Two Questions For Liberals

These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.

1. Aren't the police government? You trust them don't you? Why shouldn't I?

As for taxes, I suppose 20 to 25% of those making a livable income should be fine.

5%-10% of those below the poverty line. Even though they may getting assistance, they should still be able to pay from what they get into the system. (They're getting back in the form of assistance anyways)
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
Yeah why? Are we all NOT equal or are some more equal than others?

We the people are all equal. Dollars are not however.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
Yeah why? Are we all NOT equal or are some more equal than others?

We the people are all equal. Dollars are not however.
So my dollars should be taxed more then yours? Why are mine not equal?
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
Yeah why? Are we all NOT equal or are some more equal than others?

We the people are all equal. Dollars are not however.
So my dollars should be taxed more then yours? Why are mine not equal?

Nope, we should both be subjected to the same tax tables. Both of our first dollars earned should be taxed the same amount and both of our millionth dollar earned should be taxed equally.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.

I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
This board is a bunch of paranoid uneducated freaks.
So the Trump russia panick button you leftard's tried to float out there we're supposed to just ignore? Here's something to think about. Maybe you shouldn't be all in for trusting the government and their lap dog media. Is that paranoid? It's kind of funny you only think of the uneducated as those that question your positions yet you think the ones that just go along with your idea's without question are somehow the smart ones. The only paranoid uneducated freaks I can find are the ones that exist in the lefts bubble of ask no questions, debate nothing, go along with the program and you'll be considered part of the "smart" crowd.

Pretty much the opposite of what it actually means to be educated when the only way to agree with your policies is shut up, not question and go along with what we tell you or you're an idiot.

These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.

I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


They are about as simple as they are stupid.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


I think you need to be more specific . "The government " covers a huge area.

I think have graduated tax rates is fine . If you make more you can absorb a bigger hit . Again the question needs more specificity . Taxes is another huge area .
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.

I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?

If you get a double burger and I get the single, we don't pay the same .

How much "government " are you using ? If you are making more, you probably use more.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.

Did your #2 key stop functioning?
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.

I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?

If you get a double burger and I get the single, we don't pay the same .

How much "government " are you using ? If you are making more, you probably use more.
Then pay the same ratio. Get a single and pay 10%, Get double which costs more and pay 10%. WTF are you even talking about using more government? Who the fuck uses more government in terms of how much they make.
These are two very simple questions so feel free to reply.

1, Why do you trust government?

And two just to clear the air and see if there ANY common ground. What should be the tax rate for EVERY American? I mean TOTAL so it covers everything.


A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
Yeah why? Are we all NOT equal or are some more equal than others?

The fallacy of the flat tax argument is that it assumes there is only one tax out there . Income tax. Reality is we are subject to 100s of taxes n fees .

It also assumes everyone's " income" is equally measurable . It is not . Income can come from many forms and calculated many ways .
1. You can never trust a rich man/woman in power, look at how our own govt. conducts wars against it's own people for profit..
Two, a tax rate of 75% until the debt is paid off...Then drops back down to 5%
A Flat tax is dumb. Any other retarded questions?
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.

I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?

If you get a double burger and I get the single, we don't pay the same .

How much "government " are you using ? If you are making more, you probably use more.
Then pay the same ratio. Get a single and pay 10%, Get double which costs more and pay 10%. WTF are you even talking about using more government? Who the fuck uses more government in terms of how much they make.

Rich people use more!

For example . Donald Trump flies all over the place . He is using the shit out of public airports, customs , FAA, home land security .

I took one flight last year. Why should I pay the same as Donald ?
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.

I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?

If you get a double burger and I get the single, we don't pay the same .

How much "government " are you using ? If you are making more, you probably use more.
Then pay the same ratio. Get a single and pay 10%, Get double which costs more and pay 10%. WTF are you even talking about using more government? Who the fuck uses more government in terms of how much they make.

Rich people use more!

For example . Donald Trump flies all over the place . He is using the shit out of public airports, customs , FAA, home land security .

I took one flight last year. Why should I pay the same as Donald ?
Pssst. He has his own jet...
I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?

If you get a double burger and I get the single, we don't pay the same .

How much "government " are you using ? If you are making more, you probably use more.
Then pay the same ratio. Get a single and pay 10%, Get double which costs more and pay 10%. WTF are you even talking about using more government? Who the fuck uses more government in terms of how much they make.

Rich people use more!

For example . Donald Trump flies all over the place . He is using the shit out of public airports, customs , FAA, home land security .

I took one flight last year. Why should I pay the same as Donald ?
Pssst. He has his own jet...

Then he should have his own airports.

You want flat tax, then have flat services .
I'm not sure the question was as retarded as the answer you give.

Why is a flat tax dumb? Do the poor not need to pay for the country they live in? That falls only on the rich? Why would a flat tax not benefit everyone? At least the tax rates would equally apply across all voting groups. Or is that still the democrat goal. Can't have anyone equal or you lose your voting base of built up victims. Even if those victims aren't paying anything in taxes.

I'd explain it to you but you're from Missouri so I don't have the time to draw a picture so you can grasp the concept.
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?

If you get a double burger and I get the single, we don't pay the same .

How much "government " are you using ? If you are making more, you probably use more.
Then pay the same ratio. Get a single and pay 10%, Get double which costs more and pay 10%. WTF are you even talking about using more government? Who the fuck uses more government in terms of how much they make.

Rich people use more!

For example . Donald Trump flies all over the place . He is using the shit out of public airports, customs , FAA, home land security .

I took one flight last year. Why should I pay the same as Donald ?
Well then he would be paying taxes paying the shit out of the 10% tax rate he's using. You, going home to your mom for a weekend in her basement to refocus yourself only has to pay the tax once. You should pay the same tax because it's a single flight. He flew to more places. He pays the tax every time. You fly once, and should pay the same tax for that one.

Is this shit really that hard for you to comprehend?
We go to the same gas pump we pay the same price.
We go to the same burger joint we pay the same price.
But we live under the same government and you want me to pay more. Why?

If you get a double burger and I get the single, we don't pay the same .

How much "government " are you using ? If you are making more, you probably use more.
Then pay the same ratio. Get a single and pay 10%, Get double which costs more and pay 10%. WTF are you even talking about using more government? Who the fuck uses more government in terms of how much they make.

Rich people use more!

For example . Donald Trump flies all over the place . He is using the shit out of public airports, customs , FAA, home land security .

I took one flight last year. Why should I pay the same as Donald ?
Pssst. He has his own jet...

Then he should have his own airports.

You want flat tax, then have flat services .
Are you...



Are you this fucking stupid in real life?

If you're this fucking dumb in real life..Is that even possible?

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