Two Questions For Liberals


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.

These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.

1. I don't trust the government. Never have.

2. I don't know
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


Government is not a separate alien entity, you doofus.

Government is your fellow Americans performing all manner of jobs in good faith.

Government is goes to the mall, the church, and ballgames.

Tax Rate - progressive according to income.
Never trust government because they kill many times more people than all of the terrorist, criminals and just mad people in the world, and this country too.

Fair tax should be less than 1/4 of income. If you run a trucking company and pay about 25% it takes 1/3 of your per load to pay the driver, 1/3 to buy and keep a truck going, and you end up with a third to do the rest of your overhead, and squeak out about 5% for yourself That means it takes 7 trucks to get the amount you pay for a driver.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


1. It is a necessary part of civilization. It is much better to have government then be like places that don't have it like Haiti or Somalia. I believe somethings that it does is necessary and believe we're better off with it. Not that I blindly trust it without question.

2. The rich should pay per capita the same as anyone else....The taxes should be high enough to maintain our leadership in science, education and infrastructure without debt.
As to your second question. These Libtards want a big government that will take care of their every need but they don't want to pay for it themselves. They want somebody else to pay. Greedy little bastards.
Government is not a separate alien entity, you doofus.

Government is your fellow Americans performing all manner of jobs in good faith.

Government is goes to the mall, the church, and ballgames.

Tax Rate - progressive according to income.

Ask all of the people in South Vietnam about that ignorant list just to name one lets see there were the Jews in Germany, the kurds, the BRANCH DAVIDIANS, Oh Idi Amin was also a government in himself, In this country The US government killed how many? 620,000 or so. And then 100,000 or so in the aftermath of the civil war.

Flat tax is the only FAIR RATE because government has no given authority to decide what a person can own, keep as a wage, or how much he can be paid (unless it is his employer). There is nothing written in the Constitution that allows a progressive tax, in fact it violates equal protection in MY opinion.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


Government is not a separate alien entity, you doofus.

Government is your fellow Americans performing all manner of jobs in good faith.

Government is goes to the mall, the church, and ballgames.

Tax Rate - progressive according to income.
^ Failed civics 100% of the time
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


1. It is a necessary part of civilization. It is much better to have government then be like places that don't have it like Haiti or Somalia. I believe somethings that it does is necessary and believe we're better off with it. Not that I blindly trust it without question.

2. The rich should pay per capita the same as anyone else....The taxes should be high enough to maintain our leadership in science, education and infrastructure without debt.
I want a percent.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.

Such a weird question.

I trust it more than Russia when the right people are running it.

I didn't trust it under Bush and the GOP and that turned out to be the right decision. Bush and the GOP almost brought down our country.

Trump and the GOP want to finish the job they started under Bush.
This board is a bunch of paranoid uneducated freaks.
You've only to note the spelling and grammar to realize the lack of education among these Trumpeters.


Because bed wetters have impeccable spelling and grammar skills, especially when ignoring the point of a post.

It seems that a lack of successful public "skool" brain washing is what allows common sense to prevail and "educated" democrooks to nominate sociopaths like hitlary and lose more elected offices across the board than at any time since 1920.

Lotta good that public "education" does for people.


These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.

Such a weird question.

I trust it more than Russia when the right people are running it.

I didn't trust it under Bush and the GOP and that turned out to be the right decision. Bush and the GOP almost brought down our country.

Trump and the GOP want to finish the job they started under Bush.
You avoided the topic and your fear is noted.
This board is a bunch of paranoid uneducated freaks.
So the Trump russia panick button you leftard's tried to float out there we're supposed to just ignore? Here's something to think about. Maybe you shouldn't be all in for trusting the government and their lap dog media. Is that paranoid? It's kind of funny you only think of the uneducated as those that question your positions yet you think the ones that just go along with your idea's without question are somehow the smart ones. The only paranoid uneducated freaks I can find are the ones that exist in the lefts bubble of ask no questions, debate nothing, go along with the program and you'll be considered part of the "smart" crowd.

Pretty much the opposite of what it actually means to be educated when the only way to agree with your policies is shut up, not question and go along with what we tell you or you're an idiot.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
Yeah why? Are we all NOT equal or are some more equal than others?

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