Two or three more Ebola cases and the Democrats will be toast for the next 50 years

They said they had protocols in place that would prevent Ebola from being transmitted to health workers: False.

Here is what "they" are actually saying:


We don't know what it is yet. The CDC team is there doing two things. One, trying to find out what that breach might have been, and to underscore and emphasize the importance of the strict following of their protocol. We have experience with Ebola dating back to 1976 with 24 outbreaks in Africa. And a group like Médecins Sans Frontières, Doctors Without Borders, they almost never get an infection because of the very strict protocols. Sometimes people are human. They have inadvertent breaches. And that's very likely what happened.

The rubes have leaped to a conclusion that the people in Texas got Ebola through the air, instead of through inadvertent breaches of protocol.


Everything Obama and the Administration has said about Ebola has turned out to be false.
  1. They said we would never get an Ebola case in the United States: False.
  2. They said Ebola can only be transmitted by bodily fluids: False
  3. They said they had protocols in place that would prevent Ebola from being transmitted to health workers: False.
If one or two more cases of Ebola show up in the US, the Obama administrations credibility will be so damaged that the voters will never trust a Democrat again. People are scared to death of this disease and Obama is playing political games with it.
Remind us what party controls Texas (where the Ebola cases are) again.
Remind us who controls US borders.

Perry controls Texas and its border ... a Republican
This entire topic is based on a series of false premises in the OP.

Oh, well. Nothing new about that.
Everything Obama and the Administration has said about Ebola has turned out to be false.
  1. They said we would never get an Ebola case in the United States: False.
  2. They said Ebola can only be transmitted by bodily fluids: False
  3. They said they had protocols in place that would prevent Ebola from being transmitted to health workers: False.
If one or two more cases of Ebola show up in the US, the Obama administrations credibility will be so damaged that the voters will never trust a Democrat again. People are scared to death of this disease and Obama is playing political games with it.

1. Who was it that said we would never get an Ebola case in the US?

2. Why don't you tell us how Ebola is spread. Considering that it was in Texas, I wouldn't be surprised if some people think it's a result of evil spirits.

3. No protocol is full proof. They merely minimize the probability that the disease will be transmitted. But of course the protocols have to be followed to the letter. No doubt the Texas hospital didn't want to spend money that wasn't already budgeted on additional training.

With all that said, I can just imagine some conservatives praying for an outbreak of Ebola because they think it will help them at the ballot box even as Texans pray for the devil disease from deepest darkest Africa to be vanquished in the name of Jesus.
bipat is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Reagan didn't stop Aids either did he patti?
I don't take the OP seriously, but AIDS was already rampant in gay San Francisco in the late 70s. But then Carter, like Obola, was already a failure.

the first REPORTED case of AIDS was in 1981 ..look it up

That's reported cases. It was being seen in hospitals in the late 70s, we just didn't know what to call it or what caused it. I was working in a pathology lab at the time and there was a lot of confusion amongst the Docs about what was causing otherwise healthy men to get infections that the immune system usually shrugged off.
bipat is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Reagan didn't stop Aids either did he patti?
I don't take the OP seriously, but AIDS was already rampant in gay San Francisco in the late 70s. But then Carter, like Obola, was already a failure.

the first REPORTED case of AIDS was in 1981 ..look it up

That's reported cases. It was being seen in hospitals in the late 70s, we just didn't know what to call it or what caused it. I was working in a pathology lab at the time and there was a lot of confusion amongst the Docs about what was causing otherwise healthy men to get infections that the immune system usually shrugged off.

REPORTED on Reagans watch .. and he did what about it ?

bipat is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Reagan didn't stop Aids either did he patti?
I don't take the OP seriously, but AIDS was already rampant in gay San Francisco in the late 70s. But then Carter, like Obola, was already a failure.

the first REPORTED case of AIDS was in 1981 ..look it up

That's reported cases. It was being seen in hospitals in the late 70s, we just didn't know what to call it or what caused it. I was working in a pathology lab at the time and there was a lot of confusion amongst the Docs about what was causing otherwise healthy men to get infections that the immune system usually shrugged off.

REPORTED on Reagans watch .. and he did what about it ?


We're supposed to get all up in arms about something that kills homos?
Yeah...thats gonna happen.
Everything Obama and the Administration has said about Ebola has turned out to be false.
  1. They said we would never get an Ebola case in the United States: False

They never said that. I'm not sure who you're quoting.

  1. They said Ebola can only be transmitted by bodily fluids: False

Who says that's false?

  1. They said they had protocols in place that would prevent Ebola from being transmitted to health workers: False

This one is actually debatable. Most signs point toward a breach in protocol rather than a failure of it. As the same protocols have been used with Ebola patients in the US twice before and there were no incidents. However, the investigation on the topic is ongoing. And it may be found that the protocols are inadequate.

That's unlikely, but possible.

If one or two more cases of Ebola show up in the US, the Obama administrations credibility will be so damaged that the voters will never trust a Democrat again. People are scared to death of this disease and Obama is playing political games with it.

Ebola is the hysteria dejour of the republican party at the moment. One or two more cases would be scary, to be sure. But any lasting electoral impact? That's not going to happen. The results you're describing would take a full epidemic with tens of thousands of deaths. And even then would be unlikely.
bipat is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Reagan didn't stop Aids either did he patti?
I don't take the OP seriously, but AIDS was already rampant in gay San Francisco in the late 70s. But then Carter, like Obola, was already a failure.

the first REPORTED case of AIDS was in 1981 ..look it up

That's reported cases. It was being seen in hospitals in the late 70s, we just didn't know what to call it or what caused it. I was working in a pathology lab at the time and there was a lot of confusion amongst the Docs about what was causing otherwise healthy men to get infections that the immune system usually shrugged off.

REPORTED on Reagans watch .. and he did what about it ?

The cause and eventually treatments for AIDS came on Reagan's watch. It widespread infection was under Carter's.

Learn, and stop mouthing off in ignorance.
bipat is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Reagan didn't stop Aids either did he patti?

To be fair we dont really care about aides. It gets rid of intravenous drug users and homos...whats not to like?

And hemophiliacs. And millions of women and children.

Yeah thats unfortunate. But they are very unlikely to catch it,and if homos and drug users hadn't spread it we wouldnt have had a problem to begin with.
Everything Obama and the Administration has said about Ebola has turned out to be false.
  1. They said we would never get an Ebola case in the United States: False.
  2. They said Ebola can only be transmitted by bodily fluids: False
  3. They said they had protocols in place that would prevent Ebola from being transmitted to health workers: False.
If one or two more cases of Ebola show up in the US, the Obama administrations credibility will be so damaged that the voters will never trust a Democrat again. People are scared to death of this disease and Obama is playing political games with it.
Remind us what party controls Texas (where the Ebola cases are) again.
Remind us who controls US borders.
Does nature count?
bipat is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Reagan didn't stop Aids either did he patti?

To be fair we dont really care about aides. It gets rid of intravenous drug users and homos...whats not to like?

And hemophiliacs. And millions of women and children.

Yeah thats unfortunate. But they are very unlikely to catch it,and if homos and drug users hadn't spread it we wouldnt have had a problem to begin with.

You do realize that most of the people that AIDS kills are straight. And women. Right?
bipat is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Reagan didn't stop Aids either did he patti?

To be fair we dont really care about aides. It gets rid of intravenous drug users and homos...whats not to like?

And hemophiliacs. And millions of women and children.

Yeah thats unfortunate. But they are very unlikely to catch it,and if homos and drug users hadn't spread it we wouldnt have had a problem to begin with.

You do realize that most of the people that AIDS kills are straight. And women. Right?
Shhhhhh! It doesn't count if they are darkies in Africa.

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