Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Sure, I could do that. Which is what bullies usually want. But my country is being held hostage to gun enthusiasts who are all too poorly trained in probabilities to understand how they are actually part of the problem.

I must have missed that. Usually he's pretty aggressive on his pro-gun stance.

If so that's a good sign.

Unfortunately the time is coming where "compromise" is going to be too hard. The side that his horrified by watching kids get mangled by guns so badly that they require DNA testing to identify them is getting really pissed and the side that is terrified that another pile of dead kids will threaten their ABILITY TO HAVE MORE GUNS is having to retrench further and further into a position where they seem to actively ignore the HORRORS to defend their hobby.

I'm at the point now where I get tired of hearing about "law abiding gun owners", mainly because they are part of the problem. They are the ones that are keeping our country awash in guns. And the more guns they get the higher the probability that those guns will be used either against their own family (as the studies show) or get stolen and wind up in the hands of people who will use it against innocent victims.

I honestly wish we'd show the mangled bodies after every shooting on prime-time TV. To show everyone what we are really talking about here. The pro-gun folks will pitch a fit because they know exactly what will happen next.

So we hide the truth. We show videos of desperate parents in Texas screaming at police to go in and save their babies but we bleep out the bad words. Why? Because we are more terrified of bad words than we are of kids dying.

Show us the truth of this debate. Let us make a decision based on the buckets of blood.

And we should show abortions on t.v.....the babies feet sticking out of the woman and how they go rigid when the Doctor cuts the spinal cord....
What is WRONG with you?

It is a medical procedure to simply remove an unviable tissue mass....why shouldn't everyone see it......? Right? Just like removing a mole...that is what baby killers tell us...
Michael Moore's main point is well known but it's being completely ignored, except for the hate that is being expressed toward him for bringing it to light.

For an idea on something productive in the meantime, until some Americans stop fearing the truth:

The AR-15's and the large capacity magazines facilitate the large number of children killed by a shooter who has that ambition.

That's a fact!
I don't know what to do about the problem.

Why are you avoiding a discussion on Michael Moore's position?

You seem to be genuinely concerned about the mass slaughter of children.

Am I wrong about that?
A guy with a lever action 7 shot capacity rifle could have killed just as many on Texas as the cops wait 40 minutes to do any thing.
And we should show abortions on t.v.....the babies feet sticking out of the woman and how they go rigid when the Doctor cuts the spinal cord....

Sure. Knock yerselves out. You've already been doing that young women seeking abortions. I don't know why you shouldn't be treated the same way!

No...we do not have a mass public shooting every week...that is a lie....

Is the current rate of mass shootings and dead kids still within the "noise" for you? An "acceptable level"?

Mother Jones

Tell me truthfully: do you rely on ANYTHING ELSE Mother Jones publishes for ANYTHING?

(I know you don't because they are extremely left and you don't strike me as someone who is extremely left. So it kinda sounds hypocritical of you to CHERRY PICK THE ONLY THING YOU LIKE from them to defend your point. Everyone knowns they take a much more conservative value than others do. Which is why everyone else sees the number of mass shootings we have as a "problem" where you just see it as "OK".

A guy with a lever action 7 shot capacity rifle could have killed just as many on Texas as the cops wait 40 minutes to do any thing.

^^^^Just earlier I was marveling at how gun advocates LOVE to talk gun specs.....even in the middle of a discussion about the horrors of children being murdered by guns.

I understand it, you are mortified by 20 dead kids, some of which were so ground up by the shots that they had to be identified by DNA because they couldn't visually identified by their parents. Good for you.

But in hiding from that you run directly to your "safe topic"....GUN SPECIFICATIONS.

Do you see the problem there? (And I understand you are former military so guns were your life...but for most American gun owners they are just sittin' at home stroking themselves to Tucker Carlson reruns).
1) ALL politicians should be barred from accepting donations from the NRA. At the national, state and local level. The reason we cannot get any common sense gun laws put into place is because too many politicians (Democrat and Republican, I hear) are beholden to the NRA.
2) Make it illegal to purchase or own any kind of assault rifle. They are not needed for home protection or hunting. They are only good for killing large numbers of people, really fast.

Our children are being killed in their classrooms. We must act now. They can't vote; they don't have a voice. WE MUST BE THEIR VOICE. PLEASE.
Agree 100%. Guns are used in over 10,000 murders and over 20,000 suicides a year in USA.
A guy with a lever action 7 shot capacity rifle could have killed just as many on Texas as the cops wait 40 minutes to do any thing.
Easy! The good guys with the guns didn't show up.
He probably could have killed as many children with a sharp pencil..
The problem you're not facing is what makes Americans do it so frequently
I'm sure there must be some small advantage to things like that. But I think the NRA and 2A advocates should make sure that they keep secret the fact that there are a LOT of options for mass shooters that will be just about as effective not equally effective.
And boy did they milk that tiny difference for all it wasn't worth.

And you're right. There are plenty of other options besides rifles with those godawful pistol-grips. But what are you gonna do? Ban all of them?
I've actually had posters on other debate sites screaming about the pistol grip making a rifle more deadly by virtue of it being more ergonomically correct. It's all they had, and they held on to it to the bitter end.
Technically, all shoulder fired weapon stocks have a pistol grip.
And boy did they milk that tiny difference for all it wasn't worth.

And you're right. There are plenty of other options besides rifles with those godawful pistol-grips. But what are you gonna do? Ban all of them?

Right? I mean if you constantly remind the folks who aren't supportive of guns that there's little difference, functionally between a semi-auto hunting rifle and an AR-15 they might start saying that guns are bad. And then they'd read the science articles that show more guns correlates with more deaths and next thing you know they're banning ALL guns!

Then all the folks who want to murder little kids will have to go out and buy up all the steak knives and get REALLY FAST at stabbing. (But since there's no "right" to steak knives it would be an easy task to put steak knives on a registry and track the people who start hoarding steak knives.)
^^^^Just earlier I was marveling at how gun advocates LOVE to talk gun specs.....even in the middle of a discussion about the horrors of children being murdered by guns.

I understand it, you are mortified by 20 dead kids, some of which were so ground up by the shots that they had to be identified by DNA because they couldn't visually identified by their parents. Good for you.

But in hiding from that you run directly to your "safe topic"....GUN SPECIFICATIONS.

Do you see the problem there? (And I understand you are former military so guns were your life...but for most American gun owners they are just sittin' at home stroking themselves to Tucker Carlson reruns).
Do you want all semiautomatic rifles banned?

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