Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Yet you support Planned Parenthood and abortion up to birth.
Hypocrisy at it's worst.
The hypocrisy is in the people who pretend to love babies while they are in the womb, but don't give a diddly squat about them after they are born.
If we truly love our children, we need to do everything possible to prevent them from being slaughtered in their classrooms.
The 2 issues I mentioned in my OP would help tremendously.
You know that won't fly. So why do you suggest it? It doesn't do anything except inflame already agitated emotions on the subject.
Evidently we have not got agitated enough. Kids are still being killed in schools, etc. Silence is not an option, it is complicity with the shooter and a crime in itself.
Reagan was a friend to all black people. Even the "welfare queens" he made up.

It fascinates me that you are somehow bragging about how Georgia is more accepting of black protests. Stone Mountain is YOUR THING. It is OWNED by the STATE OF GEORGIA.

And it's been a major tourist attraction for the KKK for decades.

I honestly don't know how you somehow made it sound like Georgia was not racist.
Ronald Reagan made it very clear how he felt about Black people with his "welfare queen" and "big buck " comments.
Also, he held a big campaign rally in the Mississippi town where the 3 civil rights workers (Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner) were murdered and buried under concrete.
I'm sure Reagan's base understood that dog whistle very clearly.
Not sure they ever really abandoned it. . Stone Mountain just go "superceded" for lack of a better term. But it marked a migration of the KKK out of the "old south" and more into the "new".
There are so many new organizations to replace the KKK.
1) The Proud Boys
2) The Oath Keepers
3) The Boogaloo Boys
4) Multiple militia groups
5) Neo-Nazis

These new groups don't wear hoods. They have no fear of being identified.
I'm certainly not dismissing that gun violence as a serious issue in this country, but the panic to run and seize all guns is ridiculous. Unless of course you also plan to take everyone's car, an alcohol, and put governors on gas pedals.

Car Accident Statistics – Highlights​

  • Over 40,000 fatal car accidents per year in the U.S.
  • Each day, more than 90 Americans die in car accidents.
  • On average, 2 million drivers experience a permanent injury every year.
  • Almost 8,000 people are killed in traffic accidents involving drivers aged 16-20.
  • The most common causes of death on the road are drunk driving (40%), speeding (30%), and irresponsible driving (33%).
  • Some 58% of fatal car accidents involve only one vehicle, and 38% are caused by a traffic collision.
  • When it comes to fatal car accidents by state, most occurred in Texas and California during 2018.
  • According to the statistics, most fatal injuries happen during weekends.
  • Each year, more than 1,600 children younger than 15 die in traffic accidents.

There are so many new organizations to replace the KKK.
1) The Proud Boys
2) The Oath Keepers
3) The Boogaloo Boys
4) Multiple militia groups
5) Neo-Nazis

These new groups don't wear hoods. They have no fear of being identified.

Those groups are all jokes and you well know it (as is the modern KKK).
The hypocrisy is in the people who pretend to love babies while they are in the womb, but don't give a diddly squat about them after they are born.
If we truly love our children, we need to do everything possible to prevent them from being slaughtered in their classrooms.
The 2 issues I mentioned in my OP would help tremendously.

Conservatives more to charity, in time and money that democrats do....and go to any church and you will see Americans with Asian children...children they adopted from over seas because the government makes it almost impossible to adopt American kids..
There are so many new organizations to replace the KKK.
1) The Proud Boys
2) The Oath Keepers
3) The Boogaloo Boys
4) Multiple militia groups
5) Neo-Nazis

These new groups don't wear hoods. They have no fear of being identified.

Do you understand that outside of the nazi groups of the left......they are all racially inclusive, to the point one of the last leaders of the Proud Boys was a black cuban, you dumb ass...
Why do you hate the 1st Amendment?

How do you get around "shall not be infringed"?
1) When politicians accept donations from the NRA, that isn't a 1st Amendment right. That is bribery.
2) "Shall not be infringed" was written at a much different time. We are living in a different world now, with totally different kinds of weapons. It is not infringing on anyone's right to ban assault rifles.
1) When politicians accept donations from the NRA, that isn't a 1st Amendment right. That is bribery.
2) "Shall not be infringed" was written at a much different time. We are living in a different world now, with totally different kinds of weapons. It is not infringing on anyone's right to ban assault rifles.

Lobbying is not bribery.
1) When politicians accept donations from the NRA, that isn't a 1st Amendment right. That is bribery.
And when politicians accept donations from the UAW? NEA? NFT? Also bribery?
2) "Shall not be infringed" was written at a much different time. We are living in a different world now, with totally different kinds of weapons. It is not infringing on anyone's right to ban assault rifles.
First, this does not answer the question.
Second, the USSC ruled the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.
This includes 'assault weapons'.

So, again:
How do you get around "shall not be infringed"?
I'm certainly not dismissing that gun violence as a serious issue in this country, but the panic to run and seize all guns is ridiculous. Unless of course you also plan to take everyone's car, an alcohol, and put governors on gas pedals.

Car Accident Statistics – Highlights​

  • Over 40,000 fatal car accidents per year in the U.S.
  • Each day, more than 90 Americans die in car accidents.
  • On average, 2 million drivers experience a permanent injury every year.
  • Almost 8,000 people are killed in traffic accidents involving drivers aged 16-20.
  • The most common causes of death on the road are drunk driving (40%), speeding (30%), and irresponsible driving (33%).
  • Some 58% of fatal car accidents involve only one vehicle, and 38% are caused by a traffic collision.
  • When it comes to fatal car accidents by state, most occurred in Texas and California during 2018.
  • According to the statistics, most fatal injuries happen during weekends.
  • Each year, more than 1,600 children younger than 15 die in traffic accidents.

And of course cars were invented to be deadly weapons, just like guns. That is their sole purpose, correct? As for the drunk driving statistics, nobody has figured out a way to stop people from driving drunk yet. Ditto for speeding and irresponsible driving.
We do have a way to slow down mass shootings, though. Refer to my OP.
And when politicians accept donations from the UAW? NEA? NFT? Also bribery?

First, this does not answer the question.
Second, the USSC ruled the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.
This includes 'assault weapons'.

So, again:
How do you get around "shall not be infringed"?
1) Donations from the organizations you cited don't lead to mass shootings. So, they are OK.
2) The way to get around "shall not be infringed" is make a law banning assault rifles.
See how easy that is. :)
And of course cars were invented to be deadly weapons, just like guns. That is their sole purpose, correct? As for the drunk driving statistics, nobody has figured out a way to stop people from driving drunk yet. Ditto for speeding and irresponsible driving.
We do have a way to slow down mass shootings, though. Refer to my OP.

Wrong…..breathalyzers in every single car and truck…
1) Donations from the organizations you cited don't lead to mass shootings. So, they are OK.
Ah - you admit the restriction you seek on lobbying is based on content.
Why do you think this does not violate the 1st amendment?
2) The way to get around "shall not be infringed" is make a law banning assault rifles.
Why do you think a ban on bearable arms, protected by the constitution, does not violate the constitution?
And of course cars were invented to be deadly weapons, just like guns. That is their sole purpose, correct? As for the drunk driving statistics, nobody has figured out a way to stop people from driving drunk yet. Ditto for speeding and irresponsible driving.
We do have a way to slow down mass shootings, though. Refer to my OP.

Cars kill more people than guns every year, and a rental truck killed more people in a single attack than the total number of mass public shootings each year, except for two years………

Cars kill more people tha AR-15s every single year

According to you we need to ban cars…

Cars are far more dangerous…..they kill more people accidentally tha guns do intentionally

They must be banned

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