Two issues in which Obama was correct, the speech/lecture to Canada in our parliament and the tapping of Merkels cell phone


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As much as he was wrong about so many issues and misguided by advisers who took poor direction themselves from foreign global socialists, he was correct on these two decisions.

It took some courage in dealing with Germany in particular, but I do recall some politicians in Canada looking a little nervous as well. Our foil was no longer effective.

Here is an excerpt from his speech to our government. He was probably well aware of Canadians creepy police state:

I think we can all agree that our democracies are far from perfect. They can be messy, and they can be slow, and they can leave all sides of a debate unsatisfied. Justin is just getting started. (Laughter.) So in case you hadn't figured that out, that's where this gray hair comes from. (Laughter.) But more than any other system of government, democracy allows our most precious rights to find their fullest expression, enabling us, through the hard, painstaking work of citizenship, to continually make our countries better. To solve new challenges. To right past wrongs.

And, Prime Minister, what a powerful message of reconciliation it was -- here and around the world -- when your government pledged a new relationship with Canada’s First Nations. (Applause.)

Democracy is not easy. It’s hard. Living up to our ideals can be difficult even in the best of times. And it can be harder when the future seems uncertain, or when, in response to legitimate fears and frustrations, there are those who offer a politics of “us” versus “them,” a politics that scapegoats others -- the immigrant, the refugee, someone who seems different than us. We have to call this mentality what it is -- a threat to the values that we profess, the values we seek to defend.

It’s because we respect all people that the world looks to us as an example. The colors of the rainbow flag have flown on Parliament Hill. They have lit up the White House. That is a testament to our progress, but also the work that remains to ensure true equality for our fellow citizens who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. (Applause.)

He was right to understand Merkels intentions and did not apologize for it, though he plead Plausible Deniability as all leaders do. He, or those in his orbit, understood what a threat she might be facilitating. He also stated if I recall correctly, something to the effect, and I paraphrase here, "it's the business of intelligence agencies to know peoples positions before we go into a negotiating room" etc.


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