Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court

For the fiftieth time: They are being charged separately for various, different crimes they committed within the insurrection.

Here's the best part: I only use the word because I know it turns you Trumpsters into quivering puddles of mewling drama queens.


look asswhipe, just because i disagree with you doesn't mean i support all the trump crap either. you can't help but limit yourself to the most binary of thinking.


grow the fuck up.

by your own definition then, portland, minnesota, austin and many other places using violence as a means to an end at a gov building was in fact committing an INSURECTION.

hell, the man rittenhouse shot then was lighting a dumpster on fire and shoving it towards police cars would certainly quality by your own standards and by your own standards, deserved to be shot.

until the day comes that you can apply your own fucked up daffynitions to yourself and your side, you don't have crap for credibility.
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I wonder if your desire for whatever you think is justice comes from a good and honest place or if you just want to see the Republicans fail and be humiliated.

This is just another partisan circus to keep small minds occupied and agitated.
Just held responsible if guilty. I was consistent on first Trump impeachment: he was dirty for the Ukraine thing and deserved a censor but I would not have voted to remove. I’d have impeached on the riot for dereliction of duty if there was more time but would not have rushed it like it was. A commission to consider criminal charges should have been co sponsored by both party leaders.
The comparison is a joke........It was a seige in Portland. Night after night.......the RIOTERS there threw Feces and piss at the Federal Law enforcement there. They also used lasers to attempt to blind them.

I honestly don't know how the Federal agents took that ......because if anyone came up and threw shit and piss on me I'd stomp them into ground like a tent stake.
The Jan 6 insurrectionists smeared feces on the walls. And how they attacked police is well documented.
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As usual you are trolling.
No one laughed.
The judges did what judges do everyday... they look at evidence, and make a judgement.
They pointed out that in Portland, the building was empty so no one was in danger, while in Washington it was full of federal employees.
They have a point, but nevertheless the Portland rioters attacked a federal building and most of those arrested were released and the rest got a stern talking to.
The Washington and Portland incidences are different, but that doesn't change that the Portland attackers received extreme leniency.
Are 4 to 10 yr prison sentences considered a "stern talking to?"
They were literally trying to burn the building down with people in it.
These guys got let in to the capitol.
The justice system in this country is fucked
Really? I think the guy who tried to burn down a building got a pretty stiff prison sentence, more than any of your buddies who were "let into" the Capitol got thus far.
Really? I think the guy who tried to burn down a building got a pretty stiff prison sentence, more than any of your buddies who were "let into" the Capitol got thus far.
Correction : He tried to MURDER multiple people. They trapped them inside while it was on FIRE.
Correction : He tried to MURDER multiple people. They trapped them inside while it was on FIRE.
And what sentence did he get? You know this undermines the only talking point you have left. That's why you are throwing a tantrum
Correction : He tried to MURDER multiple people. They trapped them inside while it was on FIRE.
Yup. Hence the sentence. Now about your buddies who ransacked the Capitol looking for Pelosi and Pence to hang (though I think one guy came armed and was going to put a bullet in her head)...they were just peaceful tourists right?
Attempted murder?
Because that isn't statutory, so intent would have to be proven. They didn't see a case for it. Pretty simple.

You guys always think you are pulling "Zingers!" out of your asses to vomit the first thought you have. But if you were not so rabid and would put a tiny bit of thought and effort into it, you would catch yourselves before embarrassing yourselves.
Because that isn't statutory, so intent would have to be proven. They didn't see a case for it. Pretty simple.

You guys always think you are pulling "Zingers!" out of your asses to vomit the first thought you have. But if you were not so rabid and would put a tiny bit of thought and effort into it, you would catch yourselves before embarrassing yourselves.
They set the building on fire and barricaded the exit :rolleyes:
They set the building on fire and barricaded the exit :rolleyes:
But that's where the case falls apart. Different people did different things.

Personally, I don't disagree with you, in spirit. But the law doesn't match what we think should be so.
Womp womp. Stupid actions have consequences. I hope it was worth it.

Maybe they should try requesting a pardon from President Biden?


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