Two Inspectors General Ask DOJ to Open Criminal Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Emails


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
The only reason to be surprised about this, is that someone in a position of authority in the obama government is responding as would an adult.

But here's the Report:

"Two inspectors general have called on the U.S. Department of Justice to open a formal criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email account, senior government officials reportedly told The New York Times on Thursday.

The investigation would focus on whether Clinton broke the law by sending or receiving classified emails using her private email account. A June assessment put together by the inspectors general that suggested Clinton’s private account included “hundreds of potentially classified emails.”

The DOJ has yet to decide whether it will launch a formal investigation, the officials told the Times.

At issue are thousands of pages of State Department emails from Mrs. Clinton’s private account. Mrs. Clinton has said she used the account because it was more convenient, but it also shielded her correspondence from congressional and Freedom of Information Act requests.

She faced sharp criticism after her use of the account became public, and subsequently said she would ask the State Department to release her emails

The department is now reviewing some 55,000 pages of emails. A first batch of 3,000 pages was made public on June 30."

Two Inspectors General Ask DOJ to Open Criminal Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Emails

I don't see it happening. The criminals are in charge now...the law means nothing to them.
The only reason to be surprised about this, is that someone in a position of authority in the obama government is responding as would an adult.

But here's the Report:

"Two inspectors general have called on the U.S. Department of Justice to open a formal criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email account, senior government officials reportedly told The New York Times on Thursday.

The investigation would focus on whether Clinton broke the law by sending or receiving classified emails using her private email account. A June assessment put together by the inspectors general that suggested Clinton’s private account included “hundreds of potentially classified emails.”

The DOJ has yet to decide whether it will launch a formal investigation, the officials told the Times.

At issue are thousands of pages of State Department emails from Mrs. Clinton’s private account. Mrs. Clinton has said she used the account because it was more convenient, but it also shielded her correspondence from congressional and Freedom of Information Act requests.

She faced sharp criticism after her use of the account became public, and subsequently said she would ask the State Department to release her emails

The department is now reviewing some 55,000 pages of emails. A first batch of 3,000 pages was made public on June 30."

Two Inspectors General Ask DOJ to Open Criminal Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Emails

Yo, if they don`t? You know damn well Obama told the bitch no!!! This is so obvious, any Law Enforcement of the U.S.A. would investigate this criminal couple, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton!!! Put them in JAIL!!!



News like this shouldn't hurt Hillary during the primary's, and seeings how the dems have yet to pony up a candidate capable of beating Hillary at this stage of the game, I see no reason why she won't prevail.
Her supporters have to be wondering though how all this might play out in the general election come 2016. I know that's what I'd be thinking at this point in time..

Jeb has already shot himself in the foot with his proposal to shitcan medicare.. You can pretty much count him out of the race by saying stupid shit like that, so early on in the process. Naturally democrats will tie that silliness to wallstreet.
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The only reason to be surprised about this, is that someone in a position of authority in the obama government is responding as would an adult.

But here's the Report:

"Two inspectors general have called on the U.S. Department of Justice to open a formal criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email account, senior government officials reportedly told The New York Times on Thursday.

The investigation would focus on whether Clinton broke the law by sending or receiving classified emails using her private email account. A June assessment put together by the inspectors general that suggested Clinton’s private account included “hundreds of potentially classified emails.”

The DOJ has yet to decide whether it will launch a formal investigation, the officials told the Times.

At issue are thousands of pages of State Department emails from Mrs. Clinton’s private account. Mrs. Clinton has said she used the account because it was more convenient, but it also shielded her correspondence from congressional and Freedom of Information Act requests.

She faced sharp criticism after her use of the account became public, and subsequently said she would ask the State Department to release her emails

The department is now reviewing some 55,000 pages of emails. A first batch of 3,000 pages was made public on June 30."

Two Inspectors General Ask DOJ to Open Criminal Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Emails

Yo, if they don`t? You know damn well Obama told the bitch no!!! This is so obvious, any Law Enforcement of the U.S.A. would investigate this criminal couple, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton!!! Put them in JAIL!!!

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I like Slick Willies tie

I like old Bernie Sanders, and most of what he's saying. I'd rather see him get the nod, but that ain't gonna happen. No way, no how.
News like this shouldn't hurt Hillary during the primary's, and seeings how the dems have yet to pony up a candidate capable of beating Hillary at this stage of the game, I see no reason why she won't prevail.
Her supporters have to be wondering though how all this might play out in the generals come 2016. I know that's what I'd be thinking at this point in time..

Jeb has already shot himself in the foot with his proposal to shitcan medicare.. You can pretty much count him out of the race by saying stupid shit like that, so early on in the process. Naturally democrats will tie that silliness to wallstreet.

Hillary Clinton Slipping Behind GOP Presidential Nominees, Polls Find -

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is in trouble in three swing states, according to several polls released Wednesday from Quinnipiac University. The polls found Clinton trailing behind three top Republican primary contenders for the presidency, including two nominees from Florida: former Gov. Jeb Bush and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. -

See more at: Hillary Clinton Slipping Behind GOP Presidential Nominees Polls Find Sunshine State News Florida Political News
Am I missing something here? Hillary's running in the dem primaries, so your polls are meaningless at this point in time
I love the sound of the term 'criminal probe' and Hillarys' name used in the same sentence. It may not hurt her, may not happen, but sure as hell isn't going to help her!
this could very well hurt Hillary, if she gets the nod. And the democrats are no doubt mindful of that
Fat chance a Democrat or Obama's Secretary of State being investigated for criminal activity in this criminal regime.

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