Two "transgender" teen sprinters won 1st and 2nd in girls state championship.

So you dont give a shit about the real girls getting screwed over?

Meh, I care about things that are significant..

The fact they'll be paid 70 cents on the dollar of what a man makes is a lot more important than a meaningless track meet some trannies showed up at one day.

The fact that some religious asshole will deny them birth control because their imaginary friend in the sky said so is screwing them over.

This... meh, just not a big deal.
So you dont give a shit about the real girls getting screwed over?

Meh, I care about things that are significant..

The fact they'll be paid 70 cents on the dollar of what a man makes is a lot more important than a meaningless track meet some trannies showed up at one day.

The fact that some religious asshole will deny them birth control because their imaginary friend in the sky said so is screwing them over.

This... meh, just not a big deal.

It is to those young women.
The Dem war on women continues unabated......
So you dont give a shit about the real girls getting screwed over?

Meh, I care about things that are significant..

The fact they'll be paid 70 cents on the dollar of what a man makes is a lot more important than a meaningless track meet some trannies showed up at one day.

The fact that some religious asshole will deny them birth control because their imaginary friend in the sky said so is screwing them over.

This... meh, just not a big deal.
Trangendered women (males) don't need female birth control.
Scramble It's Brains or Vacuum it Out
Only to the extent that you are degrading men by saying that only women can conceive a child, carry said child to full development, then give birth. Biology gives men a physical advantage in sports that reward physical size and strength, and the top biological male competitor in those sports will be superior to the top biological female in those sports.

Can you deny that truth?

Not the point I was making at all, but the problem with talking to you is that you miss the point more often than a retard.

Come to think of it, why do we have "Special Olympics" for the retards?

I notice that, once again when presented with an undeniable truth, you backpedal and claim that wasn't what you were talking about at all, followed by the inevitable feeble attempt to bait with juvenile insults.

Now are you going to pretend you never meant to sound ridiculous by acting like women are always men's physical equals?
It is to those young women.
The Dem war on women continues unabated......

Actually, I'd consider it an important life lesson.

Sometimes things are just kind of fucked up.

If you have wrapped your whole life around winning a track meet, you kind of have the wrong priorities.

You were the guy who was always picked last in any sporting event weren't you....
Simple enough solution.

Eliminate male and female categories, and you can run as whatever gender you want.

Male and female categories are the basis for all life on Earth. :p Why not eliminate qu33rs pretending that an individual can be either sex from competition that will scare away normal females?

Are we not allowed to say "queer?" :eek:
Simple enough solution.

Eliminate male and female categories, and you can run as whatever gender you want.

Male and female categories are the basis for all life on Earth. :p Why not eliminate qu33rs pretending that an individual can be either sex from competition that will scare away normal females?

Are we not allowed to say "queer?" :eek:
using 33 for ee is kind of queer. So qu33r is doubly queer.
notice that, once again when presented with an undeniable truth, you backpedal and claim that wasn't what you were talking about at all, followed by the inevitable feeble attempt to bait with juvenile insults.

Now are you going to pretend you never meant to sound ridiculous by acting like women are always men's physical equals?

Uh, here's the thing. I'm pretty sure that a female athlete can kick my ass at just about any sport she plays in... so clearly I am not her physical equal. that's totally unfair, man. We need to make everyone equal, dude.

You were the guy who was always picked last in any sporting event weren't you....

Actually, never played sports because I was never interested in them. I was actually interested in reading books and learning stuff... you know, skills that you will actually USE after you are 20 or so.

And probably so pathetic that even if he was allowed to compete as a girl, against actual girls, he still would have lost.

Naw, pathetic is a guy who thinks that a con man who was marrying 14 year old girls was really talking to God.
notice that, once again when presented with an undeniable truth, you backpedal and claim that wasn't what you were talking about at all, followed by the inevitable feeble attempt to bait with juvenile insults.

Now are you going to pretend you never meant to sound ridiculous by acting like women are always men's physical equals?

Uh, here's the thing. I'm pretty sure that a female athlete can kick my ass at just about any sport she plays in... so clearly I am not her physical equal. that's totally unfair, man. We need to make everyone equal, dude.

You were the guy who was always picked last in any sporting event weren't you....

Actually, never played sports because I was never interested in them. I was actually interested in reading books and learning stuff... you know, skills that you will actually USE after you are 20 or so.

And probably so pathetic that even if he was allowed to compete as a girl, against actual girls, he still would have lost.

Naw, pathetic is a guy who thinks that a con man who was marrying 14 year old girls was really talking to God.

You know you can be a reader and an athlete right?
You know you can be a reader and an athlete right?

Yeah, here's the thing, most of the jocks in my HS were kind of dopey. Most of them didn't get into college and if they did, they didn't last.

All you have to do is look at some NBA or NFL star mumbling his way through an interview to see these guys mostly didn't get the intended benefit of education, which was developing skills other than playing sports.
You know you can be a reader and an athlete right?

Yeah, here's the thing, most of the jocks in my HS were kind of dopey. Most of them didn't get into college and if they did, they didn't last.

All you have to do is look at some NBA or NFL star mumbling his way through an interview to see these guys mostly didn't get the intended benefit of education, which was developing skills other than playing sports.

How exactly do you think you get into the NFL or the NBA?
notice that, once again when presented with an undeniable truth, you backpedal and claim that wasn't what you were talking about at all, followed by the inevitable feeble attempt to bait with juvenile insults.

Now are you going to pretend you never meant to sound ridiculous by acting like women are always men's physical equals?

Uh, here's the thing. I'm pretty sure that a female athlete can kick my ass at just about any sport she plays in... so clearly I am not her physical equal. that's totally unfair, man. We need to make everyone equal, dude.

You were the guy who was always picked last in any sporting event weren't you....

Actually, never played sports because I was never interested in them. I was actually interested in reading books and learning stuff... you know, skills that you will actually USE after you are 20 or so.

And probably so pathetic that even if he was allowed to compete as a girl, against actual girls, he still would have lost.

Naw, pathetic is a guy who thinks that a con man who was marrying 14 year old girls was really talking to God.

So you're doubling down on your unsupportable position. No, we can't make men and women biologically equal. That's nothing more than a pipe dream. As I said before, and you refused to acknowledge, the top biologically male athletes in sports that reward physical size and strength will always be superior to the top biologically female athletes in those sports. You can't, despite your desperate political wishes and no matter how many times you stamp your feet, change that simple scientific fact.

And then they try to say liberals believe in science.
How exactly do you think you get into the NFL or the NBA?

You get a phony education from a university and the coaches mark you as "passed" on basket weaving courses.

But more often than not, you still end up being dumber than a stump when you get cut after your first year on the team.

Former NFL player Kellen Winslow II arrested on suspicion of rape, other sex crimes

Then you have Deshaun Watson who graduated early with a communications studies degree and he was the first person in his family to earn a college degree.

Deshaun Watson has quite the course load at Clemson
So you're doubling down on your unsupportable position. No, we can't make men and women biologically equal. That's nothing more than a pipe dream. As I said before, and you refused to acknowledge, the top biologically male athletes in sports that reward physical size and strength will always be superior to the top biologically female athletes in those sports. You can't, despite your desperate political wishes and no matter how many times you stamp your feet, change that simple scientific fact.

I don't disagree. You also can't make fat couch potatoes equal to athletes, or disabled people equal to fully abled peopled, but man, you are going to create a special category for each, aren't you. Well, except the fact guy Olympics, we aren't going to see that.


Because once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.

I just find it hilarious that you guys are getting all wrapped around the axle, not because these guys calling themselves girls gives them an unfair advantage, but because they dare call themselves women to start with.

Then you have Deshaun Watson

So what?

Frankly, watching the sports report is like watching the fucking police blotter half the time.

When LIbErals speak of “science”, they very rarely use that word to mean what sane people understand it to mean.

This coming from a guy who thinks that the Native Americans were Jews...

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