Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court

Maybe, who are you kidding.
I’m not kidding you thats for sure

no democrat or republican swamp rat inside washington would have objected to what democrat mayors and lapdog police chiefs were allowing to go on in our cities

and from democrats point of view hopefully the public would surrender to the Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA madness quietly

what happened instead was not good either

storming the capital played onto the hands of liberals and your side has taken full advantage of it since
Let the Middle East deal with their own messes as long as they leave us alone.
They meaning jihad wont leave you alone

you make it sound like we just woke up one day and for no reason decided invade afghanistan

this merely signals a brief break in the action
You failed to capitalize, "You". Also using a, "/" instead of "and" is improper and lazy. Then you fail again to capitalize "but".

A dupe I am? Yet all you have is tired Democrat talking points and propaganda.

Thinking and knowledge, beyond your ability.

lol... i am not a (D) ... so there is THAT.

nor a dupe who donny would say is an easy mark.

like you. so there is THAT as well.

anyhoo -
are you ready for all them thar jan 6th public hearings that will be live, & unedited in 'vivid color' that the velociraptor, liz cheney says is coming after the 1st of the year?

i am. :popcorn:
Who is better than you.

As they say if you have nothing else, become the Grammer police.

i never point out spelling or grammar mistakes unless of course when someone thinks they are being i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t when they are trying to insult & do it by spelling it wrong. it's funny AF.

thanks for the giggles!
Oh no I'm not excusing the people who did it. Not everyone was egged on for sure.

But it is almost beyond dispute that the FBI was there to incite them. Do not doubt for an instant that our bureaucracies are as crooked as the day is long. They are. I used to doubt it. I don't any more.

you mean bill barr's FBI?

LOL!!!! really, suzy Q? is that what you're going with?


True, I agree, you do not know. You also do not have the intelligence to figure it out.

And as long as you are the Grammer police, your sentence should of started with "i" and nutjobs is two words.

YEA!!!! you spelled it right this time!!!!

Is signing a peace agreement that includes leaving the country with the Taliban as long as they quit killing our people really a defeat of the Taliban?

Is agreeing to help the Taliban gain international recognition as a legit ruling body really a defeat of the Taliban?


don't forget allowing 5000 talibani prisoners loose JUST to start negotiations with them.
Far superior than sending our sons and daughters over there to die, yes. Let the Middle East deal with their own messes as long as they leave us alone. Yes, I call that defeated as far as we're concerned.

5000 talibani prisoners released whilst our troops were still there, Q Q.
i never point out spelling or grammar mistakes unless of course when someone thinks they are being i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t when they are trying to insult & do it by spelling it wrong. it's funny AF.

thanks for the giggles!
Yet, here you are with worst Grammer than me. You also started by insulting me as well.

So feel free to pretend you are on the high road.
lol... i am not a (D) ... so there is THAT.

nor a dupe who donny would say is an easy mark.

like you. so there is THAT as well.

anyhoo -
are you ready for all them thar jan 6th public hearings that will be live, & unedited in 'vivid color' that the velociraptor, liz cheney says is coming after the 1st of the year?

i am. :popcorn:
I am ready for the Democrats and people like yourself to display your tyranny to the whole world.

It will be a grand display why there is no place in the world for you and your type of people.
Yet, here you are with worst Grammer than me.

grammar doesn't have to be capitalized in this instance.

You also started by insulting me as well.

when you start spewing conspiratorial nonsense about jan 6th such as the cops were allowing the protesters in & everyone was friendly like... then all bets are off.

So feel free to pretend you are on the high road.

i would never claim any high road. but the road i do walk on, is by 2 feet & without my knuckles dragging.
i would never claim any high road. but the road i do walk on, is by 2 feet & without my knuckles dragging.
Of course you would never, claim any high road but you sure in the hell walked it!

Yes, 2 feet, both in your mouth.
grammar doesn't have to be capitalized in this instance.

when you start spewing conspiratorial nonsense about jan 6th such as the cops were allowing the protesters in & everyone was friendly like... then all bets are off.
Where did ever state anything close to what you claim in any thread?

That is what you claim I say, now you must explain if you are simply outright stupid or a bigot, here stereotyping those you can not comprehend and disagree with.

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