Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court

or in the whitehouse as the attempted bloody coup was happening.
Who's blood. The dead protesters..........the one shot or the one beaten to death outside........

Maybe the Capital Police shouldn't have opened the doors and let everyone in..........Imagine that.

Enjoy the show.
And another perfect example of the first sentence in my OP.

It was just a quiet little tour.



If this mob really wanted a confrontation, all they had to do was wait a day
They would have had 500 , vs 50


donny didn't tell them to wait. donny held his rally on jan 6th when they were certifying the election. jan 7th, it would have been too late.

as long as the VP & the speaker were there ... that's all that was needed to certify.
So are those judges referring to the rioters as insurrectionists, or was that your wording?
there are going to be ' weeks of public hearings in vivid color '

live & unedited. the select committee has depositions & hard copy documents from some 250+ witness' ... some are first person witness'; meaning they were in the room, either before jan 6 - during the planning, or in the whitehouse as the attempted bloody coup was happening.

why is donny fighting like hell to keep some 800 pages of documents of that day - including phone logs & hand written notes from mark meadows from the select committee?

why did several of his capos plead the 5th in regards to day & what went down in the days preceding it?

lol ... make lotsa popcorn, suzy - the hearings are going to be must see TV!
I hope you're not too disappointed when nothing happens to Trump.
The primary tactic to deflect away from the historic January 6 insurrection is to (try to) change the subject to the street riots that happened. Fortunately, Trump-appointed judges know better, as do the rest of us.

Two Trump-appointed federal judges have rejected claims from January 6 defendants that they're being treated unfairly, because of their conservative politics, compared with left-leaning rioters in Portland, Oregon, in the summer of 2020.

Judge Trevor McFadden on Tuesday became the second judge in two weeks to reject the comparisons, which are popular in right-wing circles, after his colleague in Washington, DC's, federal court Carl Nichols made a similar ruling last week.

McFadden and Nichols both said the US Capitol riot defendants' arguments didn't have enough evidence to show discrimination.

McFadden refused Judd's request on Tuesday, explaining that the Portland riots didn't have the same severe consequences as the attempted coup on January 6.

"Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse," McFadden wrote. "In contrast, the January 6 rioters attacked the Capitol in broad daylight. And many entered it. ... Their actions endangered hundreds of federal officials in the Capitol complex. Members of Congress cowered under chairs while staffers blockaded themselves in offices, fearing physical attacks from the rioters."

As usual you are trolling.
No one laughed.
The judges did what judges do everyday... they look at evidence, and make a judgement.
They pointed out that in Portland, the building was empty so no one was in danger, while in Washington it was full of federal employees.
They have a point, but nevertheless the Portland rioters attacked a federal building and most of those arrested were released and the rest got a stern talking to.
The Washington and Portland incidences are different, but that doesn't change that the Portland attackers received extreme leniency.
Who's blood. The dead protesters..........the one shot or the one beaten to death outside........

Maybe the Capital Police shouldn't have opened the doors and let everyone in..........Imagine that.

Enjoy the show.

lol ... that suit of delusion fits you well.
As usual you are trolling.
No one laughed.
The judges did what judges do everyday... they look at evidence, and make a judgement.
They pointed out that in Portland, the building was empty so no one was in danger, while in Washington it was full of federal employees.
They have a point, but nevertheless the Portland rioters attacked a federal building and most of those arrested were released and the rest got a stern talking to.
The Washington and Portland incidences are different, but that doesn't change that the Portland attackers received extreme leniency.
The morons that went overboard deserve to have the book thrown at them.
I hope you're not too disappointed when nothing happens to Trump.

donny may or may not get busted for this. there are possible criminal charges already hanging over that tribble head of his. why does he want to block all evidence that might clear him & his ilk from that day?

&, just like al capone, who went to prison, not from his thuggery (although i suspect he will ) .... he is going to get busted from NYS & end up in prison from tax evasion, bank & insurance fraud.

he has to be in NY & sit for a deposition on jan. 7th with the AG. if he tells the truth, he's busted. if he lies... he's busted. AND that's not even counting cy vance who's leaving ... but his #1 prosecutor mark pomerantz isn't. michael cohen, donny's lawyer for a decade & knows where all the bodies are buried - has had multiple sit downs with him ... giving all kindsa juicy intel.

hmmmm .... al capone died a jailbird from syphilitic brain syndrome & donny is following that same destiny.
donny may or may not get busted for this. there are possible criminal charges already hanging over that tribble head of his. why does he want to block all evidence that might clear him & his ilk from that day?

&, just like al capone, who went to prison, not from his thuggery (although i suspect he will ) .... he is going to get busted from NYS & end up in prison from tax evasion, bank & insurance fraud.

he has to be in NY & sit for a deposition on jan. 7th with the AG. if he tells the truth, he's busted. if he lies... he's busted. AND that's not even counting cy vance who's leaving ... but his #1 prosecutor mark pomerantz isn't. michael cohen, donny's lawyer for a decade & knows where all the bodies are buried - has had multiple sit downs with him ... giving all kindsa juicy intel.

hmmmm .... al capone died a jailbird from syphilitic brain syndrome & donny is following that same destiny.
I don't think it's going to happen.

Look, Donald is obviously a slimy business asshole that would sell out his own mother, no argument, but I think that's about the extent of it.

If I were Trump I would want this shit to stop even if I was innocent. The left are like vultures and trash pickers with this. It's not a good look. The man has been out of office for a year. Let go of the past and look to the future in my opinion.
If I were Trump I would want this shit to stop even if I were innocent.

but he won't. had he just accepted the truth - that he lost, & gone down to mar a lago - to live out his life shoving big macs & KFC down his gullet on the golf course, america woulda moved on. but he pushed the big lie ... continues to do so & so, here we are.

The left are like vultures and trash pickers with this. It's not a good luck.

it's not 'just the left' ... there are scores of (R)s who think this needs to be in the forefront until those that committed the egregious acts of jan 6 be brought to justice.

Let go of the past and look to the future in my opinion.

let go? LOL!!!!! so it will happen again? you think jan 6 was a one time ooopsie?

got some news for ya ... it's still in the works. know what jan 6 is called?

but he won't. had he just accepted the truth - that he lost, & gone down to mar a lago - to live out his life shoving big macs & KFC down his gullet on the golf course, america woulda moved on. but he pushed the big lie ... continues to do so & so, here we are.

it's not 'just the left' ... there are scores of (R)s who think this needs to be in the forefront until those that committed the egregious acts of jan 6 be brought to justice.

let go? LOL!!!!! so it will happen again? you think jan 6 was a one time ooopsie?

got some news for ya ... it's still in the works. know what jan 6 is called?

A bunch of angry rednecks with Confederate memorabilia are not going to overthrow our government. They're too fat and drunk for anything more than talking shit.

Their revolution was thwarted by one security guard. Lol

Come on.

You're afraid of nothing. These people are not a threat to the government.
You still harping on the Insurrection bullshit??

Guess you haven't heard. The FBI investigated 1/6 and found no sign that anyone planned an "insurrection" or anything else that day.

Keep up.
Cut the dems some slack, 1/6 is all they have, I mean what, are they going to try to go into the mid-terms harping on "voting rights"....You know, trying to make the argument how not having a ID to vote and ballot harvesting is a real good idea.

LOL....The dems are scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard all you see is their feet sticking out.
The primary tactic to deflect away from the historic January 6 insurrection is to (try to) change the subject to the street riots that happened. Fortunately, Trump-appointed judges know better, as do the rest of us.

Two Trump-appointed federal judges have rejected claims from January 6 defendants that they're being treated unfairly, because of their conservative politics, compared with left-leaning rioters in Portland, Oregon, in the summer of 2020.

Judge Trevor McFadden on Tuesday became the second judge in two weeks to reject the comparisons, which are popular in right-wing circles, after his colleague in Washington, DC's, federal court Carl Nichols made a similar ruling last week.

McFadden and Nichols both said the US Capitol riot defendants' arguments didn't have enough evidence to show discrimination.

McFadden refused Judd's request on Tuesday, explaining that the Portland riots didn't have the same severe consequences as the attempted coup on January 6.

"Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse," McFadden wrote. "In contrast, the January 6 rioters attacked the Capitol in broad daylight. And many entered it. ... Their actions endangered hundreds of federal officials in the Capitol complex. Members of Congress cowered under chairs while staffers blockaded themselves in offices, fearing physical attacks from the rioters."

I have never made the legal discrimination claim

leave that for the hair-splitting ambulance chasers and the clowns in black robes

what I said from the beginning is that the liberal, democrat party sponsored riots led directly to the uncivil behavior on 1/6

Because violence begets more violence

burning American cities by ANTIFA and Black LIES Matter street thugs pisses people off

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