Two Tennessee children hospitalized due to baby formula shortage

Gee, how about the FDA informing other companies of the need because they're shutting down Abbott.

You do not think the other companies did not know their largest competitor had to shut down a plant?

You truly are clueless how things operate in the real world
You do not think the other companies did not know their largest competitor had to shut down a plant?

You truly are clueless how things operate in the real world
Again, blame the people for your incompetence. Typical democrat. The White House site on Feb 17th informed the public about the FDA shutting down Abbott. A few days ago Biden said they would have been better prepared if they were mind readers because they didn't know. Tel us who lied.
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You do not think the other companies did not know their largest competitor had to shut down a plant?

You truly are clueless how things operate in the real world
Read this, and then read it again until you understand it.
Again, blame the people for your incompetence. Typical democrat. The White House site on Feb 17th informed the public about the FDA shutting down Abbott. A few days ago Biden said they would have been better prepared if they were mind readers because they didn't know. Tel us who lied.
You would enjoy babies being fed Republican con-taminated formula.
consequences of a stolen election, my friends

Here's an old tried and true way to feed yer babies

You are the one that posted it.
Back to the topic..
"Even more unacceptable to Wilson than the timeline for the product’s recall was the fact that the government failed to use that four-month period to put a contingency plan in place".
True. Who was it referring to? I'm beginning to suspect that you may have a reading comprehension problem.

It was your sexual fantasy of the person you responded to. They sure did not talk about it, only you did. Why is that?
Back to the topic..
"Even more unacceptable to Wilson than the timeline for the product’s recall was the fact that the government failed to use that four-month period to put a contingency plan in place".

Damn, talk about a day late and a dollar short. The man cannot do anything correctly.
You can blame the capitalist who let their plant become contaminated, yet an election has nothing to do with it.
The supply chain issues he's created are huge in this.

But you know that.

You choose to be a dick.
What are the viable alternatives?

I've tried looking them up and most of what I find is warnings not to use home made formula.

Sure we raised kids for centuries without formula. We also had shockingly high infant death rates. You really expect a lightly educated welfare mother, with a six week old, to research and find viable alternatives?
Goat's milk and canned milk. The recipes are available online.

If the child has special nutritional needs there are other alternatives and both doctors and pharmacists can calculate for those incapable for example how many drops of a given vitamin or mineral supplement or how much butter, canola oil etc to add to get the proper fat ratios.

The best alternative of course has long been proven to be human breast milk.

Baby formula hasn't shown to have had any particular influence on infant mortality rates in and of itself.

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