Two san fransissyco teens kill Italian cop.

There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer

Muslims are considered guilty until proven otherwise? you must be talking about an Iranian prison right?
You do realize when your talking about Muslims thats not Racial.... Muslims are made up of many people including white people. Omar is confused just like you
I didnt say it is racist. But since you mentioned it lot of islamophobes think that Islam is a race.
Actually from what I’ve seen; those who criticize Islam, and Muslims get characterized as “racist”. Seems like you have things a bit backwards...
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
Perhaps some is true. But it seems most are on the Prog side of the ledger. Health insurance companies should do what auto insurance have done. Red line all Prog neighborhoods and charge much more for health insurance.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer

Muslims are considered guilty until proven otherwise? you must be talking about an Iranian prison right?
You do realize when your talking about Muslims thats not Racial.... Muslims are made up of many people including white people. Omar is confused just like you
I didnt say it is racist. But since you mentioned it lot of islamophobes think that Islam is a race.
Actually from what I’ve seen; those who criticize Islam, and Muslims get characterized as “racist”. Seems like you have things a bit backwards...
nope we call those bigots, and in most cases they are racists against non whites.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer

Muslims are considered guilty until proven otherwise? you must be talking about an Iranian prison right?
You do realize when your talking about Muslims thats not Racial.... Muslims are made up of many people including white people. Omar is confused just like you
I didnt say it is racist. But since you mentioned it lot of islamophobes think that Islam is a race.
Actually from what I’ve seen; those who criticize Islam, and Muslims get characterized as “racist”. Seems like you have things a bit backwards...
nope we call those bigots, and in most cases they are racists against non whites.

oh---- I got it-----anyone who notes that he has been victimized by the
details of shariah law is -------"A RACIST AGAINST NON-WHITES" ---
how convenient for the "I PUT A RAG ON MY HEAD SO NOW I AM
Omy. :eusa_silenced: Where were you in '69? At the doctor? :eek:

Before separation I was on station on a DD doing my job, protecting the West Coast from alien submarines. In the fall I returned to CAL to finish my undergraduate degree.

Probably, given your level of maturity, you weren't even born yet.

When did you and your boyfriend move to the Casto district permanent?

When did you leave the reservation shitting bull? It's the Castro District you ignorant fool, and I've been married to my wife for 45 years, she graduated from UW Madison, me from CAL and your posts suggest you didn't finish high school.

You couldn't complete basic training, I call BS.

Test me a-hole. Ask me what my job was when I went to GQs If I'm credible and other sailors verify my duties, do you promise to self ban yourself and go back to Stormfront where you belong?

Back to? Never been there you obtuse leftist derpwad. I already know your job was swabbing the deck. :abgg2q.jpg:
I haven't heard anything from the Gov. Newsome or Speaker Pelosi in regards to this.

Why isn't the city of San Fran and state of California apologizing to the goombas over this?

Its known as taking responsibility. The Liberal Disrespect for Law Enforcement that young people are taught in leftist Hell Holes is the reason for this kind of offense.
Not necessarily, but keep in mind, in a world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It's not ego which makes someone like me feel special, most of the posts which dominate this board are posted by biddable fools, liars and flunkies.

Just what is it that makes you feel special if not arrogance? You served your country, so did I... You have a degree... BFD... Lot of folks out there with degrees that repeat numerous times a day "would you like fries with that"? You are not special cupcake...

Do you have anything of substance to post, something thoughtful or thought provoking? Apparently not, since this post and the other - the only two of yours I have ever read, I believe - are ad hominems.

Please stalk someone else, and maybe contribute something of substance.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

White Christian men made America great.

America started going down hill after we gave the vote to women and colored people.
Disagree........ This nation started going down when it stopped supporting standards and values that were being practiced by a majority who were made up of men and women of all colors. Never is the color of one's skin or one's gender a problem, but rather what one believes is when the problem arises. As the famous speech of Martin Luther King word's rang out that day, it is about the character of man that makes the man inside who he is, and not of his color outside that makes him who he is as was the interpretation of his words that were then spoken.
San Francisco kids get stoned and forget thy aren't at home so act like they're still in their own 'hood. I smell an insanity plea!

I grew up in the sunset dist of SF, not far from the Haight Ashbury Dist. During the summer of love I was on leave and walked Haight St. with some of my buddies from school. Most of the down and outers were from the Midwest and South, most of the dealers were from the East Coast (we could tell by the accents). Some ne'er do wells still gravitate to The City, and during my first job in LE, working out of the Hall of Justice, five years after the summer of love most of the prostitutes - male and female - and petty criminals, and addicts were not natives of SF or even CA.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer

Muslims are considered guilty until proven otherwise? you must be talking about an Iranian prison right?
You do realize when your talking about Muslims thats not Racial.... Muslims are made up of many people including white people. Omar is confused just like you
I didnt say it is racist. But since you mentioned it lot of islamophobes think that Islam is a race.
Actually from what I’ve seen; those who criticize Islam, and Muslims get characterized as “racist”. Seems like you have things a bit backwards...
nope we call those bigots, and in most cases they are racists against non whites.

You can’t help yourself can you, you just make up BS all the time. Thanks for the laughs.
Two druggies get in trouble while in Europe, stupid is, as stupid does. Hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.
What's up with the youth of today ?? Getting dangerous. How about the two being looked for in the killing of the couple in Canada, and the man who was burnt up in the truck ??

Political correctness gone wild, and liberalism on steroids (I honestly think) has led to the mess that we have today. We seen it coming since the 60's, but just was to weak against a federal government who took over family matters in this country to do anything about it.

Well just as with every other government entity/agency that has become non-productive, over weighted, and inefficient over time, and all due to the bullcrap in which has since definitely reflected in the evidence we see because of policies that were knee jerk, and not carefully thought out when implemented over time, is why we have what we have today.

Hopefully a turn is happening, and the nation will get better. Hopefully !!!!

Beware however, on who is elected or given the reigns of power in this country or it will only get worse. Federal government power is no joke, and it can destroy or build up. It's the choices faced today.
one of the critical aspects is that it's not just one, but more than 1
here it is 2
and I've posted videos of the flash mobs with DOZENS destroying/stealing
..not 1, but 3, 4, 5, etc teens raping/robbing/etc
I haven't heard anything from the Gov. Newsome or Speaker Pelosi in regards to this.

Why isn't the city of San Fran and state of California apologizing to the goombas over this?

Its known as taking responsibility. The Liberal Disrespect for Law Enforcement that young people are taught in leftist Hell Holes is the reason for this kind of offense.
Hell holes are hell to work in, and it causes everyone to do and say crazy stuff while in those hell holes. Police become desensitized to the community being worked if high crime and chaos exist, and the citizens become desensitized towards law enforcement effectively fighting the situation because they (the police) end up being set up by the bad elements in control of the area if not careful.

The poor kids and elder adults take the biggest hit, because they end up with no enforcement at all in the situation.

Yesterday we had a boy riding up and down in the neighborhood on a bicycle, and I noticed that he was acting strange when looking back at me as he rode by. Well I found out why by my neighbor who told me that he was stopping and looking in the mail boxes. My grandmother when was alive had her social security check stolen out of the mail box. It's bad when communities begin to fall, and bad elements begin to move in. What people don't realize is that the government is the one responsible for the problem, because it begins looking for cheap places to put poor families throughout the communities due to a lack of government housing. The government then begins paying the rent to owners of properties that don't live anywhere near these properties any longer. Next you have unemployment, drugs, prostitution, loitering, burgularies, graffiti, gangs, and on and on it goes.

So much realestate has been lost to this over time, but it's a well gaurded secret that cities and towns don't discuss out of fear to be called bigots, racist or other if trying to address the problems.

It's really evidence of policies and thinking that hasn't worked, but like I said the nation has been paralyzed by the political correctness and mafia style threats imposed if attempt to really work to fix these things.
Last edited:
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
blacks commit MURDER at four times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
rape at TWICE the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
your link on pedophiles please?
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer

Muslims are considered guilty until proven otherwise? you must be talking about an Iranian prison right?
You do realize when your talking about Muslims thats not Racial.... Muslims are made up of many people including white people. Omar is confused just like you
I didnt say it is racist. But since you mentioned it lot of islamophobes think that Islam is a race.
Actually from what I’ve seen; those who criticize Islam, and Muslims get characterized as “racist”. Seems like you have things a bit backwards...
nope we call those bigots, and in most cases they are racists against non whites.
I don’t know how many people share the “ISSA” account with you, and that’s y’alls business. But the majority of the leftist talking heads, and the leftists of this board who regurgitate what they issue forth... Aren’t hip to y’alls classification of shit. And yes... I am grouping you in with them.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
blacks commit MURDER at four times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
rape at TWICE the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
your link on pedophiles please?
Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet. Too bad we dont have the stats since whites arrived to America.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
blacks commit MURDER at four times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
rape at TWICE the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
your link on pedophiles please?
Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet. Too bad we dont have the stats since whites arrived to America.

Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet.

Because the black average is much, much higher.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
blacks commit MURDER at four times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
rape at TWICE the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
your link on pedophiles please?
Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet. Too bad we dont have the stats since whites arrived to America.
WTF are you saying?
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites/etc etc can't deny it or try to twist and bullshit it like the MSM does--WE are not stupid
''since the whites arrived'''' ----hahahahhahaha
I just went over this again in another thread
I JUST read about this yesterday--AGAIN
.....the Native Americans were far more violent/murderous/etc than the whites per capita
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
blacks commit MURDER at four times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
rape at TWICE the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
your link on pedophiles please?
Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet. Too bad we dont have the stats since whites arrived to America.

Maybe we should start flying planes into buildings, you’d find it more acceptable.
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
blacks commit MURDER at four times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
rape at TWICE the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
your link on pedophiles please?
Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet. Too bad we dont have the stats since whites arrived to America.

Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet.

Because the black average is much, much higher.
Nah whites killed millions since they have arrived to this continent. Dont forget why some African Americans turned out that way (slavery, racism, segregation....).
There was always a problem with white men in general (Mass shooting, slaying of entire families, pedophilia, sex crimes, right wing and left wing terrorism....).
I think we need to address this issue with the white men population and find solutions. Just imagine for a moment if Muslims did what we've seen so far....extrem measures will be taken, entire countries are punished, lot of profiling and Muslims are guilty till proven otherwise.
Now this issue is going overseas, and 2 Caucasian males kill an Italian police officer.

'I'm going to faint'; Family, friends react to arrest of Bay Area men charged with murder of Italian police officer
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that you are trolling the board. ... :cool:
Not really, certain crimes are the hallmark of white males (pedophilia, mass shootings, family slayings, corporate crimes....) why arent we talking about that as much as terrorism that happens once in a blue moon ?
blacks commit MURDER at four times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
rape at TWICE the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
your link on pedophiles please?
Blacks still didnt reach the whites average yet. Too bad we dont have the stats since whites arrived to America.

Maybe we should start flying planes into buildings, you’d find it more acceptable.
Maybe you should go on a mass shooting.

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