Two Train Wrecks


Sep 23, 2010
The death of America is racing towards this country on separate tracks. Tea Party conservatives are the last and only hope for the American people to survive those train wrecks ——amnesty, and Hillarycare II before it is fully implemented. Electing candidates who truly want to prevent the destruction of this country won’t be easy, but it can be done.

Most importantly, Tea Party conservatives must know where the people they support stand on those two issues as well where they stand on US membership in the United Nations. Everything the federal government is doing to this country domestically is intertwined with the UN’s agenda. With the midterm elections not far off, it is imperative for Tea Parties to concentrate on stopping those two train wrecks.

Let me begin by saying Democrats deserve all of the contempt in the world for shoving Hillarycare II down the public’s throat. Nancy Pelosi’s 4 million parasite jobs will top off closer to 10 million when all is said and done:

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Not one Republican voted for the Affordable Care Act. In truth, Democrats did not need RINO votes; so Republicans got away with blaming the Democrats. Now, it turns out that the Republicans on the Gang of Eight are making Pelosi look like a tightfisted penny pincher:

Senate Budget Committee Republican staff on Thursday released a description of what they claim is a “major flaw” in the immigration reform plan being pushed by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight"--a loophole that will end up being a multi-trillion dollar entitlement spending increase, with the burden falling on American taxpayers.

“According to what has been publicly reported about the Gang of Eight’s forthcoming immigration bill, there appears to be a major flaw that could allow millions of illegal immigrants to access federal welfare benefits and poverty programs,” the GOP Budget Committee staff wrote in a statement to media.

Senate GOP: Gang of Eight Deal Could Cost Trillions in Welfare
by Matthew Boyle4 Apr 2013

Senate GOP: Gang of Eight Deal Could Cost Trillions in Welfare

Let’s get the number if illegals straight. It is closer to 20 million, not the 11 million the amnesty crowd cites. And it’s going to be a lot higher before amnesty is granted.

Even if a majority of illegals work in the private sector every illegal alien, their children, and the horse they rode in on will access every federal program in sight. Free healthcare tops the list. If you dump 20 million illegals into the system, Pelosi’s 4 million will immediately skyrocket into the stratosphere —— ultimately raising the final total to 15 or more million new parasites feeding at the public trough. Combine the two totals and you come up with approximately 35 million new parasites becoming members of the parasite class in the next decade; i.e. Democrat voters.

NOTE: Watch the video for an unusual twist on jobs. The parasites in higher education can’t be too happy about their grads competing with amnesty-illegals:

The hidden time bomb in amnesty is the number of illegals who will get jobs in federal, state, and local governments the minute they become “citizens.” A parasite with a government job is the very definition of a petty dictator. Multiply the nasty attitude of a native American by a hundred and you have an immigrant with a government job. I’ve encountered them a dozen times. The worst of them come here and get a public trough job so they can demean Americans with the power of government unions behind them.

The uninsured

Insuring 45 million Americans without medical coverage was the big sales pitch during the healthcare debate. It turns out that there are still over 40 million without insurance. I assume the illegals are without insurance and will remain uninsured after they are given amnesty. If I’m correct, the number of uninsured will be approximately 50 percent higher than it was before Hillarycare II was passed.

The Blame Game

The media was responsible for Hillarycare II as much as the Democrats. The same is true of the open borders that gave us today’s illegal aliens. The media will be responsible for amnesty and the next wave of illegals who are already pouring in:

Illegals now flooding U.S. border
Lawmaker: Some asking authorities, 'Where do we go to get our amnesty?'
Published: 12 hours ago

Illegals now flooding U.S. border

Sad to say the media is never punished although it is criticized. In a strange way Americans want to believe everything TV tells them. Propagandists take full advantage of that failing. Many TV viewers believe much of what they hear in shows that are clearly labeled fiction; so believing everything they hear on non-fiction TV is not that hard to understand. Such people remind me of the cuckold who is married to a beautiful woman. He is so lonely he believes everything she says in spite of the evidence proving her a tart. I concluded a long time ago that many people have that kind of a marriage with TV; they would rather live with the tart than live without her.

Finally, American voters cannot trust the current leadership in either House. Time after time they made a lot of noise before ultimately doing what the parasite class wanted done. That means Tea Party conservatives have to fight the issues as well as fight a well-entrenched enemy in Congress. My prayer is that conservatives won’t let the media stampede them into thinking the next president is their number one priority. It matters not who the next president is so long as conservatives can stop parasite legislation in its tracks.
Republicans , as per Hilly Billy American style , do not qualify as Conservatives . The GOP has become the back yard for American political scum -- people so blinkered by Guns and God that they have thrown facts and rational thought out of the window .
Republicans , as per Hilly Billy American style , do not qualify as Conservatives . The GOP has become the back yard for American political scum -- people so blinkered by Guns and God that they have thrown facts and rational thought out of the window .

Which facts and rational thought have been thrown out and how do you define rational thought? I only ask because you state people have become so "blinkered by God" and wonder if you have a problem with God and the people who happen to believe in Him?

Also why do you have a problem with people who wish to use their 2nd amendment rights? What is irrational about that? - Jeri
The death of America is racing towards this country on separate tracks. Tea Party conservatives are the last and only hope for the American people to survive those train wrecks ——amnesty, and Hillarycare II before it is fully implemented. Electing candidates who truly want to prevent the destruction of this country won’t be easy, but it can be done.

Most importantly, Tea Party conservatives must know where the people they support stand on those two issues as well where they stand on US membership in the United Nations. Everything the federal government is doing to this country domestically is intertwined with the UN’s agenda. With the midterm elections not far off, it is imperative for Tea Parties to concentrate on stopping those two train wrecks.

Let me begin by saying Democrats deserve all of the contempt in the world for shoving Hillarycare II down the public’s throat. Nancy Pelosi’s 4 million parasite jobs will top off closer to 10 million when all is said and done:

Not one Republican voted for the Affordable Care Act. In truth, Democrats did not need RINO votes; so Republicans got away with blaming the Democrats. Now, it turns out that the Republicans on the Gang of Eight are making Pelosi look like a tightfisted penny pincher:

Senate Budget Committee Republican staff on Thursday released a description of what they claim is a “major flaw” in the immigration reform plan being pushed by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight"--a loophole that will end up being a multi-trillion dollar entitlement spending increase, with the burden falling on American taxpayers.

“According to what has been publicly reported about the Gang of Eight’s forthcoming immigration bill, there appears to be a major flaw that could allow millions of illegal immigrants to access federal welfare benefits and poverty programs,” the GOP Budget Committee staff wrote in a statement to media.

Senate GOP: Gang of Eight Deal Could Cost Trillions in Welfare
by Matthew Boyle4 Apr 2013

Senate GOP: Gang of Eight Deal Could Cost Trillions in Welfare

Let’s get the number if illegals straight. It is closer to 20 million, not the 11 million the amnesty crowd cites. And it’s going to be a lot higher before amnesty is granted.

Even if a majority of illegals work in the private sector every illegal alien, their children, and the horse they rode in on will access every federal program in sight. Free healthcare tops the list. If you dump 20 million illegals into the system, Pelosi’s 4 million will immediately skyrocket into the stratosphere —— ultimately raising the final total to 15 or more million new parasites feeding at the public trough. Combine the two totals and you come up with approximately 35 million new parasites becoming members of the parasite class in the next decade; i.e. Democrat voters.

NOTE: Watch the video for an unusual twist on jobs. The parasites in higher education can’t be too happy about their grads competing with amnesty-illegals:

The hidden time bomb in amnesty is the number of illegals who will get jobs in federal, state, and local governments the minute they become “citizens.” A parasite with a government job is the very definition of a petty dictator. Multiply the nasty attitude of a native American by a hundred and you have an immigrant with a government job. I’ve encountered them a dozen times. The worst of them come here and get a public trough job so they can demean Americans with the power of government unions behind them.

The uninsured

Insuring 45 million Americans without medical coverage was the big sales pitch during the healthcare debate. It turns out that there are still over 40 million without insurance. I assume the illegals are without insurance and will remain uninsured after they are given amnesty. If I’m correct, the number of uninsured will be approximately 50 percent higher than it was before Hillarycare II was passed.

The Blame Game

The media was responsible for Hillarycare II as much as the Democrats. The same is true of the open borders that gave us today’s illegal aliens. The media will be responsible for amnesty and the next wave of illegals who are already pouring in:

Illegals now flooding U.S. border
Lawmaker: Some asking authorities, 'Where do we go to get our amnesty?'
Published: 12 hours ago

Illegals now flooding U.S. border

Sad to say the media is never punished although it is criticized. In a strange way Americans want to believe everything TV tells them. Propagandists take full advantage of that failing. Many TV viewers believe much of what they hear in shows that are clearly labeled fiction; so believing everything they hear on non-fiction TV is not that hard to understand. Such people remind me of the cuckold who is married to a beautiful woman. He is so lonely he believes everything she says in spite of the evidence proving her a tart. I concluded a long time ago that many people have that kind of a marriage with TV; they would rather live with the tart than live without her.

Finally, American voters cannot trust the current leadership in either House. Time after time they made a lot of noise before ultimately doing what the parasite class wanted done. That means Tea Party conservatives have to fight the issues as well as fight a well-entrenched enemy in Congress. My prayer is that conservatives won’t let the media stampede them into thinking the next president is their number one priority. It matters not who the next president is so long as conservatives can stop parasite legislation in its tracks.

I agree with you, Flanders. Republicans should be focused on the important issues happening now not the 2016 election. If I were to list by priority what GOP should be it would be getting rid of the 4th branch of government that is bypassing the other 3 branches. There is a book out called, Pruning the 4th Branch by Al Lee which is a blueprint for how to stop what is going on. Every American should buy a copy of that book. I bought my copy on Amazon and it is worth its weight in gold. The author did a great job. imo.

Second I'd get involved with ALAC - American Law for American Courtrooms - to keep Sharia law out of our courtrooms, it doesn't belong there. Keep CAIR exposed for their involvment & association with deadly terrorists. Turn up the heat on your congressmen and senators to get involved because otherwise most of them won't. Brigitte Gabrielles outfit Act! For America! is another group that is well motivated - speaking of tea party people.

2014 they need to vote out everyone and I do mean everyone. Get rid of them. Start over. I could accomplish more with a random group from a telephone book than the people who are bought and paid for on both sides of the aisle today. In order to fix it, they need to clean house. - Jeri
Republicans , as per Hilly Billy American style , do not qualify as Conservatives . The GOP has become the back yard for American political scum -- people so blinkered by Guns and God that they have thrown facts and rational thought out of the window .

Which facts and rational thought have been thrown out and how do you define rational thought?

To Jeremiah: Good questions since blackcherry irrationally wants to throw out God and keep organized religion.

I only ask because you state people have become so "blinkered by God" and wonder if you have a problem with God and the people who happen to believe in Him?

To Jeremiah: His problem is obvious. He can’t see that many people communicate with their God through their religion.

Also why do you have a problem with people who wish to use their 2nd amendment rights? What is irrational about that? - Jeri

To Jeremiah: Everything in George Orwell’s 1984.


I would add:


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