Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

1) ALL politicians should be barred from accepting donations from the NRA. At the national, state and local level. The reason we cannot get any common sense gun laws put into place is because too many politicians (Democrat and Republican, I hear) are beholden to the NRA.
2) Make it illegal to purchase or own any kind of assault rifle. They are not needed for home protection or hunting. They are only good for killing large numbers of people, really fast.

Our children are being killed in their classrooms. We must act now. They can't vote; they don't have a voice. WE MUST BE THEIR VOICE. PLEASE.
Elections at the national level are VERY expensive. The amount of money the NRA gives most Congress critters is not all that great. Congress critters vote against draconian gun legislation because they realize they will be voted out of office if they do. It’s not the NRA, it’s the voters.

Keep in mind that many new gun owners are minorities or black.

The AR-15 is often used for hunting. Don’t beleive the bullshit the liberal media tells you.


Pro #1: Semi-Auto Fire This is the first and most obvious advantage an AR-15 can provide over other types of bolt-, lever-, or pump-action rifles. Semi-auto systems come with their own set of complications (more on that below), but the ability to quickly pull the trigger more than once is without question a benefit in certain hunting situations. It's why varmint hunters love this platform.
Deer hunters pride themselves on not needing more than one shot to take down an animal, but no one’s perfect. Hunt long enough and you’re sure to find yourself eventually making an ill-placed shot that necessitates a follow-up. An AR-15 gives hunters the ability to make a second shot in a fraction of a second which could mean the difference between a lost animal and venison sausage.
Pro #2: Modularity and Customizability AR-15s are occasionally compared to Legos—and with good reason. The rifle system is infinitely customizable by even the most amateur gunsmith. From the stock to the trigger to the handguard, everything on an AR-15 can be upgraded to meet a specific goal or application.
A single lower receiver, for example, can accept different upper receivers fitted with barrels chambered in different calibers. A hunter can use an upper chambered in .223 Rem. for prairie dogs or other varmint and swap it out for an upper chambered in .300 Blackout for hogs or whitetails. Hunters can also build super-light rifles for mountain hunts or bull-barrel rifles for long-range or stand hunting.
In the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor of California. The Black Panthars in Oakland, CA were becoming active and wanted to protect their neighborhoods from police brutality against African-Americans.
They started openly carrying guns. Once they even visited the California state Capitol building carrying guns. (I know Reagan didn't like that).
So---Gov Reagan made a new law stating it was illegal to openly carry guns in public. No such law had existed in California before that.
Just an example of what politicians can do when and if they want to.

Cant ban "open carry". That's decided law. In fact, MORE states than NOT have VOTED IN very generous "open carry" laws in the past 10 years.

What Reagan did was to prohibit carry of LOADED firearms. The Black Panthers were STILL free to march and assemble with UNLOADED weapons. AND -- carry the ammunition with them. Anything like YOU WOULD have wanted -- probably would get thrown at court. It's a "feel good" thing. And common sense safety in urban areas.

I liked seeing miltant Blacks marching armed at Stone Mountain Ga. That place has a 100 year odor of GOVT ASSISTED racism and bias. This was in response to George Floyd. IRONIC HUH Mr. T -- that blacks can DO THIS in GA, but not any "blue state". I find that telling.

The Virgina Tech shooter used two pistols to kill more than any other mass shooter in a school in the U.S.
I've already asked her to back up her claim that the AR-15 is the choice of school shooters and mass shooters. And, like everyone else who makes up their own facts on the spot to back a point they wish were true, they eventually get called on it . . . like right now.
I have more guns than the per capita American average. So what.

Well, it possibly indicates you think you have made a significant point but it is more telling that you don't really seem to understand statistics. It's not surprising that some people will have more than the per capita average. That's kind of how it all works.

In my many years, none of my guns nor I have ever committed a weapons related crime.

I think you are missing the larger point. You are ONE DATA POINT. But there are MILLIONS of Americans like you. You have made sure there is a SEA of guns in our society. And not all other people are going to be as good about guarding their guns as you! That means a few evil-doers will have an EASIER time of getting ahold of a stolen gun to do evil with. That's the PROBABILITY ANGLE. If you swamp a nation with guns and you have millions of people of varying levels of responsibility you automatically increase the probability of bad things happening with those guns.

I know this is a subtle point but some day a gun enthusiast will come on this forum and have at least a nodding acquaintance with probability to see that that is part of the problem.

As such YOU are part of the problem.

You elected the democrat fascists that are responsible for it, so YEAH, IT IS YOUR CHOICE.

You don't seem particularly sharp. I guess you didn't really read my post for content which is not surprising. You wanted to make some cheap political point that had nothing to do with what I said. In your circle I'm sure you are a world-class wit.

Sadly you failed here. Go back and re-read the post and TRY this time to track on what ALL THE WORDS MEAN TOGETHER!

(I am always amazed at how subliterate some of you folks are).
As you can see, there is no reasoning with these tyrannical, boot licking heathens.

Freedom was never free.

Can I just say your rhetoric is so OVER-THE-TOP you sound like the world's biggest drama queen. You deserve an actor for chewing up so much scenery with you hyperbolic BS.

This will come down to whether or not you personally are willing to pay the price to keep your freedom.
No payment, no freedom.

You guys should go off and start your own country where everyone walks around settling scores with their guns. The rest of us would just like to go to our jobs, go to the theater, go to the grocery store without YOU LOT running around like unhinged psychos who strangely have access to deadly weaponry.

You know life doesn't HAVE to be a constant gun-battle. That's YOUR FANTASY. Not ours.

YOU are part of the problem. YOUR rhetoric, YOUR bizarre fears, YOU made this country into a gun-swamped pit full of paranoid loons.

Cant ban "open carry". That's decided law. In fact, MORE states than NOT have VOTED IN very generous "open carry" laws in the past 10 years.

What Reagan did was to prohibit carry of LOADED firearms. The Black Panthers were STILL free to march and assemble with UNLOADED weapons. AND -- carry the ammunition with them. Anything like YOU WOULD have wanted -- probably would get thrown at court. It's a "feel good" thing. And common sense safety in urban areas.

Reagan was a friend to all black people. Even the "welfare queens" he made up.

I liked seeing miltant Blacks marching armed at Stone Mountain Ga. That place has a 100 year odor of GOVT ASSISTED racism and bias. This was in response to George Floyd. IRONIC HUH Mr. T -- that blacks can DO THIS in GA, but not any "blue state". I find that telling.

It fascinates me that you are somehow bragging about how Georgia is more accepting of black protests. Stone Mountain is YOUR THING. It is OWNED by the STATE OF GEORGIA.

And it's been a major tourist attraction for the KKK for decades.

I honestly don't know how you somehow made it sound like Georgia was not racist.

Reagan was a friend to all black people. Even the "welfare queens" he made up.

It fascinates me that you are somehow bragging about how Georgia is more accepting of black protests. Stone Mountain is YOUR THING. It is OWNED by the STATE OF GEORGIA.

And it's been a major tourist attraction for the KKK for decades.

Stone Mountain was an icon for the SECOND incarnation of the KKK. Not the original version and not the current one.

Why have people never learned that there have been three distinct versions of the KKK? Each one more ineffectual than the last.
I guess this is your way of saying you don't give a damn about the victims of home invasion. Why would you want victims of home invasion to not be able to stop the intruder?
A home invasion can be prevented by having decent doors and windows and/or an alarm fitted for a fraction of the price of a firearm and ammunition. But then again if Americans choose to live in houses with insecure doors and windows...
What you call "home invasions" are so rare as to be discounted in the UK, we have perhaps one a year at most. Just like we have a mass shooting once every decade or so, unlike the USA which seems to have one a month at least.
That means a few evil-doers will have an EASIER time of getting ahold of a stolen gun to do evil with.
And that makes sense how? You are one data point in a sea of vehicle owners. Maybe we should ban vehicles because a few evil people have used them in mass murder. Your argument makes no logical sense. Again, it is a tool. If they can't find one--which will never happen, they have shootings in countries where gun ownership is illegal too.

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