Two german children got raped by syrian refugees in Weil am Rhein

Is it any wonder why? No I don't expect you to understand.
Libtards expect everyone to take this vile behaviour lying down, like they do.

You guys sure get upset when Germany's crime stats don't seem to support your claims. But hey, what's facts to a conservatard?
I guess the German people have as much interest in listening to your calming B.S. as they do listening to the Leftist suicidal Merkel govt propaganda. We have that same problem in our country with obama and his enabling leftist media.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a leaked confidential police report, which reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

“All across Germany, a country with some of the most stringent gun-control laws in Europe, demand is skyrocketing for non-lethal self-defense weapons, including pepper sprays, gas pistols, flare guns, electroshock weapons and animal repellants. Germans are also applying for weapons permits in record numbers,” Soeren Kern noted prior to the New Year’s Eve mass rape rampage.”

Europeans Turn Against Muslims: “Behave or F— Off”
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This does not happen in Germany and Austria or Switzerland. Our men are brought up to respect the women. A woman in our nations can have a male friend and have coffee with them or something and he doesn't expect her to sleep with him, a male and a female can be platonic friends with mutual respect.

If a woman goes to a bar or a club, she doesn't expect to get sexually molested or raped.

There must be isolated situations, however, there are a minority and rare.

What happened on New Years Eve for example, has deeply shocked our peoples, because we're not used to such happenings in our cities.

If anyone even knows just one thing about Germanics, it's that we're polite, respect the law and higher authority and that we have the obsession with order and discipline, both within ourselves and within our society.
total bullshit!

Sorry, are you German, Austrian or Swiss? If not, WTF do you know about anything that I'm talking about.
bitch please your background give you no special insight in to the problem,

As I are a fool, an idiot.
you say many thing that are false that is one of them.

Ah :meow::poke:

Is it any wonder why? No I don't expect you to understand.
Libtards expect everyone to take this vile behaviour lying down, like they do.

You guys sure get upset when Germany's crime stats don't seem to support your claims. But hey, what's facts to a conservatard?
I guess the German people have as much interest in listening to your calming B.S. as they do listening to the Leftist suicidal Merkel govt propaganda. We have that same problem in our country with obama and his enabling leftist media.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a leaked confidential police report, which reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

“All across Germany, a country with some of the most stringent gun-control laws in Europe, demand is skyrocketing for non-lethal self-defense weapons, including pepper sprays, gas pistols, flare guns, electroshock weapons and animal repellants. Germans are also applying for weapons permits in record numbers,” Soeren Kern noted prior to the New Year’s Eve mass rape rampage.”

Europeans Turn Against Muslims: “Behave or F— Off”

Thank you for a sane posting, containing actual facts also.
This does not happen in Germany and Austria or Switzerland. Our men are brought up to respect the women. A woman in our nations can have a male friend and have coffee with them or something and he doesn't expect her to sleep with him, a male and a female can be platonic friends with mutual respect.

If a woman goes to a bar or a club, she doesn't expect to get sexually molested or raped.

There must be isolated situations, however, there are a minority and rare.

What happened on New Years Eve for example, has deeply shocked our peoples, because we're not used to such happenings in our cities.

If anyone even knows just one thing about Germanics, it's that we're polite, respect the law and higher authority and that we have the obsession with order and discipline, both within ourselves and within our society.
total bullshit!

Backpfeifengesicht! DU BIST EIN DUMMKOPF!
ich stimme zu!

Ja, natürlich :wink:
sie sind widerlich Moderatoren!

Ja, widerlich und verrückt!
This does not happen in Germany and Austria or Switzerland. Our men are brought up to respect the women. A woman in our nations can have a male friend and have coffee with them or something and he doesn't expect her to sleep with him, a male and a female can be platonic friends with mutual respect.

If a woman goes to a bar or a club, she doesn't expect to get sexually molested or raped.

There must be isolated situations, however, there are a minority and rare.

What happened on New Years Eve for example, has deeply shocked our peoples, because we're not used to such happenings in our cities.

If anyone even knows just one thing about Germanics, it's that we're polite, respect the law and higher authority and that we have the obsession with order and discipline, both within ourselves and within our society.
total bullshit!

Backpfeifengesicht! DU BIST EIN DUMMKOPF!
ich stimme zu!

Ja, natürlich :wink:
sie sind widerlich Moderatoren!
call thewaaaambulance!

Is it any wonder why? No I don't expect you to understand.
Libtards expect everyone to take this vile behaviour lying down, like they do.

You guys sure get upset when Germany's crime stats don't seem to support your claims. But hey, what's facts to a conservatard?
The stats are irrelevant because they don't mean any country should import more rapists. Rape is rife in Islam. You are an enabling embarrassment to all women, imho.

And you are incapable of a rational look at evidence.

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