Two Theories



You think that was helpful?

I was being generous to your "Theory"

You clowns keep spewing the "30 gigatons of CO2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as if it's a big deal, but when you divide that by the volume of the ocean, it's less than a rounding error. If you take only 30% of it as you suggest it's even less; if you add in the rivers and streams, the number goes down even further

The mass of water in the oceans is 1.37 × 10^ 21 kg

Try not being a reflexive dupe.

Think it through, the AGWCult Theory makes no sense!

Your posts read like this:

hurr dee durr, derpa derpa Obama is a mooslim....

her deeee derr, I hate my life the pres is a Kenyan!!!!!! bases on the moon!@!@

so, shut the fuck up. kindly.


yo dad.

I said don't be a reflexive Dupe.

I tired to help.

tire<sic> to help some more, flea brain
Your posts read like this:

hurr dee durr, derpa derpa Obama is a mooslim....

her deeee derr, I hate my life the pres is a Kenyan!!!!!! bases on the moon!@!@

so, shut the fuck up. kindly.


yo dad.

I said don't be a reflexive Dupe.

I tired to help.

tire<sic> to help some more, flea brain

I can't help you. You have no idea how dumb you really are and refuse to take even a second to think about anything
So, the fringe kook right cult is now required to deny:

1. Global warming
2. Ocean acidification
3. Ozone depletion
4. DDT being harmful

Anything else? Science only. We need not get into the kook political beliefs of the cult.

For example, do deniers accept that lead in the environment is harmful? That fluoridation is not a plot to contaminate our precious bodily fluids? That secondhand smoke is harmful? That the HIV virus causes AIDS? Deniers, if you need to check with your masters here for an answer, do so and get back to us.
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So, the fringe kook right cult is now required to deny:

1. Global warming
2. Ocean acidification
3. Ozone depletion
4. DDT being harmful

Anything else? Science only. We need not get into the kook political beliefs of the cult.

For example, do deniers accept that lead in the environment is harmful? That fluoridation is not a plot to contaminate our precious bodily fluids? That secondhand smoke is harmful? That the HIV virus causes AIDS? Deniers, if you need to check with your masters here for an answer, do so and get back to us.

you forgot bases on the moon
So, the fringe kook right cult is now required to deny:

1. Global warming
2. Ocean acidification
3. Ozone depletion
4. DDT being harmful

Anything else? Science only. We need not get into the kook political beliefs of the cult.

For example, do deniers accept that lead in the environment is harmful? That fluoridation is not a plot to contaminate our precious bodily fluids? That secondhand smoke is harmful? That the HIV virus causes AIDS? Deniers, if you need to check with your masters here for an answer, do so and get back to us.

mass of water in the oceans is 1.37 × 10^ 21 kg

Total Mass of CO2 added annually 3 *10^13

see the problem with your "Manmade CO2 is turning the oceans to acid" theory?
So, the fringe kook right cult is now required to deny:

1. Global warming
2. Ocean acidification
3. Ozone depletion
4. DDT being harmful

Anything else? Science only. We need not get into the kook political beliefs of the cult.

For example, do deniers accept that lead in the environment is harmful? That fluoridation is not a plot to contaminate our precious bodily fluids? That secondhand smoke is harmful? That the HIV virus causes AIDS? Deniers, if you need to check with your masters here for an answer, do so and get back to us.

Personally, I'll settle for one experiment that shows a temperature increase from a 120PPM increase in CO2
amazingly - you just expressed my own thoughts about you

pat yourself on the back

or the dick if youre a freak lie that

I wont tell anyone

Sure, Vanilla Ice. Keep it real

I always keep it real, there - tin foil puss.

See the simple math problem I posted?

It means that it's physically impossible for your "ManMade CO2 is turning the Oceans to Acid" Theory to work
Sure, Vanilla Ice. Keep it real

I always keep it real, there - tin foil puss.

See the simple math problem I posted?

What it means is that it's physically impossible for your "ManMade CO2 is turning the Oceans to Acid" Theory to work

Good thing GT never said that

but more to the point, your math is irrelevant

if you want to accurately say what your pea brain is trying to say - - -- - you'd take the percent of c02 being said to contribute to the acidification of the ocean(which isn't 30-40%, btw - - - -read more carefully), and compare it with the percent of measured acidification (it isn't but a percent increase, not a complete transformation into acid).

that's kinda hard when youre on the derp squad though
I always keep it real, there - tin foil puss.

See the simple math problem I posted?

What it means is that it's physically impossible for your "ManMade CO2 is turning the Oceans to Acid" Theory to work

Good thing GT never said that

but more to the point, your math is irrelevant

if you want to accurately say what your pea brain is trying to say - - -- - you'd take the percent of c02 being said to contribute to the acidification of the ocean(which isn't 30-40%, btw - - - -read more carefully), and compare it with the percent of measured acidification (it isn't but a percent increase, not a complete transformation into acid).

that's kinda hard when youre on the derp squad though

...and you bury yourself further and further.

The 30GT figure was 100% of the AGW figure, is 30% less or more than 100%?

In fact we'll do 100% for 100 years.

That's 3 *10^15 and the oceans remain at 1.37 × 10^ 21 kg so there total contribution of 100% of 30 GT annual to the oceans is 0.000219% of the total mass of the oceans.

That's a really small number, too small for it to have the stated effect on ocean pH

Is this making any sense to you?
See the simple math problem I posted?

What it means is that it's physically impossible for your "ManMade CO2 is turning the Oceans to Acid" Theory to work

Good thing GT never said that

but more to the point, your math is irrelevant

if you want to accurately say what your pea brain is trying to say - - -- - you'd take the percent of c02 being said to contribute to the acidification of the ocean(which isn't 30-40%, btw - - - -read more carefully), and compare it with the percent of measured acidification (it isn't but a percent increase, not a complete transformation into acid).

that's kinda hard when youre on the derp squad though

...and you bury yourself further and further.

The 30GT figure was 100% of the AGW figure, is 30% less or more than 100%?

In fact we'll do 100% for 100 years.

That's 3 *10^15 and the oceans remain at 1.37 × 10^ 21 kg so there total contribution of 100% of 30 GT annual to the oceans is 0.000219% of the total mass of the oceans.

That's a really small number, too small for it to have the stated effect on ocean pH

Is this making any sense to you?

Can you see your reflection when you're looking into the base on the moon, dingbat?
Good thing GT never said that

but more to the point, your math is irrelevant

if you want to accurately say what your pea brain is trying to say - - -- - you'd take the percent of c02 being said to contribute to the acidification of the ocean(which isn't 30-40%, btw - - - -read more carefully), and compare it with the percent of measured acidification (it isn't but a percent increase, not a complete transformation into acid).

that's kinda hard when youre on the derp squad though

...and you bury yourself further and further.

The 30GT figure was 100% of the AGW figure, is 30% less or more than 100%?

In fact we'll do 100% for 100 years.

That's 3 *10^15 and the oceans remain at 1.37 × 10^ 21 kg so there total contribution of 100% of 30 GT annual to the oceans is 0.000219% of the total mass of the oceans.

That's a really small number, too small for it to have the stated effect on ocean pH

Is this making any sense to you?

Can you see your reflection when you're looking into the base on the moon, dingbat?

You see how fucked up this stupid "Theory" is right?

It's not possible for it to work at all
Where's Admiral Moonbat.

You see now why I said the Ocean acidification story HAS to be total crap?
Where's Admiral Moonbat.

You see now why I said the Ocean acidification story HAS to be total crap?

I really love when the facts hit them in the face and the only response is filth and potty mouthed posts. They are so distinguished and full of class, eh?

I've always wondered what chapter in the book the insults are kept in.
That's 3 *10^15 and the oceans remain at 1.37 × 10^ 21 kg so there total contribution of 100% of 30 GT annual to the oceans is 0.000219% of the total mass of the oceans.

That's a really small number, too small for it to have the stated effect on ocean pH

Is this making any sense to you?

No, because it sucks balls as science. In addition to forgetting it's a yearly increase and ignoring ocean stratification, it's also just a variation of your amazingly stupid "a trace can't affect temperature" retardation.

jc fell for it, of course. It came from a fellow cult member, so jc instantly believed with all his little cultist heart, despite the obviously stupidity of it. You're both sterling illustrations of Dunning-Kruger syndrome, people who are way too stupid to ever have an inkling of how stupid you are.
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And the insults spewed from the castle walls (3 gold smilies to the one who picks up on the reference) continue to prove the reality that science plays a significantly smaller role in this discussion than does politics.
The frenchmen didn't just spew insults. They kicked the asses of the knights. Just as we kick the asses of the denier loons concerning the science.
I'm bored. I could instantly see why Frank's theory was so dumb, being I understand chemistry, but it never hurts to run the numbers.

According to the wiki page on carbonic acid, a pH of 6.81 requires a CO2 concentration of 3.36E-8 moles/liter.

Carbonic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's a a .19 pH drop, a larger drop than the one Frank is speaking of in the oceans.

CO2 is about 44 grams per mole, so multiplying, we get 1.5E-6 grams/liter.

1000 grams in a liter, so CO2 concentration is ... 1.5E-7 percent.

That's a thousand times less than Franks 0.000219% figure. Frank claimed such a low percentage could never affect pH, yet here we see a far lower percentage causing more of a pH drop.

Hence, Frank's kook theory of "tiny percentages can't possibly drop pH!" is decisively refuted.

(I understand that the ocean isn't that simple, that there are buffering agents complicating things, and that it takes exponentially more CO2 to get pH dropping more. But the point of this exercise was not to calculate ocean pH; it was to show Frank was full of shit.)

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