Two issues with Comey's testimony

It sure is if Comey said it, and he did, and no one has evidence to the contrary. Trump was talking out his as and won't admit it.
Agreed, just like Hillary "Sniper" Clinton's "dead broke" comment. Fucking politicians, eh?
Sure, Clinton is gone, very good, time for Trump to resign.
Why? Clinton didn't. As for Trump, if he's guilty, he should. If he isn't, he shouldn't.

BTW, be careful what you wish for; your "circumstantial evidence" argument could easily be won by anyone in the Trump campaign in court. :)
It sure is if Comey said it, and he did, and no one has evidence to the contrary. Trump was talking out his as and won't admit it.
Agreed, just like Hillary "Sniper" Clinton's "dead broke" comment. Fucking politicians, eh?
Sure, Clinton is gone, very good, time for Trump to resign.
Why? Clinton didn't. As for Trump, if he's guilty, he should. If he isn't, he shouldn't.
If he is guilty of what?
If they did not see it, then you could prove it circumstantially with photographs such as above with falling snow and compare it to photographs of the snow on the ground in question.
It sure is if Comey said it, and he did, and no one has evidence to the contrary. Trump was talking out his as and won't admit it.
Agreed, just like Hillary "Sniper" Clinton's "dead broke" comment. Fucking politicians, eh?
Sure, Clinton is gone, very good, time for Trump to resign.
Why? Clinton didn't. As for Trump, if he's guilty, he should. If he isn't, he shouldn't.

BTW, be careful what you wish for; your "circumstantial evidence" argument could easily be won by anyone in the Trump campaign in court. :)
Trump is president, Clinton is not. Your argument fails on the fallacy of degree not kind.
There are two issues I see with Comey's testimony that I haven't heard reported on:

1) Comey admitted that there was evidence to suggest Russia attempted to hack into other institutions, including the RNC. This is consistent with this story that Russia attempted to hack the RNC around the same time they hacked the DNC...they just were unsuccessful at doing so. It makes more sense that Russia wanted to create confusion in the election than simply help Trump win, which is why I take Comey and Rogers' statements that Russia wanted to hurt Hillary and help Trump with a grain of salt. If Russia wanted to help Trump win, why were they trying to hack the RNC?

2) People keep saying Comey flatly rejected Trump's tweets about Obama having him wire tapped. Couple of points with that. First of all, Comey said he's seen no information to support Trump's claim that Obama had him wiretapped. Aside from the fact that that answer doesn't completely eschew the idea that Trump was wiretapped, it's also a careful bit of word parsing. The question everyone wants to know is, "did the Obama administration have Trump surveilled during the 2016 election?" If, for example, Loretta Lynch authorized it, technically speaking that doesn't mean Obama did it, but it went down under his watch which is kind of the same thing. But also, "I have no information to support that claim" is...curiously noncommittal. If you recall, here's Comey testifying on whether Hillary Clinton told the truth about her private e-mail server. See how straightforward that is? I'm just saying. I think there's another shoe to drop.
There's no parsing of words. Trump lied about Obama wiretapping him but he tried to be nice about the president being an unrepentant liar.

Once again you're full of shit, he phrased his opening statement very carefully to make it clear he was ONLY speaking on behalf of the FBI and DOJ.
It sure is if Comey said it, and he did, and no one has evidence to the contrary. Trump was talking out his as and won't admit it.
Agreed, just like Hillary "Sniper" Clinton's "dead broke" comment. Fucking politicians, eh?
Sure, Clinton is gone, very good, time for Trump to resign.
Why? Clinton didn't. As for Trump, if he's guilty, he should. If he isn't, he shouldn't.
If he is guilty of what?
Anything worth resigning over.
It sure is if Comey said it, and he did, and no one has evidence to the contrary. Trump was talking out his as and won't admit it.
Agreed, just like Hillary "Sniper" Clinton's "dead broke" comment. Fucking politicians, eh?
Sure, Clinton is gone, very good, time for Trump to resign.
Why? Clinton didn't. As for Trump, if he's guilty, he should. If he isn't, he shouldn't.

BTW, be careful what you wish for; your "circumstantial evidence" argument could easily be won by anyone in the Trump campaign in court. :)
Trump is president, Clinton is not. Your argument fails on the fallacy of degree not kind.
Agreed that Hillary Clinton failed becoming President (twice!!!!), but Bill Clinton, who was actually impeached, was, indeed, President.
It sure is if Comey said it, and he did, and no one has evidence to the contrary. Trump was talking out his as and won't admit it.
Agreed, just like Hillary "Sniper" Clinton's "dead broke" comment. Fucking politicians, eh?
Sure, Clinton is gone, very good, time for Trump to resign.
Why? Clinton didn't. As for Trump, if he's guilty, he should. If he isn't, he shouldn't.
If he is guilty of what?
Anything worth resigning over.
Haha, according to some he's already done enough to warrant resignation, for others there's nothing he could do to warrant it.
There are two issues I see with Comey's testimony that I haven't heard reported on:

1) Comey admitted that there was evidence to suggest Russia attempted to hack into other institutions, including the RNC. This is consistent with this story that Russia attempted to hack the RNC around the same time they hacked the DNC...they just were unsuccessful at doing so. It makes more sense that Russia wanted to create confusion in the election than simply help Trump win, which is why I take Comey and Rogers' statements that Russia wanted to hurt Hillary and help Trump with a grain of salt. If Russia wanted to help Trump win, why were they trying to hack the RNC?

Putin hates Hillary. Trump loves Putin. For years, Trump even made up bogus stories about what great friends he and Putin were, like a schoolgirl with a crush on a boy who doesn't even know he exists.

Putin clearly preferred Trump win, and acted accordingly.

2) People keep saying Comey flatly rejected Trump's tweets about Obama having him wire tapped. Couple of points with that. First of all, Comey said he's seen no information to support Trump's claim that Obama had him wiretapped. Aside from the fact that that answer doesn't completely eschew the idea that Trump was wiretapped, it's also a careful bit of word parsing. The question everyone wants to know is, "did the Obama administration have Trump surveilled during the 2016 election?" If, for example, Loretta Lynch authorized it, technically speaking that doesn't mean Obama did it, but it went down under his watch which is kind of the same thing. But also, "I have no information to support that claim" is...curiously noncommittal. If you recall, here's Comey testifying on whether Hillary Clinton told the truth about her private e-mail server. See how straightforward that is? I'm just saying. I think there's another shoe to drop.

Trump lied about Obama wiretapping him. It's as simple as that. Don't be a fucking Chump who gobbles down every last morsel of utter bullshit Trump pulls out of his ass.

When it really fucking matters for the American people and other world leaders to believe Trump, no one will. Because the lying asshole has completely destroyed his integrity. And for what?

...Trump lied about Obama wiretapping him. It's as simple as that. ...
Agreed, just like Hillary lied about "sniper fire" and "dead broke" lies, much less Bill's "I didn't inhale" and "did not have sexual relations with that woman" lies. It's Washington DC. They're all fucking liars.
...Trump lied about Obama wiretapping him. It's as simple as that. ...
Agreed, just like Hillary lied about "sniper fire" and "dead broke" lies, much less Bill's "I didn't inhale" and "did not have sexual relations with that woman" lies. It's Washington DC. They're all fucking liars.
There is one pretty important distinction... your other examples were two shadsters lying to cover their butts, which is wrong, no argument here. Trump took it to the next level by accusing an ex-president of a felony, calling him a bad/sick guy, and using his lie to distract the American people from some shady business going on with his administration. There are many layers of stink on this one. It needs to be called out and we need to demand better from our leader
For everyone that's always down on OUR President, do y'all at least like the AMERICA FIRST plan. We need to come together as Americans . Or do y'all not like America first either?

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There is one pretty important distinction... your other examples were two shadsters lying to cover their butts, which is wrong, no argument here. Trump took it to the next level by accusing an ex-president of a felony, calling him a bad/sick guy, and using his lie to distract the American people from some shady business going on with his administration. There are many layers of stink on this one. It needs to be called out and we need to demand better from our leader
Disagreed since anyone with an average knowledge of modern technology knows the FBI doesn't sneak agents into people's homes and actually "wire tap" their phones then sit in a small room across the street listening on headphones while running reel-to-reel tape recorders. There are more modern techniques now which is why the correct technical phrase is "electronic surveillance", not the euphemism "wiretapping".

There is one pretty important distinction... your other examples were two shadsters lying to cover their butts, which is wrong, no argument here. Trump took it to the next level by accusing an ex-president of a felony, calling him a bad/sick guy, and using his lie to distract the American people from some shady business going on with his administration. There are many layers of stink on this one. It needs to be called out and we need to demand better from our leader
Disagreed since anyone with an average knowledge of modern technology knows the FBI doesn't sneak agents into people's homes and actually "wire tap" their phones then sit in a small room across the street listening on headphones while running reel-to-reel tape recorders. There are more modern techniques now which is why the correct technical phrase is "electronic surveillance", not the euphemism "wiretapping".
Yes, that is pretty obvious, Obama didn't send people to put old school bugs in Trumps office. Trump accused Obama of doing something illegal in relation to surveillance on Trump tower. He called him a sick/bad guy and compared it to McCarthyism. Trump didn't have evidence to back up these tweets or we wouldn't of have the head of the FBI and NSA both saying that there was no evidence to back up Trumps tweets. All this other talk of searching for other types of surveillance is now officially a desperate attempt to find something that can shield Trump from his false statement and somehow justify it.
Watching him, he is not a good liar. I noticed that before now, as well.
There are two issues I see with Comey's testimony that I haven't heard reported on:

1) Comey admitted that there was evidence to suggest Russia attempted to hack into other institutions, including the RNC. This is consistent with this story that Russia attempted to hack the RNC around the same time they hacked the DNC...they just were unsuccessful at doing so. It makes more sense that Russia wanted to create confusion in the election than simply help Trump win, which is why I take Comey and Rogers' statements that Russia wanted to hurt Hillary and help Trump with a grain of salt. If Russia wanted to help Trump win, why were they trying to hack the RNC?

2) People keep saying Comey flatly rejected Trump's tweets about Obama having him wire tapped. Couple of points with that. First of all, Comey said he's seen no information to support Trump's claim that Obama had him wiretapped. Aside from the fact that that answer doesn't completely eschew the idea that Trump was wiretapped, it's also a careful bit of word parsing. The question everyone wants to know is, "did the Obama administration have Trump surveilled during the 2016 election?" If, for example, Loretta Lynch authorized it, technically speaking that doesn't mean Obama did it, but it went down under his watch which is kind of the same thing. But also, "I have no information to support that claim" is...curiously noncommittal. If you recall, here's Comey testifying on whether Hillary Clinton told the truth about her private e-mail server. See how straightforward that is? I'm just saying. I think there's another shoe to drop.
He's obviously hiding the facts and trying to mislead the public and congress.
He only there to discredit Trump and prevent Hillary and Obama from being properly investigated.
Yes, that is pretty obvious, Obama didn't send people to put old school bugs in Trumps office. Trump accused Obama of doing something illegal in relation to surveillance on Trump tower. He called him a sick/bad guy and compared it to McCarthyism. Trump didn't have evidence to back up these tweets or we wouldn't of have the head of the FBI and NSA both saying that there was no evidence to back up Trumps tweets. All this other talk of searching for other types of surveillance is now officially a desperate attempt to find something that can shield Trump from his false statement and somehow justify it.
1) That's pretty obvious.

2) Yes he did. Don't you get that this is related to the Flynn thing? My guess is that the phone calls Flynn (and others) made was from Trump Tower. Ergo, "Obama was 'bugging' Trump Tower". Yeah, a stretch, but closer to the truth than Slick Willie's denial of "sexual relations with that woman".

3) No one seems to be confirming or deny that data collected in could have included Trump Tower, but I agree that Trump Tower wasn't specifically targeted. What was targeted were communications with Russia from within the United States.
Trump team communications captured by intelligence community surveillance, Nunes says
"Members of the intelligence community "incidentally collected" communications from the Trump transition team during legal surveillance operations of foreign targets, a top Republican lawmaker said Wednesday afternoon.

House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said this produced "dozens" of reports which eventually unmasked several individuals’ identities and were "widely disseminated."

He said none of the reports he had read mentioned Russia or Russians and he was unsure whether the surveillance occurred at Trump Tower -- as President Trump has suggested. Nunes also was unsure if then President-elect Trump was captured by the surveillance, which occurred in November, December and January."

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