Two-Faced Trump Supports Cutting Social Security

Trump's Claims About Muslims After 9/11 CONFIRMED! (VIDEO)

Maybe he was wrong about the scope in NYC but he did see people celebrating and then saw wide scale celebration in other parts of the world.

Then again maybe the NYPD was so busy that they couldn't respond to calls about Muslims celebrating in NYC.

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The pathological liar said HE saw it on TV and it was WIDELY reported. Admit it he exaggerated unnamed sources into a full scale lie that he doubled down on when confronted with the truth. So any unnamed source about Trump is 100% credible at all times and twice on Sunday.

Bullshit. You don't like when he exaggerates but you think it is ok to completely lie in retaliation. You libs are completely fucked in the brain box.

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Asshole, Trump flat out lied about that. And you are stating that you are just fine with his lies. He has also stated that there is no drought in California. And many, many other lies, all of which you apparently approve. You are an idiot for supporting such a candidate.

That Dumbass program is the only means of income for a lot of the elderly! That Dumbass DT screws around with it and there won't be a hole big enough for him to hide in.

Social Security is a shitass program.

Everybody should be responsible for their own retirement not some stupid inefficient oppressive government bureaucracy.

We don't need the government doing for us what we should be doing for ourselves and that includes retirement.

Social Security is a $56 trillion Ponzi scheme that is going to break the bank one day and we need to start the process of phasing it out like we need to do for all filthy ass government entitlement and welfare programs.
Well now, you just toss that out to all the voters as part of the 'Conservative' ideology, and see how it flies. LOL
The ole unnamed source. That's creditable.

The story is based on Bloomburg cited "unnamed sources"? The left must be desperate.
"Trump supposedly told Ryan...." from an unnamed source?
Funny how "unnamed sources," which is pretty much all you get from the Right, are always credible from FOX and WND, etc.

Another liberal douchebag heard from. Got it. You don't like Trump. Who cares.

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You will, when people like us dump Trump in November.

Too funny. You were never going to vote Republican so you can't dump him. You've got nothing but your worthless complaining that a Republican candidate dare run against your wicked Queen Hillary.

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Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes
Policy chief’s remarks appear to contradict Trump’s earlier positions

Updated May 11, 2016 6:44 p.m. ET

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign waffled again on the details of its economic policy, with a top adviser suggesting a Trump administration would be open to reductions in Medicare and Social Security spending if the campaign’s tax cuts don’t achieve extraordinary budget surpluses.

Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes


if Donnie fucks up, old people pay for it.
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Trump's Claims About Muslims After 9/11 CONFIRMED! (VIDEO)

Maybe he was wrong about the scope in NYC but he did see people celebrating and then saw wide scale celebration in other parts of the world.

Then again maybe the NYPD was so busy that they couldn't respond to calls about Muslims celebrating in NYC.

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The pathological liar said HE saw it on TV and it was WIDELY reported. Admit it he exaggerated unnamed sources into a full scale lie that he doubled down on when confronted with the truth. So any unnamed source about Trump is 100% credible at all times and twice on Sunday.

Bullshit. You don't like when he exaggerates but you think it is ok to completely lie in retaliation. You libs are completely fucked in the brain box.

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Asshole, Trump flat out lied about that. And you are stating that you are just fine with his lies. He has also stated that there is no drought in California. And many, many other lies, all of which you apparently approve. You are an idiot for supporting such a candidate.

did he say there is no drought or that the California politicians caused the drought by releasing water to save some fish instead of protecting the people.

There is a big difference not that you would understand because you seem to support a self inflicted water crisis as long as the Dems cause it

No investment in desalination plants and no water retention policies. They get a abundance of rain so either policy would have worked.

Yet you don't have a problem with Southern California taking water out of the Colorado River that has killed the estuary at the northern tip of the gulf of California.

Talk about being a fucking hypocrite.

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Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes
Policy chief’s remarks appear to contradict Trump’s earlier positions

Updated May 11, 2016 6:44 p.m. ET

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign waffled again on the details of its economic policy, with a top adviser suggesting a Trump administration would be open to reductions in Medicare and Social Security spending if the campaign’s tax cuts don’t achieve extraordinary budget surpluses.

Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes


if Donnie fucks up, old people pay for it.

There's that unnamed democratic source. How convenient.

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Could it be a compellation of a couple of Trump's statements put together out of context? Look at points 2 and 3 of link...

Donald Trump on Social Security
This is a pretty good article! Especially input by Chris Christie...still gonna take a massive effort sorting out who gets what and who really needs matter what claims we have against SS ( I don't mean ShortStop )
it has been working for millions of Americans since Roosvelts Days...and ya can't ask the elderly to invest in the Stock Market now! Shit, some of these types have been collecting SS before computers were invented!
Half of 'em would have Medical Problems if they had to handle Stocks!
Just leave SS where it is...the only thing's never enough!
Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes
Policy chief’s remarks appear to contradict Trump’s earlier positions

Updated May 11, 2016 6:44 p.m. ET

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign waffled again on the details of its economic policy, with a top adviser suggesting a Trump administration would be open to reductions in Medicare and Social Security spending if the campaign’s tax cuts don’t achieve extraordinary budget surpluses.

Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes


if Donnie fucks up, old people pay for it.

There's that unnamed democratic source. How convenient.

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the WSJ is a democratic source ?



The Wall Street Journal is controlled by Rupert Murdoch via Dow Jones Publications, which in turn is owned by Murdoch's News Corp. Murdoch owns a controlling 39.4% voting stake in both News Corp and 21st Century Fox. News Corp purchased the newspaper for $6 billion in 2007 from the Bancroft family. It is a conservative, business-oriented publication, but it is less overtly political than Murdoch's other major media outlet, Fox News.

or were you talking about Donnie and his staff member?
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The ole unnamed source. That's creditable.

The story is based on Bloomburg cited "unnamed sources"? The left must be desperate.
"Trump supposedly told Ryan...." from an unnamed source?
Funny how "unnamed sources," which is pretty much all you get from the Right, are always credible from FOX and WND, etc.

Another liberal douchebag heard from. Got it. You don't like Trump. Who cares.

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You will, when people like us dump Trump in November.

Move to Canada. America doesn't have room for traitors anymore.
Asshole, Trump flat out lied about that. And you are stating that you are just fine with his lies. He has also stated that there is no drought in California. And many, many other lies, all of which you apparently approve. You are an idiot for supporting such a candidate.

So who are you voting for that is not telling any lies?

Tells Voters On The Campaign Trail: 'I’m Going To Save Social Security'… Tells Paul Ryan In Private That He Supports Cutting It 'From A Moral Standpoint'...

Donald Trump supposedly told House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) he supports cutting Social Security but will not admit it publicly because it would hurt his election chances, according to a report in Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee reportedly made the comments during a May 12 meeting with Ryan aimed at mending ties between the two top Republican leaders, Bloomberg reported, citing an unnamed source who was in the room. (Ryan has yet to endorse Trump.)

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it,” Trump said of cutting Social Security. “But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’ and the Democrat is saying, ‘We’re going to keep it and give you more.’ ”

Trump’s professed opposition to cutting Social Security and Medicare has been both a hallmark of his campaign and one of his greatest departures from traditional conservative ideology. And Ryan, who repeatedly criticized Trump before the mogul effectively secured the GOP nomination, has made proposing dramatic reductions in the popular social insurance programs a defining feature of his congressional career.

He openly says he will lie to the people about it because he knows that the people are against it. - Alex Lawson, Social Security Works

More: Trump Supports Cutting Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint:’ Report

Well, this should scare the shit out of seniors - of which I am one.
That Trump is a liar comes as no surprise.

And that Trump will lie to voters to get elected proves once again that he’s no different than any other politician, making his supporters look ridiculous and foolish, which in fact they are.
Who in their right mind wouldn't support cutting Social Security? Dumbass program that needs to be curtailed.
Only an idiot would advocate ‘cutting’ Social Security, particularly in the context of the Great Recession, where millions of Americans, through no fault of their own, exhausted their savings as a consequence of long-term unemployment.

Your post is typical of the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.

Tells Voters On The Campaign Trail: 'I’m Going To Save Social Security'… Tells Paul Ryan In Private That He Supports Cutting It 'From A Moral Standpoint'...

Donald Trump supposedly told House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) he supports cutting Social Security but will not admit it publicly because it would hurt his election chances, according to a report in Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee reportedly made the comments during a May 12 meeting with Ryan aimed at mending ties between the two top Republican leaders, Bloomberg reported, citing an unnamed source who was in the room. (Ryan has yet to endorse Trump.)

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it,” Trump said of cutting Social Security. “But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’ and the Democrat is saying, ‘We’re going to keep it and give you more.’ ”

Trump’s professed opposition to cutting Social Security and Medicare has been both a hallmark of his campaign and one of his greatest departures from traditional conservative ideology. And Ryan, who repeatedly criticized Trump before the mogul effectively secured the GOP nomination, has made proposing dramatic reductions in the popular social insurance programs a defining feature of his congressional career.

He openly says he will lie to the people about it because he knows that the people are against it. - Alex Lawson, Social Security Works

More: Trump Supports Cutting Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint:’ Report

Well, this should scare the shit out of seniors - of which I am one.

About time someone has the balls to put an end to that stupid ponzy scheme.

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