Two Thirds of nonCitizen Residents Draw Welfare

This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.

wrong, they can do both
By law you cannot immigrate here legally if you can't support yourself.

If you're not making enough to be mandated to pay federal income taxes you're not actually pulling all of your own weight. That in mind I somewhat disagree with what you said. Legal immigrants are allowed to come here to be a net loss to our nation's finances and be supported by people that aren't.
This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.


It definitely CAN be both. They have no reported income, and would, thereby, qualify for welfare.

Does anyone doubt that the cartels have a huge say in what Democrat party policies are?
By law you cannot immigrate here legally if you can't support yourself.

If you're not making enough to be mandated to pay federal income taxes you're not actually pulling all of your own weight. That in mind I somewhat disagree with what you said. Legal immigrants are allowed to come here to be a net loss to our nation's finances and be supported by people that aren't.

Some illegal harboring traitors constantly harp about how illegals work and pay taxes. Ignoring that over 1/3 of all illegals are running a scam on American taxpayers by claiming multiple child tax credits for tax refunds as high as $18,000.

They claim dozens of kids, many who are not even their kids, many incredibly who don't even reside in the U.S.

Its illegal for an illegal to claim the child tax credit, its only available to Americans. The cost of this scam has now ballooned to over $5 billion a year. Dem's in congress block every attempt to put a stop to the scam, shocker.
By law you cannot immigrate here legally if you can't support yourself.

If you're not making enough to be mandated to pay federal income taxes you're not actually pulling all of your own weight. That in mind I somewhat disagree with what you said. Legal immigrants are allowed to come here to be a net loss to our nation's finances and be supported by people that aren't.

Some illegal harboring traitors constantly harp about how illegals work and pay taxes. Ignoring that over 1/3 of all illegals are running a scam on American taxpayers by claiming multiple child tax credits for tax refunds as high as $18,000.

They claim dozens of kids, many who are not even their kids, many incredibly who don't even reside in the U.S.

Its illegal for an illegal to claim the child tax credit, its only available to Americans. The cost of this scam has now ballooned to over $5 billion a year. Dem's in congress block every attempt to put a stop to the scam, shocker.
Democrats are aiding and abetting tax cheats as well as foreign nationals violating our borders.

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