Two "transgender" teen sprinters won 1st and 2nd in girls state championship.

no, apples /oranges have no equality, only respect for each others attributes can exist

Male and female categories are the basis for all life on Earth. :p Why not eliminate qu33rs pretending that an individual can be either sex from competition that will scare away normal females?

If you are saying women can't compete on an even playing field with men, and can only compete with other women, aren't you already degrading them?

^^^ Lives in an alternative universe
LOL, I was waiting for this to happen. Students and parents demand 'unfair rule' change after two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship, months after one competed as a boy.



Last year, Yearwood came in first in both the 100 and 200-meter dashes at the Class M state track and field championship. She competed in the races last year before undergoing hormone treatments.

It's not clear if Yearwood or Miller underwent treatments before competing in this year's competition.

Some of the girls' competitors were angry they were allowed to compete on the women's team.

'I think it's unfair to the girls who work really hard to do well and qualify for Open and New Englands,' Glastonbury sophomore Selina Soule told the Hartford Courant.

Soule finished in sixth place in the 100-meter dash.

'These girls, they're just coming in and beating everyone,' she added. 'I have no problem with them wanting to be a girl'.

The teen's mother, Bianca Stanescu, told CT Post that there's no transgender competition when it comes to things like 'math and science and chorus' but with sports it's different.

Students and parents demand a rule change after trans teen wins the girl's state championship | Daily Mail Online


Oh please did this really happen? It seems like a page from a Sasha Baron Cohen or Andy Kaufman trying to see how far he can play people before they get busted.
LOL, I was waiting for this to happen. Students and parents demand 'unfair rule' change after two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship, months after one competed as a boy.



Last year, Yearwood came in first in both the 100 and 200-meter dashes at the Class M state track and field championship. She competed in the races last year before undergoing hormone treatments.

It's not clear if Yearwood or Miller underwent treatments before competing in this year's competition.

Some of the girls' competitors were angry they were allowed to compete on the women's team.

'I think it's unfair to the girls who work really hard to do well and qualify for Open and New Englands,' Glastonbury sophomore Selina Soule told the Hartford Courant.

Soule finished in sixth place in the 100-meter dash.

'These girls, they're just coming in and beating everyone,' she added. 'I have no problem with them wanting to be a girl'.

The teen's mother, Bianca Stanescu, told CT Post that there's no transgender competition when it comes to things like 'math and science and chorus' but with sports it's different.

Students and parents demand a rule change after trans teen wins the girl's state championship | Daily Mail Online


Oh please did this really happen? It seems like a page from a Sasha Baron Cohen or Andy Kaufman trying to see how far he can play people before they get busted.

/——/ Goggle it for yourself: two transgender teen sprinters come first AND second in the girl's state championship - Google Search
most winners would be boys
that's why they are separated in the Olympics
it would be mostly boys competing

Um... okay, so what?

Just can't get worked up about Sports we generally wouldn't watch to start with.
/——/ Like most liberals you think women should be kept barefoot and pregnant.

Um, you are the ones who want to regulated birth control, not us... but never mind.

It amuses me how guys dressed as ladies totally freak you out.
most winners would be boys
that's why they are separated in the Olympics
it would be mostly boys competing

Um... okay, so what?

Just can't get worked up about Sports we generally wouldn't watch to start with. you want the US to be like these muslim countries? women shouldn't drive or play sports/etc
..also, women shouldn't vote?? or blacks ?? you want injustice?? you want the US to be like these muslim countries? women shouldn't drive or play sports/etc
..also, women shouldn't vote?? or blacks ?? you want injustice??

Wait a minute. I think you are confused here. I have no problem with ladies competing in sports I don't watch. I still won't watch them. Well, maybe the girls beach volleyball.... or maybe the ice skating with the cute Asian girls in the short dresses.

So if you get rid of gender categories, women can still compete. Some of them might even beat the men.... to the applause of no one because no one really watches these sports except their families.
I thought women could do anything a man could do, why are they bitching, shouldn’t they practice more if everyone is the same?

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The MSM needs to classify the qu33rs as "transgender males" not "girls." They add confusion to what the creatures actually are, qu33r males taking a variety of drugs to try to mimic being a women. I guess the question is who finances the hormone treatments and blonde weaves?

There is no such thing as “transgender”. They are cross dressing queers.

It wasn’t that long ago when the TV show M.A.S.H. portrayed the character Klinger posing as a cross dressing queer in order to be declared mentally unfit for duty. It was a big joke that everyone found funny at the time.

Now what used to be a joke is the Democrat position of what is normal, and if you don’t agree with it you will be labeled a bigot. you want the US to be like these muslim countries? women shouldn't drive or play sports/etc
..also, women shouldn't vote?? or blacks ?? you want injustice??

Wait a minute. I think you are confused here. I have no problem with ladies competing in sports I don't watch. I still won't watch them. Well, maybe the girls beach volleyball.... or maybe the ice skating with the cute Asian girls in the short dresses.

So if you get rid of gender categories, women can still compete. Some of them might even beat the men.... to the applause of no one because no one really watches these sports except their families.
no--most could not compete...there would be a lot less women in sports
so, if you don't want to be like the muslim countries, they have to be separated --
again---just look at the different times for women's and men's track events
here in this link, the top woman could never even place in the top 9 of the same men's event
--the top woman would not even place in the finals
Male and female categories are the basis for all life on Earth. :p Why not eliminate qu33rs pretending that an individual can be either sex from competition that will scare away normal females?

If you are saying women can't compete on an even playing field with men, and can only compete with other women, aren't you already degrading them?
/-----/ Women are physically different from men. They can not compete in every athletic event on an even playing field.

Scientific facts don’t matter to biology-deniers like Joe.
You can tell they're obviously boys just from the photos. Sick and sad. Just sick and sad.

This is SOOO intolerant. How can u know what they feel like inside? (the most important!)

You can't tell other people how they feel. They are women if they feel like it, who are you to judge? U sound like a racist TBH.
/——/ They May feel like girls but they run like men.
no--most could not compete...there would be a lot less women in sports


Hey, I think it's totally unfair I can't be in the NBA... oh, wait, no it isn't, I'd suck at it.

But no one is going to create the "old fat guys with bad knees" league just so I can feel special.
I have to admit, I have always sort of wondered why they separate out the sexes in billiards or in bowling. Maybe bowling.

I think it is kind of funny, and I am sort of surprised that not one female has ever been offended how women in tennis only play a best of 3 sets, while the men play best of 5 sets. How cute.

Which btw leads me to a thought.

The same reason why any of us red blooded masculine alpha male types tune in to watch womens'....

Figure skating
Volley ball





Figure skating


Is the exact same reason why none of us red blooded masculine alpha types DO NOT watch womens basketball.


That is supposedly a woman.
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I have to admit, I have always sort of wondered why they separate out the sexes in billiards or in bowling. Maybe bowling.

I think it is kind of funny, and I am sort of surprised that not female has ever been offended how women in tennis only play a best of 3 sets, while the men play best of 5 sets. How cute.

Which btw leads me to a thought.

The same reason why any of us red blooded masculine alpha male types tune in to watch womens'....

Figure skating
Volley ball





Figure skating


Is the exact same reason why none of us red blooded masculine alpha types DO NOT watch womens basketball.


That is supposedly a woman.
/——/ Liberal men are confused by your photos and don’t understand why guys would watch women’s sports. you want the US to be like these muslim countries? women shouldn't drive or play sports/etc
..also, women shouldn't vote?? or blacks ?? you want injustice??

Wait a minute. I think you are confused here. I have no problem with ladies competing in sports I don't watch. I still won't watch them. Well, maybe the girls beach volleyball.... or maybe the ice skating with the cute Asian girls in the short dresses.

So if you get rid of gender categories, women can still compete. Some of them might even beat the men.... to the applause of no one because no one really watches these sports except their families.

Because Joe is not interested, then women in sports can go to hell. Can WE also extend that to other protected classes?
I'd put this right up there with Starbucks for PC/Identity Politics deliciousness.
The result of feminism and the left? Men are now taking over women's couldn't make this up.............

First, the feminist convinced women that it was great to have as much sex as possible and to kill the baby...... and left wing men rejoiced..... now, they are competing against women and as one article pointed out, they will get the scholarships that were supposed to go to girls competing in those sports....

(To secret society of men who want to exploit women: The recent activity demonstrates that the all is going according to the plan.....)

It does seem that every sexual revolution that's supposed to "liberate women" ends up benefiting men more.

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