Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court

"Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse," McFadden wrote.
They were literally trying to burn the building down with people in it.
These guys got let in to the capitol.
The justice system in this country is fucked
These guys got let in to the capitol.

only by a few cops that were 'friendlies'.

140 cops were injured, including crushed spines, tazed into a heart attack, one lost an eye - some were stabbed by their broken gear. & 4 comitted suicide due to PTSD.
The primary tactic to deflect away from the historic January 6 insurrection is to (try to) change the subject to the street riots that happened. Fortunately, Trump-appointed judges know better, as do the rest of us.

Two Trump-appointed federal judges have rejected claims from January 6 defendants that they're being treated unfairly, because of their conservative politics, compared with left-leaning rioters in Portland, Oregon, in the summer of 2020.

Judge Trevor McFadden on Tuesday became the second judge in two weeks to reject the comparisons, which are popular in right-wing circles, after his colleague in Washington, DC's, federal court Carl Nichols made a similar ruling last week.

McFadden and Nichols both said the US Capitol riot defendants' arguments didn't have enough evidence to show discrimination.

McFadden refused Judd's request on Tuesday, explaining that the Portland riots didn't have the same severe consequences as the attempted coup on January 6.

"Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse," McFadden wrote. "In contrast, the January 6 rioters attacked the Capitol in broad daylight. And many entered it. ... Their actions endangered hundreds of federal officials in the Capitol complex. Members of Congress cowered under chairs while staffers blockaded themselves in offices, fearing physical attacks from the rioters."

You mean like change riots in Portland to mostly peaceful protests?

and name 1 person charged with insurrection.
The primary tactic to deflect away from the historic January 6 insurrection is to (try to) change the subject to the street riots that happened. Fortunately, Trump-appointed judges know better, as do the rest of us.

Two Trump-appointed federal judges have rejected claims from January 6 defendants that they're being treated unfairly, because of their conservative politics, compared with left-leaning rioters in Portland, Oregon, in the summer of 2020.

Judge Trevor McFadden on Tuesday became the second judge in two weeks to reject the comparisons, which are popular in right-wing circles, after his colleague in Washington, DC's, federal court Carl Nichols made a similar ruling last week.

McFadden and Nichols both said the US Capitol riot defendants' arguments didn't have enough evidence to show discrimination.

McFadden refused Judd's request on Tuesday, explaining that the Portland riots didn't have the same severe consequences as the attempted coup on January 6.

"Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse," McFadden wrote. "In contrast, the January 6 rioters attacked the Capitol in broad daylight. And many entered it. ... Their actions endangered hundreds of federal officials in the Capitol complex. Members of Congress cowered under chairs while staffers blockaded themselves in offices, fearing physical attacks from the rioters."

Judges should follow the law, thank God these two know the difference between lawful actions and fidelity to trump.
Judges should follow the law, thank God these two know the difference between lawful actions and fidelity to trump.
Federal judges answer to no one and do as they please

in this case they chose to support the Deep State

but I suppose libs could argue that just because democrats in blue cities allow lawlessness does not mean the two judges have to do so also
You mean like change riots in Portland to mostly peaceful protests?

and name 1 person charged with insurrection.
That would have to be proven in a court of law and there's no way they're going to charge trump with that. It wouldn't be good for anyone.
Federal judges answer to no one and do as they please

in this case they chose to support the Deep State
Another conspiracy nut, how's that going for you. Rhetorical question, I know you're miserable. Good judges promote the law. They aren't partisan about it. No one should be supporting trump. Ask yourself one question would any of this garbage have happened if trump did not exist. Another rhetorical question. Of course not he caused it all. Just another scheme of his, you can't expect anything else from a con man. Lies and More lies, for god sakes the man stole from his own charity. The guy envisions his own daughter with lust. What some people see in this guy is beyond me. I don't understand, I will never want to. He's a total creep and he's just so nasty. How does he even live with himself.
Ask yourself one question would any of this garbage have happened if trump did not exist
Maybe not

no one in authority would have criticized the burning of American cities

and therefore it might have taken longer for the public to react

but sooner or later they would have
Maybe not

no one in authority would have criticized the burning of American cities

and therefore it might have taken longer for the public to react

but sooner or later they would have
Maybe, who are you kidding.
Yeah, of all the mind-blowing delusion and denial and madness that we've seen from them, this one is right at the top.

Incredible. Very representative of what has become of these people. Or, perhaps, what they have always been.
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Judges should follow the law, thank God these two know the difference between lawful actions and fidelity to trump.
Well, thankfully we've seen this from many he appointed to various positions. An intelligent, honest, honorable person can grow into an important position.

Even if the orange buffoon who appointed them can't.
Wait til you find out there were FBI plants egging the Trumpsters on.

This I think is my favorite defense of the actions on Jan 6th. That Trump followers are so gullible and weak minded they were tricked into attacking the capital building by a few "plants".

And somehow you people think that sounds better than just saying they were truly worried about a stolen election and were trying to save their country.
This I think is my favorite defense of the actions on Jan 6th. That Trump followers are so gullible and weak minded they were tricked into attacking the capital building by a few "plants".

And somehow you people think that sounds better than just saying they were truly worried about a stolen election and were trying to save their country.
to say there was not an fbi guy in the crowds egging them on would be incorrect as there was.

it never should have happened.

however, I do agree people are responsible for their own actions.
name 1 person charged with this.
For the fiftieth time: They are being charged separately for various, different crimes they committed within the insurrection.

Here's the best part: I only use the word because I know it turns you Trumpsters into quivering puddles of mewling drama queens.



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