Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court

My wording, based specifically on the dictionary definition of the term.

Using the most extreme wording possible in every scenario is something that partisans do. Your extreme wording hinges on technicalities. I could also say I was savagely attacked if somebody decides to push me. Technically I wouldn't be wrong, but I'd also be a little bitch. It's this tendency to make it look and sound as bad as possible that makes your position and bias obvious.

There's a good reason why nobody is actually being charged with attempted insurrection among other things. They're being charged and convicted as rioters, as they should be.
You still harping on the Insurrection bullshit??

Guess you haven't heard. The FBI investigated 1/6 and found no sign that anyone planned an "insurrection" or anything else that day.

Keep up.

They never said that. Gaslight much?
The primary tactic to deflect away from the historic January 6 insurrection is to (try to) change the subject to the street riots that happened. Fortunately, Trump-appointed judges know better, as do the rest of us.

Two Trump-appointed federal judges have rejected claims from January 6 defendants that they're being treated unfairly, because of their conservative politics, compared with left-leaning rioters in Portland, Oregon, in the summer of 2020.

Judge Trevor McFadden on Tuesday became the second judge in two weeks to reject the comparisons, which are popular in right-wing circles, after his colleague in Washington, DC's, federal court Carl Nichols made a similar ruling last week.

McFadden and Nichols both said the US Capitol riot defendants' arguments didn't have enough evidence to show discrimination.

McFadden refused Judd's request on Tuesday, explaining that the Portland riots didn't have the same severe consequences as the attempted coup on January 6.

"Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse," McFadden wrote. "In contrast, the January 6 rioters attacked the Capitol in broad daylight. And many entered it. ... Their actions endangered hundreds of federal officials in the Capitol complex. Members of Congress cowered under chairs while staffers blockaded themselves in offices, fearing physical attacks from the rioters."

The dozens of people that have died in those riots might disagree.
Using the most extreme wording possible in every scenario is something that partisans do. Your extreme wording hinges on technicalities. I could also say I was savagely attacked if somebody decides to push me. Technically I wouldn't be wrong, but I'd also be a little bitch. It's this tendency to make it look and sound as bad as possible that makes your position and bias obvious.

There's a good reason why nobody is actually being charged with attempted insurrection among other things. They're being charged and convicted as rioters, as they should be.
You asked, I answered. I use the dictionary definition.

I realize that definitions largely no longer matter to many, but they do to me.
Actually Reuters and others have done stories on the FBI saying they have found no evidence of a coordinated effort to overthrow the government. Look it up.
They simply said they found no immediate evidence it was coordinated. They didn’t absolve it of trying to overthrow the government nor did they shoot down the idea it was an insurrection. They also didn’t have what the commission has. I can read can you?
You asked, I answered. I use the dictionary definition.

I realize that definitions largely no longer matter to many, but they do to me.
Many different kinds of words in many different kinds of orders can be used to describe many different kinds of things. The way that you do it in this instance makes your bias obvious. That's all.
Many different kinds of words in many different kinds of orders can be used to describe many different kinds of things. The way that you do it in this instance makes your bias obvious. That's all.
Of course I'm biased.

You're free to call it a "saxophone" if you'd like. I don't care.
They simply said they found no immediate evidence it was coordinated. They didn’t absolve it of trying to overthrow the government nor did they shoot down the idea it was an insurrection. They also didn’t have what the commission has. I can read can you?
Saying they found no evidence of a coordinated attack is more significant than you will admit, or maybe it's just more significant than you realize. Nothing will come of this other than some people getting convicted of things related to rioting.
Saying they found no evidence of a coordinated attack is more significant than you will admit, or maybe it's just more significant than you realize. Nothing will come of this other than some people getting convicted of things related to rioting.
Rioters were rubes. Insurrectionists watched on TV. We’ll see. I’ll wait for the commission.
Rioters were rubes. Insurrectionists watched on TV. We’ll see. I’ll wait for the commission.
I wonder if your desire for whatever you think is justice comes from a good and honest place or if you just want to see the Republicans fail and be humiliated.

This is just another partisan circus to keep small minds occupied and agitated.
what I said from the beginning is that the liberal, democrat party sponsored riots led directly to the uncivil behavior on 1/6

And Mac said COCKSUCKING SHIT about it because Mac is a pathetic leftist authoritarian twat who is proud that his establishment overlords were able to finally get some civil unrest that didn't involve a bullshit media-spun, made upcop story, after MONTHS of attempts.

It took long enough, but now the rest of us know better. Our civil unrest will be local and the FedGov WILL be completely nullified.
For the fiftieth time: They are being charged separately for various, different crimes they committed within the insurrection.

Here's the best part: I only use the word because I know it turns you Trumpsters into quivering puddles of mewling drama queens.


That's cute.

You just want to call it insurrection, even though it's not, because you are a perfect little establishment cuck.

And you still ignored 7-8 months of behavior that also meets the definition, but you won't say a goddamn word about that shit, because you are a fucking coward, a hypocrite, and an authoritarian stooge.

And Mac said COCKSUCKING SHIT about it because Mac is a pathetic leftist authoritarian twat who is proud that his establishment overlords were able to finally get some civil unrest that didn't involve a bullshit media-spun, made upcop story, after MONTHS of attempts.

It took long enough, but now the rest of us know better. Our civil unrest will be local and the FedGov WILL be completely nullified.
What's your deal dude? Why are you so pissed off?

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