Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court

you would think he'd have a televised event, complete with red carpet & hollywood searchlights to show his tax returns/financial records if that were true. but elektra is exactly the kind of dupe donny talked about in his book:

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”
You failed to capitalize, "You". Also using a, "/" instead of "and" is improper and lazy. Then you fail again to capitalize "but".

A dupe I am? Yet all you have is tired Democrat talking points and propaganda.

Thinking and knowledge, beyond your ability.
This I think is my favorite defense of the actions on Jan 6th. That Trump followers are so gullible and weak minded they were tricked into attacking the capital building by a few "plants".

And somehow you people think that sounds better than just saying they were truly worried about a stolen election and were trying to save their country.

Oh no I'm not excusing the people who did it. Not everyone was egged on for sure.

But it is almost beyond dispute that the FBI was there to incite them. Do not doubt for an instant that our bureaucracies are as crooked as the day is long. They are. I used to doubt it. I don't any more.
Don't know how the right-wing nutjobs came to the comparison, anyway.

ONE was about a person dying in police custody.
One was about stopping the vote count of an election.
True, I agree, you do not know. You also do not have the intelligence to figure it out.

And as long as you are the Grammer police, your sentence should of started with "i" and nutjobs is two words.
Using the most extreme wording possible in every scenario is something that partisans do. Your extreme wording hinges on technicalities. I could also say I was savagely attacked if somebody decides to push me. Technically I wouldn't be wrong, but I'd also be a little bitch. It's this tendency to make it look and sound as bad as possible that makes your position and bias obvious.

There's a good reason why nobody is actually being charged with attempted insurrection among other things. They're being charged and convicted as rioters, as they should be.

Mac is a little you know what who tries to gaslight everyone into thinking he's a moderate.

It never works. It also never stops him.
The Jan 6 insurrectionists smeared feces on the walls. And how they attacked police is well documented.

The feces is disgusting and beyond reproach. But posing at Nancy Pelosi's desk for selfies will never NOT be funny to me.
You can believe what you like. I can show anybody else how they can as well. Private message me and I will tell you. You will have to travel is the only catch.

Non Destructive Testing is lucrative. Lots of hours.
So, Trump proved it to you but no one else?
you would think he'd have a televised event, complete with red carpet & hollywood searchlights to show his tax returns/financial records if that were true. but elektra is exactly the kind of dupe donny talked about in his book:

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”
That is the only thing Trump is good at promoting himself.
Then again, a LOT of suckers out there for Trump's picking.


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Taliban Defeated

Is signing a peace agreement that includes leaving the country with the Taliban as long as they quit killing our people really a defeat of the Taliban?

Is agreeing to help the Taliban gain international recognition as a legit ruling body really a defeat of the Taliban?
Is signing a peace agreement that includes leaving the country with the Taliban as long as they quit killing our people really a defeat of the Taliban?

Is agreeing to help the Taliban gain international recognition as a legit ruling body really a defeat of the Taliban?

Far superior than sending our sons and daughters over there to die, yes. Let the Middle East deal with their own messes as long as they leave us alone. Yes, I call that defeated as far as we're concerned.
Far superior than sending our sons and daughters over there to die, yes. Let the Middle East deal with their own messes as long as they leave us alone. Yes, I call that defeated as far as we're concerned.

I agree 100% with everything except the very end. I think a better argument could be made that we were defeated, not the Taliban. We asked for the peace, we asked them to quit killing our troops, we told them we would help them gain international recognition. All they asked for was for us to leave their country to them.

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