Two "transgender" teen sprinters won 1st and 2nd in girls state championship.

LOL, I was waiting for this to happen. Students and parents demand 'unfair rule' change after two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship, months after one competed as a boy.

Simple enough solution.

Eliminate male and female categories, and you can run as whatever gender you want.
Fucking dumb.
Off topic but one the most fun playing hockey in recreational leagues was having a chick as a goalie. Talk about doing the splits to stop a puck. Both teams stop and stare. :p In real life though a goalie has to be pretty badass though, direct traffic, yell out directions, cross check forwards, etc.
LOL, I was waiting for this to happen.

What I'm waiting to happen is for Bruce Jenner's olympic records to be recognized as the women's records for the various events "she" competed in. Jenner is the most athletic broad in history, to date.

This is the future, Transexuals seem to just be more athletic than other broads.
LOL, I was waiting for this to happen. Students and parents demand 'unfair rule' change after two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship, months after one competed as a boy.

Simple enough solution.

Eliminate male and female categories, and you can run as whatever gender you want.

Thus eliminating the need for title IX. I'm with ya on this one Joe!
Hmmm...two former guys running as girls take 1st and 2nd. Gee, guess no one saw it coming, huh?

How long until they’ll be forced to form a separate division for such runners? Borrowing from the chromosome world, they could call it the Girls y-Division, and then all the boygirls can compete with one another and the girl girls can go back to how things should be.
What "rule" are you demanding be changed?

That gender reassignment procedures be allowed to be performed on minors. For parents to claim that their children are transgender is Munchausen by proxy.

When I was a kid, if a 4 year old little boy told his mum "I am a girl", mom would respond "no, sonny you are a boy". And that would be that.

The entire idea of children being able to decide what gender to belong to is a new one of the modern ultraliberal age.
LOL, I was waiting for this to happen. Students and parents demand 'unfair rule' change after two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship, months after one competed as a boy.

Simple enough solution.

Eliminate male and female categories, and you can run as whatever gender you want.
Fucking dumb.

No, it's brilliant. We have an all Male Olympics team (except in figure skating)
It's sexist to have different events for boys and girls. We can solve this genger problem by just having one event for all.
LOL, I was waiting for this to happen. Students and parents demand 'unfair rule' change after two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship, months after one competed as a boy.

Simple enough solution.

Eliminate male and female categories, and you can run as whatever gender you want.
Fucking dumb.

No, it's brilliant. We have an all Male Olympics team (except in figure skating)

Actually that would probably go all male as well due to the extra power the male skaters bring to the event.
The hatred of Females by the left is no more obvious then with this.
LOL, I was waiting for this to happen. Students and parents demand 'unfair rule' change after two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship, months after one competed as a boy.



Last year, Yearwood came in first in both the 100 and 200-meter dashes at the Class M state track and field championship. She competed in the races last year before undergoing hormone treatments.

It's not clear if Yearwood or Miller underwent treatments before competing in this year's competition.

Some of the girls' competitors were angry they were allowed to compete on the women's team.

'I think it's unfair to the girls who work really hard to do well and qualify for Open and New Englands,' Glastonbury sophomore Selina Soule told the Hartford Courant.

Soule finished in sixth place in the 100-meter dash.

'These girls, they're just coming in and beating everyone,' she added. 'I have no problem with them wanting to be a girl'.

The teen's mother, Bianca Stanescu, told CT Post that there's no transgender competition when it comes to things like 'math and science and chorus' but with sports it's different.

Students and parents demand a rule change after trans teen wins the girl's state championship | Daily Mail Online


That's because this transgender stuff is just more leftist bullshit. A boy is a boy and these are still boys merely altered in appearance and acting in the roles or girls now and are beating the pants off the real women, totally unfair to them as guys have a totally different set of muscles designed for chase. Another Leftist ideal blows up in their faces.
and right now transgenders are the top dogs.

Transgenderism is something no one even thought about even like 5 years ago.

It was the official acceptance of the new societal institution of Gay Marriage as well as Gay Rights, that forced the liberals to pursue equal rights for men in dresses.

The real question is- what's the next step after this? Transspeciesism?
and right now transgenders are the top dogs.

Transgenderism is something no one even thought about even like 5 years ago.

It was the official acceptance of the new societal institution of Gay Marriage as well as Gay Rights, that forced the liberals to pursue equal rights for men in dresses.

The real question is- what's the next step after this? Transspeciesism?

I think a bunch of people who are OK with same sex marriage (I am one of them, but only if it is approved via state legislation or referendum) are really in the mood to get off the train for this whole transgender thing, but can't break themselves from the progressive groupthink.

And we already have people who think they are or want to be another species, Albany NY had a lizard guy years ago.

Also you have some people who think they are another race, or even another age than they actually are.
The hatred of Females by the left is no more obvious then with this.

I wouldn't call it hatred, I would think of it as more backing the highest person on the pity-pole.

and right now transgenders are the top dogs.

And if they lose the mid terms, watch them slip down that pole rather quickly.

One thing progressives haven't been able to do recently is learn from their mistakes.

They will double down on this if they lose in November.
and right now transgenders are the top dogs.

Transgenderism is something no one even thought about even like 5 years ago.

It was the official acceptance of the new societal institution of Gay Marriage as well as Gay Rights, that forced the liberals to pursue equal rights for men in dresses.

The real question is- what's the next step after this? Transspeciesism?

On the way.

"Peter Singer Joins Obama's Health Care Administrators... Peter Singer was appointed by Obama as part of his Health Care Team..." "I Am Not a Fan of Peter Singer"

. Now...Professor Singer, Obama adviser, on bestiality:

".....Singer, a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, spoke from 4 to 6 p.m. in a panel the university promised “will provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”

Singer has long lamented the societal stigma against having sex with animals. “Not so long ago,” Singer wrote in one essay, “any form of sexuality not leading to the conception of children was seen as, at best, wanton lust, or worse, a perversion. One by one, the taboos have fallen. But … not every taboo has crumbled.”

In the essay, titled “Heavy Petting,” Singer concluded that “sex across the species barrier,” while not normal, “ceases to be an offence [sic] to our status and dignity as human beings.” “Occasionally mutually satisfying activities may develop” when humans have sex with their pets, he claimed.

In addition to supporting bestiality and immediately granting equal legal rights to animals, Singer has also advocated euthanizing the mentally ill and aborting disabled infants on utilitarian grounds." Campus president condemns Coulter event, silent as professor who calls sex with animals potentially ‘satisfying’ speaks

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