Two illegals fill city council seats


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What do you think? Sounds like Huntington is primarily Latino so what's the big deal? After all I don't blame them for wanted to take what white European people created.

Hispanics are fucking up California, just like they did to mexico
What do you think? Sounds like Huntington is primarily Latino so what's the big deal? After all I don't blame them for wanted to take what white European people created.

Why illegal immigrants were appointed is beyond me. Perhaps it's to help ICE agents find the individuals insofar as they have to appear at commission hearings?

Did anyone else notice that the lady interviewed took umbrage at the fact of someone having lied to the press?
So why doesn't Trump just go pick them up and deport them?
Deport them where, they are already in California
America is temporary, it's just that amerians have a toddlerish male dominator god sense of time.
Civilization is temporary
Yours is not civilization at all.
This coming from a nigga

Ha ha ha, poor confused cocksheath, I'm white, just like you.

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