Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Where have I "deflected" and where have I been "proven wrong"?

Ah, so you are expecting an invasion and have a locked and loaded assault rifle in every room, easy to get hold of whenever this "invasion" should happen? Hope you get it right when it happens.
I guess this is your way of saying you don't give a damn about the victims of home invasion. Why would you want victims of home invasion to not be able to stop the intruder?
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yes to the NRA representing our lobby. (which BTW I've asked you twice nicely about "my alternative" for lobbying Congress and haven't seen your response.) And for the gun laws, check the 3rd paragraph here.

YES -- because the crime was a PERSON problem and not a gun problem. Who do I blame if one of my kids gets purposely pushed onto subway tracks? The TRAIN??? And the "person problem" is NOT just the mentally unstable teen shooter. There's MANY "person problems" that exacerbated this crime. Starting with the broken family, the out of touch grandparents over their heads in dealing with this perp, and the SROfficer NOT on premises, and the TERRIBLE response to rush the room with KIDS STILL ALIVE in there.

THat's why -- Ms Turquoise, I'm now convinced that kids are not maturing quickly enough to be able to purchase a long rifle with a magazine or clip. I HATE doing that because the fair majority probably are as mature as some 39 somethings. But clearly, the law now is purchases on HANDGUNS are at age 21 and I would like the rifle purchases - except for single shot bolt action -- to also be 21. IT WILL help in a large percentage of these kid on kid school shootings.
Relevant tidbit fully supporting your post: the human brain is not fully developed at 18 for rational thought. On average, it’s not until around 23 (for many a couple of years later) that our brain stem fully connects to the frontal lobe (house of logic). This info wasn’t available during the time alcohol, service mandates, and gun laws were determined. Not sure had they known the ages would have been raised, but they should have been.

I do agree with you that there are some 18 year olds who are “fully adults” emotionally and rationally, but they are not the norm. I’d be interested to know what their brains look like at 18 to help explain these biological differences. I’m never one to blame the group for the acts of individuals, but when specific legal measures prove to save innocent lives I can’t argue against it.

Good analogy about the train being blamed, it’s as you stated a person(s) problem.
If I were in the NRA and I wanted to make a solid point to ensure that my guns were kept safe I would DEFINITELY want to support something like an "assault weapons ban" since that will effectively keep people from thinking about the fact that so many other guns have a similar capability.

The key is to distract those who aren't familiar with how guns operate by letting them think that all the "tricked out military gew-gaws" on an AR-15 somehow make it more deadly than a semiautomatic rifle or handgun so that people would feel like they actually achieved meaningful change by enacting the assault weapon ban but really just leaving the next mass shooting to a slightly different looking gun.

Otherwise people will start thinking that ALL guns need to be more strongly controlled or, gasp, even banned.

That would be sub-optimal for those who wish to defend the right to own guns without any real oversight.
I've actually had posters on other debate sites screaming about the pistol grip making a rifle more deadly by virtue of it being more ergonomically correct. It's all they had, and they held on to it to the bitter end.
Where have I "deflected" and where have I been "proven wrong"?

Ah, so you are expecting an invasion and have a locked and loaded assault rifle in every room, easy to get hold of whenever this "invasion" should happen? Hope you get it right when it happens.
gets worse with every post you make
yes to the NRA representing our lobby. (which BTW I've asked you twice nicely about "my alternative" for lobbying Congress and haven't seen your response.) And for the gun laws, check the 3rd paragraph here.

YES -- because the crime was a PERSON problem and not a gun problem. Who do I blame if one of my kids gets purposely pushed onto subway tracks? The TRAIN??? And the "person problem" is NOT just the mentally unstable teen shooter. There's MANY "person problems" that exacerbated this crime. Starting with the broken family, the out of touch grandparents over their heads in dealing with this perp, and the SROfficer NOT on premises, and the TERRIBLE response to rush the room with KIDS STILL ALIVE in there.

THat's why -- Ms Turquoise, I'm now convinced that kids are not maturing quickly enough to be able to purchase a long rifle with a magazine or clip. I HATE doing that because the fair majority probably are as mature as some 39 somethings. But clearly, the law now is purchases on HANDGUNS are at age 21 and I would like the rifle purchases - except for single shot bolt action -- to also be 21. IT WILL help in a large percentage of these kid on kid school shootings.

We have 330 million people....two, 18 year olds out of 330 million....likely the 2nd was inspired by the coverage the democrat media gave the Buffalo shooter......

That number is not the rational number for banning rifles for normal teens in normal families...both of these killers were well known to the police....and their schools.....and their families....that is what we need to concentrate on...

If you let the anti-gun fanatics bum rush you into banning these rifles, you will have no rational defense when the come for hand guns, since hand guns are the most commonly used murder weapons by teenagers in gangs.....

Don't fall for their false claims of wanting to stop these shootings.......this shooting was Christmas day for anti-gun fanatics...they wait for the rare school shootings like kids waiting for Santa Klaus....
So you agree that you are all bad shots then? Fun fact regarding bolt action rifles: In 1914 the British army were armed with the Lee-Enfield bolt action rifle. When the Germans first encountered British Infantry, they thought they were all armed with machine guns due to how rapidly they fired their bolt action rifles. try hitting a moving target full of teeth and idiot...
Erm, the bottom two are handguns, not rifles, do pay attention.

Are you this stupid or just lying....

Semi-automatic is a rate of fire, all of them fire one bullet per pull of the trigger, they are the exact same weapon.......

this is why anti-gun fanatics here in the U.S. want to ban the AR-15 rifle, even though knives, clubs and bare hands kill more people each year.......

They know if they can ban this rifle by stampeding uninformed Americans, when they come back to call for the banning of shotguns and handguns, they can claim that all semi-automatic weapons are the same, and that banning the AR-15 allows them to ban all other semi-automatic weapons....
In the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor of California. The Black Panthars in Oakland, CA were becoming active and wanted to protect their neighborhoods from police brutality against African-Americans.
They started openly carrying guns. Once they even visited the California state Capitol building carrying guns. (I know Reagan didn't like that).
So---Gov Reagan made a new law stating it was illegal to openly carry guns in public. No such law had existed in California before that.
Just an example of what politicians can do when and if they want to.

Yep...they violated Rights....the nazis knew they could violate Rights too, then went on to murder 15 million innocent men, women and children across the continent of Europe..........just another example of what socialist politicians can do when and if they want to..
I guess this is your way of saying you don't give a damn about the victims of home invasion. Why would you want victims of home invasion to not be able to stop the intruder?

because as a leftist, he believes the world is over a dead human works for them..
Here is a recent case where a woman took responsibility and stopped a potential mass shooting. She was braver than any of the police in Texas.

Armed woman stops WV mass shooting, police say

I've actually had posters on other debate sites screaming about the pistol grip making a rifle more deadly by virtue of it being more ergonomically correct. It's all they had, and they held on to it to the bitter end.

I'm sure there must be some small advantage to things like that. But I think the NRA and 2A advocates should make sure that they keep secret the fact that there are a LOT of options for mass shooters that will be just about as effective not equally effective.

That way the Lefties will vote for the little fixes and feel like something meaningful has happened but the shootings can continue unabated. It's kind of win-win for America.
Here is a recent case where a woman took responsibility and stopped a potential mass shooting. She was braver than any of the police in Texas.

Armed woman stops WV mass shooting, police say

That's the second time someone's posted that particular story. It's great. I hope you guys get a LOT of mileage from that incident. Only a couple hundred more people willing to be that brave and we might put a dent in the number of mass shootings each year!
Point is -- the AR is guaranteed to fail under extended "rapid fire". And BATF makes CERTAIN all "AR style" rifles STAY that way. Go ask them.
I haven't pursued any technical questions on the AR's, but I would think the barrel could possibly be sacrificed to get the shooter's job accomplished. The shootings with the largest kills of over 50 would indicate that.

I'm still not interested in the technical questions nearly as much as I'm interested in the details on the shooters and the reasons why the shootings are becoming move frequent.
But thanks for your information on the barrels.
I haven't pursued any technical questions on the AR's, but I would think the barrel could possibly be sacrificed to get the shooter's job accomplished. The shootings with the largest kills of over 50 would indicate that.

I think the greatest thing about being an American is being able to hear people talk about the "kills" specs of a gun in glowing terms in the middle of a thread about the mass slaughter of innocent children.

It's inspiring. I feel safer just being and American now.

I'm still not interested in the technical questions nearly as much as I'm interested in the details on the shooters and the reasons why the shootings are becoming move frequent.

...and more importantly why it's only a significant problem in America. In other countries with the same or similar socioeconomic factors as us they simply don't have these things happen like they do here. Sure they have crime and they have mass killings, but it's not off-the-charts like we have in America.

I think the greatest thing about being an American is being able to hear people talk about the "kills" specs of a gun in glowing terms in the middle of a thread about the mass slaughter of innocent children.
Has somebody actually done that? I wouldn't make that accusation lightly.
It's inspiring. I feel safer just being and American now.

...and more importantly why it's only a significant problem in America. In other countries with the same or similar socioeconomic factors as us they simply don't have these things happen like they do here. Sure they have crime and they have mass killings, but it's not off-the-charts like we have in America.
The same socioeconomic factors shouldn't be carelessly assumed, especially when the discussion is on guns and shooters.

Those are the points that I keep alluding to as the possible causes of the problem.

Fwiw, Japan has done studies on the cause of many suicides being related to unsatisfactory living standards. That could be another way of addressing the socioeconomic issues.

For now, I'm not finished with the 'culture' of wars, death, and killing.

I hesitate to bring the abortion issue into this conversation, but I think it could be a factor, as it's described by Politicalchic.
Has somebody actually done that? I wouldn't make that accusation lightly.

I haven't pursued any technical questions on the AR's, but I would think the barrel could possibly be sacrificed to get the shooter's job accomplished. The shootings with the largest kills of over 50 would indicate that.

Now, before you go thinking I was saying YOU liked watching little kids get slaughtered, let me clarify that I was NOT saying that. I was just noting how easily gun enthusiasts drift over into their HOBBY even when the topic is related to the slaughter of little kids.

I understand it's a means of psychologically dissociating oneself from the horrors that are connected to the object of their affection (guns, in this case). It gives one a sense of "control" by being able to dispassionately discuss gun specs and not have to think about little kids whose heads are so mangled by a bullet that their parents have to give DNA samples to identify them.

I know you are as disgusted by this horror as I am. So I understand the temptation to want to get away from it as soon as possible. Think about things that make one comfortable. Talk about "gun specs" and not blood.

The same socioeconomic factors shouldn't be carelessly assumed, especially when the discussion is on guns and shooters.

Unless you don't have a passport I will suggest you tell me the fundamental differences between us and the Finns, the Brits, the Belgians, the Dutch, the German, the French, the Spanish, the Swedes...

In fact countries with our standard of living and our general "values" don't have the problem WE have. The difference isn't some socioeconomic thing. But I'll leave you to figure out what the difference is.

I hesitate to bring the abortion issue into this conversation, but I think it could be a factor, as it's described by Politicalchic.

The abortion debate is a cannard. The folks who are often the most pro-life are often also PRO-GUN. That's a sickness. It belies the fact that it really isn't a "religious" conviction for them. They deny their Savior's exhortation to NOT live by the sword while they claim they are acting in accordance with God's will by defending the pre-born.

But once born those kids are on their own because the pro-life crowd isn't going to vote for more welfare!

Pro Life is a joke. They don't care about the living. They care about control. Controlling women's bodies is one more lever of control. Their own faith is a joke, even to them.

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