regressive queen caused massive butt hurt among you regressives. That was a real hoot to watch. LMAO

BTW you never did say who that third indictment was on. Care to now?
Elmets is incorrect: there will be no blowout, but at this point, unless something magical occurs, 2018 is going to be a solid thrashing for the GOP.

They have the President and both chambers of Congress, and yet they can barely govern. The defeats far outweigh the victories.

And the self-imposed shame on the Trump admin by Trumpanzis in and out of the WH as well as in and out of Congress staggers the imagination

You already witnessed the magic in the governor's race in Virginia and New Jersey. Not just in the governor's race but state house seats, and local seats. Democrats were winning everything.

The Democratic wave in Virginia on Tuesday wiped out the Republican majority in the state House of Delegates, throwing control of the chamber in play for the first time since 2000 and putting Republicans in blue-tinged districts across the country on alert for next year’s elections. Democrats snared at least 15 seats in an upset that stunned members of both parties and arrived with national implications.
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play

Right now in the US Congress there are more than 20 Republicans that have already announced they won't be running for re-election.
Republicans who won't be coming back to Congress after 2018 midterm elections
Republicans not running for re-election in 2018

And it has a lot to do with these Welcome Home Republican town hall's Republican's have faced.

There is no doubt that Democrats will take the senate and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that they take the house also.
Last edited:
Assuming facts not in evidence, again.


Maybe, but you havr to admit that the Trumpkins are left with a pretty pathetic defense of their Dear Leader. Specifically, he was a horrible leader completely oblivious to the actions of all of his top officials, and basically either too stupid or to incurious and insulated to understand what was going on all around him with the people he chose.

Of course, it requires quite the stretch of credulity to believe such a thing. So, Trumpkins are bending over backwards to paint the Dear Leader as an ignorant, oblivious person who has poor leadership and judgment.

Now, come on, you have to get a chuckle out of that. You ARE human, right?

Just about every politician makes those kinds of mistakes, it just usually happens when they are running for city counsel or some low level post. One of Trumps major attractions was he wasn't an established polished politician. Sure he made mistakes, but he still managed to beat one of the best political machines in American history. As I've said many times before, he could leave office tomorrow and I wouldn't regret voting for him. I've already gotten every thing I'd hoped to get.


The only thing Hillary Clinton is guilty of, is underestimating the astounding ignorance in this country. And everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on her side of the field, by FBI director James Comey, who is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, along with Russian meddling into the election.

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause is all about in the Constitution, which is another reason for impeachment, should Democrats not want to go along with the current setup.
What is the ‘Emoluments Clause’? Does it apply to President Trump?


Nah, the bitch underestimated how much her family was disliked in middle America, tie that with no meaningful message and you got yourself a loser.

And it's not everyday that you have regressives calling Comey a dog and brilliant in the same thread, I think I'll have to bookmark this one LMAO

There is no comparison to the hate of Donald Trump in this country. You have seen it out in the streets. No President elect in this nations history had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower on the announcement that he won, and his communications were reduced to a tweeter account.


The woman's march the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. For more pictures go to this link. It's clear they were in the millions.

Woman's march pictures


For more pictures on the Trump protests across this nation go to this link.
trump protest pictures - Google Search

No one ever did this to Hillary Clinton.

Your first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the oval office.

As explained by a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

You have awoken a sleeping giant and they're coming for every Republican seat in 2018--2020 & beyond. It will be a massive blowout of Republicans across every state.
. The nations good people were duped, and they had tolerated the most ridiculous things for many years now. The failures and bullcrap just kept getting piled higher and higher and higher until it all came crumbling down on January 20, 2017. The nation turned on that date for what they saw as a better deal, and in that turn the nation wants to be taken back to where the train had left the tracks, and the nation wants to get it back upon the tracks again, and of course running smoothly.

Make America great again, is exactly talking about where the train was derailed for most Americans, and now it's time to get it back on track. Not for just a few, but for all Americans.
The "nation" did no such thing, beagle9. The Trumpanzis snuck in by the skin of their teeth. Trump has continually been dismal in the ratings.

The nation wants Trump gone and functioning normally. That will happen.

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