Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Do you have to pass a background check to purchase one

I have to have extensive testing in order to get the right to drive one.

---or the gas to run it for that matter.

Do you have to pass a background check to buy ammo for a gun you already own?

BTW, the fuel is flammable and explosive and can be used "in all probability," if guns were not available. You see, your cockamamie "probability" defense doesn't hold water any better than a sieve.

You don't understand probabilities or statistics. That's your problem. Not mine.

Ignorance is NOT a solid defense of guns.
You face rabid BLM protestors just going out to get a gallon of milk. You have gang bangers busting down your doors. You have MS-13 living in your cellar.
You certainly make a lot of unsubstantiated assumptions. The "probability" is that you're a moron who never researched a topic in your entire useless life. I never told you I lived in these areas. If you would climb out of your basement and observe the REAL world around you, you wouldn't make all of these ridiculous claims.
Again, look in the mirror. You don't know what you are talking about.

I hope you don't take all your gun money and go to Vegas. They'll clean you out.

LEARN what probability means.

You are pulling the fascist knee jerk response

Is that what you ALWAYS call mathematics?

that has been spoon fed to you by your favorite vegetable in the white house and the MSM. In other words, you're a moron that can't think for yourself.

LOL. At least I understand probabilities. You, however, will be a victim of people a LOT smarter than you are. ;)
You certainly make a lot of unsubstantiated assumptions. The "probability" is that you're a moron who never researched a topic in your entire useless life. I never told you I lived in these areas. If you would climb out of your basement and observe the REAL world around you, you wouldn't make all of these ridiculous claims.

You guys live in abject terror of just waking up in the morning. Hence you need guns all around all the time.

Non-stop abject terror.

Shadows move? You jump.
You are seriously misinformed or you live in a vacuum if you never heard of a home invasion robbery in SoCal.

Lived there for 10 years in a town literally OVERRUN with undocumented aliens. Never had need of a gun.

Not once.

Was their crime? SURE! There's crime in the world.

Did I turn my life into an armed encampment of terror shaking at the mere idea of all those "others" around me? Not so much.

You guys have turned America into a nation loaded with guns because all you do is live in abject terror of everyone and everything.

Why is that?
I have to have extensive testing in order to get the right to drive one.
I have been driving for over 50 years and I would never call what the US requires to drive a vehicle as "extensive" Reach up your ass a little higher for your next lie--so far they have been childs play to disprove.
Do you have to pass a background check to buy ammo for a gun you already own?
Yep, in CA, you certainly do. Research your subject before you run your ignorant mouth.
You don't understand probabilities or statistics.
Laws are not legislated based on "probabilities" moron. Do you advocate for "thought police" too. By your statements in this thread, the probability is you should be isolated for your own good.
Those "secure" doors and windows that are anything less than a metal box have proven ineffective in the areas of the US where home invasions are most prevalent. Criminals belong behind bars--not their victims.
Ouch, good point, that is what is happening. We are considering making schools prisons to keep out the 18-year-old mass murderers. And we all have to have Ring doorbells and security systems and gated communities for our homes.

Soon it will be walls around the towns: like in all the Middle Ages.
Non-stop abject terror.
Keep projecting, Einstein. I am not the one whining for the government to restrict others rights because you are afwaid of that boogie man with the assault weapon. It is very clear you are afraid of that boogie man and you want a fascist government to protect you. Take your advice and f'ing move to that utopia that you think exists everywhere else. I am quite secure and content where I am.
Did I turn my life into an armed encampment of terror shaking at the mere idea of all those "others" around me? Not so much.
What changed? You certainly are terrified of those nasty inanimate guns now---to the extent that you feel your fear trumps my "inalienable" constitutional right to own one of those inanimate objects. Run along, ignoramus, try some critical thinking sometime or troll another thread where people don't think.
I have been driving for over 50 years and I would never call what the US requires to drive a vehicle as "extensive" Reach up your ass a little higher for your next lie--so far they have been childs play to disprove.

Lie? You think I'm lying that your car needs registration in the US and you have to take an exam to get your license?

Are you sure you are following ALL the laws?

Yep, in CA, you certainly do. Research your subject before you run your ignorant mouth.

Excellent! I love it! Good for Cali!

Laws are not legislated based on "probabilities" moron.

Yes they are. Go try to buy several boxes of Sudafed this afternoon. You'll find that they limit you. Do you know why? Because they are trying to decrease the probability that you are buying Sudafed to make Meth.

That's a probability play. It's not the only law drafted that way.

You are ex-military, right? Ever hear of "NON-PROLIFERATION"? Yeah, that's another "probability" based rule to attempt to limit the chances (probabilities) of fissile nuclear materials making it into the wrong hands.
Did you just learn that word? You apparently don't know a fucking thing about law OR the constitution.

LOL. You are so wrong it isn't even funny. But you're also hilariously uneducated so I'll just let you play like you are so smart and I'm so dumb. LOL.

Maybe you should spend less time at the black jack table and more time researching your subject, moron.

Maybe you should learn more about how the world works.

Much of your world is predicated on probabilities. In fact almost every decision you make is based on that. The fact that you have no clue is telling.

You will be victimized by people who are a lot more familiar with these topics than you are.
Keep projecting, Einstein.

I'M NOT THE ONE here buying a gun to defend myself because I'm terrified all the time.

I am not the one whining for the government to restrict others rights because you are afwaid of that boogie man with the assault weapon.

Apparently YOU GUYS ARE TOO!

Guns banned at Trump's NRA speech. How ironic? Is it because you guys are a bunch of hypocrites?

It is very clear you are afraid of that boogie man and you want a fascist government to protect you.

Your guy certainly wanted to be protected.
You think I'm lying that your car needs registration in the US and you have to take an exam to get your license?
Many states require "hunter safety exams" for all persons to get a hunting license as well. Be that as it may, answer the question--do you have to pass a background check to buy fuel? Try staying on topic and stop using your bullshit fascist arguments to justify the restrictions of the constitutional RIGHT to keep and bear arms because you are terrified of a boogie man. Buck up and learn to defend yourself, moron.
Ouch, good point, that is what is happening. We are considering making schools prisons to keep out the 18-year-old mass murderers. And we all have to have Ring doorbells and security systems and gated communities for our homes.

Soon it will be walls around the towns: like in all the Middle Ages.

I think it fascinating that some people who served our country in uniform, who risked their lives to protect our way of life are some of the same folks who think that "our way of life" just includes occasional mass slaughters of children.

I honestly have to wonder if that was their vision of America when they served. Did they say "I'm going to do Uncle Sam's bidding and stop evil doers from harming my country! My country that has off-the-charts levels of gun homicides and has a mass slaughter of children every few years. THAT'S what I'm fighting for!"

At some point you have to wonder what "The American Way of Life" really entails? Because right now it doesn't seem to be all that safe. Or those brave ex-military guys wouldn't feel the constant need to have guns all around them to protect them AT HOME.

What's the problem here?
Many states require "hunter safety exams" for all persons to get a hunting license as well. Be that as it may, answer the question--do you have to pass a background check to buy fuel? Try staying on topic and stop using your bullshit fascist arguments to justify the restrictions of the constitutional RIGHT to keep and bear arms because you are terrified of a boogie man. Buck up and learn to defend yourself, moron.

Scared of the "fascists"? You might want to look up that word so you can accurately identify them.

Rather than the way you currently define the word which appears to be "anyone who makes widdle Concerned American feel maaad."

You should spend more time LEARNING useful information rather than polishing your guns.
That is evident. ^^^ I am not terrified simply because I can and will defend myself from you moronic fascist fucks.

HOW GROSSLY DISHONEST! You misquoted me by selectively cutting out words!!!!!!!!

Why am I not surprised you would turn out to be a FUCKING LYING SACK OF SHIT!

I've scraped dog shit off my shoes that has more of my respect than you do.


I guess that's what I'll have to do to YOU now. Enjoy!

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