Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

In science this is called "confirmation bias". It is kind of neat to see you so quickly gravitate to it.

If I were to listen to you I'd think the majority of humans in this country are insane for being disgusted with world-leading levels of gun homicides and gun violence. Listening to you guys this is all perfectly fine and normal.

What kind of country do you WANT? Is it one where there's record-breaking levels of gun homicides unlike any other similarly situated country? Is that what you LIKE about the US? Is it an ATTRACTION? Or do you simply ignore it or work overtime to find confirmation biased sources so you don't have to think about it?

Would you be willing to tell the families of Newtown, Stoneman Douglas and Uvalde that they are just something that "happens", oops, no problem?

For a second imagine yourself telling those parents that their kids' death was just "in the noise" for you and that they are acting irrationally to be upset about it.

(I know even YOU aren't that brave, lol)

Well, until idiots like you stop voting for the racist democrat party, the party driving the gun murder rates in the cities they control, we have to live in this country…

But at least our government…..because we have armed citizens, didnt murder 15 million of us the way the Europeans did…..more people killed than all of our gun crime murders combined ……
No….more guns don’t correlate to more gun murders….the leftists lie about that number by throwing in suicides that inflate the numbers in low gun murder red states

I love how you guys go to such extemes to try to make death not a death that counts.

It has GOT to be exhausting finding loopholes to save your hobby.

You clearly have an idea of how fucked up you are being with regards to guns or you wouldn't go to so much effort, which is good to know that you guys aren't total psychopaths, but you should try once in a while to act like human life has SOME meaning to you.
NOT ONE of the anti gun bots posting in this thread really cares about children dying.

If they really did, they'd immediately stop voting for Democrats and Progressives.
All you need to know.

People who have no belief in Jesus or a moral compass.....pretending to care about the deaths of children is seriously demented lunacy.
In science this is called "confirmation bias". It is kind of neat to see you so quickly gravitate to it.

If I were to listen to you I'd think the majority of humans in this country are insane for being disgusted with world-leading levels of gun homicides and gun violence. Listening to you guys this is all perfectly fine and normal.

What kind of country do you WANT? Is it one where there's record-breaking levels of gun homicides unlike any other similarly situated country? Is that what you LIKE about the US? Is it an ATTRACTION? Or do you simply ignore it or work overtime to find confirmation biased sources so you don't have to think about it?

Would you be willing to tell the families of Newtown, Stoneman Douglas and Uvalde that they are just something that "happens", oops, no problem?

For a second imagine yourself telling those parents that their kids' death was just "in the noise" for you and that they are acting irrationally to be upset about it.

(I know even YOU aren't that brave, lol)
Assuming you get your wish and ban semiautomatic weapons, and people start using sawed-off shotguns, are you going to talk about how many lives will be saved if only people would give up their shotguns?
Well, until idiots like you stop voting for the racist democrat party, the party driving the gun murder rates in the cities they control, we have to live in this country…

LOL! All the classic hits!

But at least our government…..because we have armed citizens, didnt murder 15 million of us the way the Europeans did…..more people killed than all of our gun crime murders combined ……

Oh JEEZUS when will you STOP with this point? In your world there are only two states:

1. Murdering monster dictators killing people all the time
2. Periodic slaughters of little kids.

Apparently #2 is OK with you.
NOT ONE of the anti gun bots posting in this thread really cares about children dying.

If they really did, they'd immediately stop voting for Democrats and Progressives.
All you need to know.
LOL! All the classic hits!

Oh JEEZUS when will you STOP with this point? In your world there are only two states:

1. Murdering monster dictators killing people all the time
2. Periodic slaughters of little kids.

Apparently #2 is OK with you.
Did you go through your list to find out what actually qualifies as a school shooting?

And you're not going to, are you?

And what about shotguns when people start using those?

And what about the victims of home invasion? Would you rather they duked it out with the perpetrator? You must appreciate a good fight!

Did you go through your list to find out what actually qualifies as a school shooting?

And you're not going to, are you?

Sorry, psycho, I don't necessarily differentiate. Dead kids or shot kids are shot kids in my book.

Maybe YOU can take the time to parse out which times guns shooting kids is OK and let me know so that I will know which humans are "expendible" by your calculus.
Well, until idiots like you stop voting for the racist democrat party, the party driving the gun murder rates in the cities they control, we have to live in this country…

But at least our government…..because we have armed citizens, didnt murder 15 million of us the way the Europeans did…..more people killed than all of our gun crime murders combined ……

The bot you are arguing with is likely a paid George Soros troll, getting $10 a day to make these anti gun posts.
They have no actual concern with the deaths of children.
But having no moral compass, they will post absolutely anything (complete lies and BS) to try to buff up their relentless disinformation and crocodile tears.

Arguing with them is no different than having an argument with the aft end of a donkey.
Sorry, psycho, I don't necessarily differentiate. Dead kids or shot kids are shot kids in my book.

Maybe YOU can take the time to parse out which times guns shooting kids is OK and let me know so that I will know which humans are "expendible" by your calculus.
No, I'm telling you that your list was put together by someone who didn't care that the shootings had nothing at all to do with children. That's called being dishonest. And you, not bothering to check your own sources, are kind of like that dishonest person who made up your list. You don't care if it's accurate as long as it backs your idea.

So, by your own admission, you don't differentiate between misleading examples of school shootings and the truth. Good to know.
a special surcharge on your guns and ammo purchases that would help fund improved mental healthcare?
Just as soon as you pay the surcharge on your diesel, fertilizer, pressure cooker and nut and bolt purchases along with a surcharge on your car and truck rentals. It is not the tool, moron. It is the PERSON that uses it. If guns, knives, baseball bats etc are not available, the mentally infirm will find another tool. Run along now, gun grabber.
For a second imagine yourself telling those parents that their kids' death was just "in the noise" for you and that they are acting irrationally to be upset about it.
Your faux concern IS the noise. You don't give a fiddlers fuck about those victims--you are focused on gun grabbing. Your stance on abortion is proof of that--Sixty three million murders since Roe v. Wade isn't enough for you. Your gun argument is disingenuous.
Your faux concern IS the noise. You don't give a fiddlers fuck about those victims

I am getting tired of you guys saying that. At least we want to see SOMETHING DONE. You seem to just shrug your shoulders and walk on.

How is it that I'M the one who doesn't care???

--you are focused on gun grabbing.

because 20 little kids were so mangled that some couldn't be identified visually.

The facts are: America has more guns per capita than any other developed nation on earth and we are the ONLY developed nation that has as many mass shootings and schoolhouse slaughters as we do.

YOU do the math.

Your stance on abortion is proof of that--Sixty three million murders since Roe v. Wade isn't enough for you.

What, praytell is my position on abortion, ******? I'll tell you what it is :

I do NOT like abortion. I wish it was NEVER DONE. But it isn't my choice you fascist hole.

I vote for improved welfare and social safety net. I put my money where my mouth is.


You sit around hassling women going into an abortion clinic? You blow hard on an internet forum? What?

Your gun argument is disingenuous.

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Provide security at schools. Provide mental health care for those who obviously need it (read Piglosi, Biden, AOC) and get off the backs and out of the homes of responsible, law-abiding gun owners.

Would you be willing to pay a surcharge on all gun and ammo purchases to support improved mental healthcare?
Would you be willing to pay a surcharge on all gun and ammo purchases to support improved mental healthcare?
AN EMPHATIC NO. Maybe give that 25 million that the democrats gave the Kennedy Center for the Arts to mental health care. Maybe some of that "free food" money for kids who come from homes where they are well fed. How about 50 billion that the vegetable and democrats just gave Ukraine (whom we have NO treaties with) Medicaid already will cover it, moron. But, you are so original that the best you can come up with is attacking law abiding citizens constitutional rights.

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