Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Ah, a far Right-wing white supremacist anti-semitic extremist. OK, seems you have so many of those in America, they seem normal to you. In my opinion the original judge was perhaps a bit too Left-wing in his leniency.

Look up and you'll see my point sailing over your head.

He was arrested for nothing but having a book on his hard drive. He committed no "terrorist" acts he committed no violence against anyone. His only "crime" was owning a digital book.
What those non-question questions? Oh, I've answered them time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, you just ignore my answers.

No, actually, you haven' say you won't answer them, and that isn't an just don't like what your answers are going to reveal..
Well Wikipedia puts the number at 33, but that's almost irrrelevant to my point. No law in existance has never been broken, it is foolish to argue that a law can stop a crime being committed.

List of mass shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

Our gun laws and procedures are designed to weed out anyone who might pose a risk to public safety by having a firearm. No system is perfect, but ours has resulted in maybe one mass shooting every decade, whereas in the USA, seems to be one every week at the moment.

Oh, how many school shootings have you had since 1945? We've had 1, and as a result of the massive public outcry, the laws were enacted to ban certain firearms. How many school shootings have we had since 1996? 0.

Clearly our laws and procedures have managed to successfully prevent school shootings. Controlling who has access to firearms works, end of story.

It's not 33 but thanks for pushing the propaganda....

The problem here is that three very differently defined terms are being used somewhat incautiously and interchangeably: school shooting, mass shooting, and mass school shooting. Uvalde was a mass school shooting; the 26 previous tragedies at schools this year were not.
Many of the 26 previous shootings involved disputes between students in parking lots, or after athletic events, and all of them resulted in one or zero deaths. These deaths are still incredibly tragic, of course. But they are fundamentally unlike what happened in Uval

Uvalde is a mass school shooting. This is defined in different ways too: an incident in which at least four people (some counters make it three) are shot and/or killed. The Gun Violence Archive counts incidents in which at least four people were shot. Under this definition, many incidents of street crime and domestic violence count as mass shootings, even if no deaths result. A stricter tally of mass school shootings, conductedby criminologists for Scientific American, only includes incidents where the shootings resulted in at least four deaths.

Using their criteria, the number of mass school shootings in the U.S. since the year 1966 is 13. These crimes claimed the lives of 146 people in total.

There Have Been 13 Mass School Shootings Since 1966, Not 27 This Year

Of Course.......what you won't go into, is the fact that Britain had lots of guns up to the Dunblane shooting and the gun ban and confiscation in 1996........with all those guns, you had 1 school shooting....

You had guns, but only one school can't explain that since your entire premise is that guns cause these things to happen....

Then, of course, you have to explain to us which British gun control law against shooting up schools stopped the Cumbria, Plymouth and Moss Side shooters, all after the 1996 ban, from going to a school and shooting students and staff....

You can't explain that either.... isn't access to guns...since your country had access to guns and didn't have the banned the guns and had 3 shootings, after that could easily have been school shootings...

You have no logic to back up your claims......

Then you would also have to explain why Jewish schools in Britain have heavily armed private security.......if guns are not a threat in Britain....
The countries mentioned have strict gun controls, which have no real effect on their citizens' "rights" that you find so "precious".

You mean except for the mass murder of 15 million men, women and children by their guys aren't going to get away with ignoring that....

Nothing stops your government from becoming deadly to your people.....and on top of have rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings in Britain, and you just accept them as fine and dandy...........the victims have no right to self defense...
Look up and you'll see my point sailing over your head.

He was arrested for nothing but having a book on his hard drive. He committed no "terrorist" acts he committed no violence against anyone. His only "crime" was owning a digital book.

And he may have even been caught singing, "Kung Fu Fighting," at a pub....which is also an offense that can result in jail time...
Look up and you'll see my point sailing over your head.

He was arrested for nothing but having a book on his hard drive. He committed no "terrorist" acts he committed no violence against anyone. His only "crime" was owning a digital book.
"Lincolnshire Police said John had first come to the attention of counter-terrorism officers in 2018 after he wrote a letter entitled Eternal Front - Lincolnshire Fascist Underground.

He was arrested in January 2020, and later charged with offences under the Terrorism Act, including possessing documents on combat, homemade weapons and explosives.

The force said John had become part of the Extreme Right Wing (XRW) online - a term for activists who commit criminal activity motivated by a political or cultural view, such as racism or extreme nationalism.

He amassed 67,788 documents in bulk downloads onto hard drives, which contained a wealth of white supremacist and anti-Semitic material.

One of the hard drives was found hidden inside a sock when police searched his home, officers said.

He was convicted by a jury of one count of possessing information likely to be useful to a terrorist and cleared of six other counts of the same offence." Ben John: Right-wing extremist gets suspended jail sentence

The Saudi Arabians who took flying lessons in the US were considered normal citizens until they hijacked and flew the planes into the twin towers on 9/11

We've had decades of experience of terrorism, partly funded and supplied by Americans; that's why we prefer not to take unnecessary risks. If you don't do anything to attract the attention of our anti-terrorist police, you won't get arrested for owning a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook. Fact.
"Lincolnshire Police said John had first come to the attention of counter-terrorism officers in 2018 after he wrote a letter entitled Eternal Front - Lincolnshire Fascist Underground.

He was arrested in January 2020, and later charged with offences under the Terrorism Act, including possessing documents on combat, homemade weapons and explosives.

The force said John had become part of the Extreme Right Wing (XRW) online - a term for activists who commit criminal activity motivated by a political or cultural view, such as racism or extreme nationalism.

He amassed 67,788 documents in bulk downloads onto hard drives, which contained a wealth of white supremacist and anti-Semitic material.

One of the hard drives was found hidden inside a sock when police searched his home, officers said.

He was convicted by a jury of one count of possessing information likely to be useful to a terrorist and cleared of six other counts of the same offence." Ben John: Right-wing extremist gets suspended jail sentence

The Saudi Arabians who took flying lessons in the US were considered normal citizens until they hijacked and flew the planes into the twin towers on 9/11

We've had decades of experience of terrorism, partly funded and supplied by Americans; that's why we prefer not to take unnecessary risks. If you don't do anything to attract the attention of our anti-terrorist police, you won't get arrested for owning a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook. Fact.

But you will be arrested for singing "Kung Fu Fighting," on Karaoke night at the local pub..
"Lincolnshire Police said John had first come to the attention of counter-terrorism officers in 2018 after he wrote a letter entitled Eternal Front - Lincolnshire Fascist Underground.

He was arrested in January 2020, and later charged with offences under the Terrorism Act, including possessing documents on combat, homemade weapons and explosives.

The force said John had become part of the Extreme Right Wing (XRW) online - a term for activists who commit criminal activity motivated by a political or cultural view, such as racism or extreme nationalism.

He amassed 67,788 documents in bulk downloads onto hard drives, which contained a wealth of white supremacist and anti-Semitic material.

One of the hard drives was found hidden inside a sock when police searched his home, officers said.

He was convicted by a jury of one count of possessing information likely to be useful to a terrorist and cleared of six other counts of the same offence." Ben John: Right-wing extremist gets suspended jail sentence

The Saudi Arabians who took flying lessons in the US were considered normal citizens until they hijacked and flew the planes into the twin towers on 9/11

We've had decades of experience of terrorism, partly funded and supplied by Americans; that's why we prefer not to take unnecessary risks. If you don't do anything to attract the attention of our anti-terrorist police, you won't get arrested for owning a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook. Fact.
Like I said all he was arrested for possessing books , documents , whatever.

IOW thought crimes
And he may have even been caught singing, "Kung Fu Fighting," at a pub....which is also an offense that can result in jail time...
Total and absolute bullshit. A chinese member of the audience took offence and called the police, the singer was detained and later released without charge. In America, it's highly likely the singer would have been shot by the angry Chinese audience member.
At least we can set off fireworks over here without risking being shot..
Total and absolute bullshit. A chinese member of the audience took offence and called the police, the singer was detained and later released without charge. In America, it's highly likely the singer would have been shot by the angry Chinese audience member.
At least we can set off fireworks over here without risking being shot..

Yeah.....the whole, "detained," thing for singing a song...that is the problem, you doofus.... guys simply prefer to murder innocent men, women and children using the government......15 million the last time you guys got going...and it took Americans with guns to stop that slaughter......

You are welcome.

And you refuse to answer these simple questions...

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

A woman stops an attack with a gun, a brutal rape, torture and a public space....if you had the ability to go back in time, and prevent her from having that gun...would you?


A woman wants a gun to keep from being raped, robbed, murdered, beaten, stabbed....British police refuse to give her a permit because those are not "good reasons," to own and carry a gun.

A wealthy member of the House of Lords wants to go bird hunting with his rich buddies on one of his many private estates....the British police give him a permit because bird hunting is a "good reason," to own a gun....

This makes sense to you?
What those non-question questions? Oh, I've answered them time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, you just ignore my answers.
/----/ ODD - I've been here for years and never saw you post replies time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time. Please post a link to any of these answers. TIA
It's not 33 but thanks for pushing the propaganda....
Don't blame me, I just tallied the school shooting incidents on the Wikipedia page. Even so, 147 murdered children is fine with you it seems, so long as anyone can have a gun.
Of Course.......what you won't go into, is the fact that Britain had lots of guns up to the Dunblane shooting
Erm, we still do. There are around 700,000 firearms certificate holders in the UK, each of whom may own more than one firearm.
You had guns, but only one school can't explain that since your entire premise is that guns cause these things to happen....
No it isn't. I've never stated that premise, it's just there in your addled brain. I like guns, I used to own guns, I'm against allowing every Tom, Dick and Harriett to get a gun without adequate screening. That's what our laws and procedures do, quite effectively, thank you. Are they perfect? No. But I don't need a gun to feel safe, or manly, or whatever other reasons you people put forward.
Then you would also have to explain why Jewish schools in Britain have heavily armed private security...
They don't. Guns aren't allowed in UK schools, Jewish or otherwise.
/----/ ODD - I've been here for years and never saw you post replies time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time. Please post a link to any of these answers. TIA
You've been here for years and don't know all you have to do is click on my avatar, then click messages, which will take you to all my posts; there you go, happy to help.
You've been here for years and don't know all you have to do is click on my avatar, then click messages, which will take you to all my posts; there you go, happy to help.
/----/ Nope, can't say I found a response to the first question time, after time, after time, blah blah blah.
A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?
Don't blame me, I just tallied the school shooting incidents on the Wikipedia page. Even so, 147 murdered children is fine with you it seems, so long as anyone can have a gun.

Erm, we still do. There are around 700,000 firearms certificate holders in the UK, each of whom may own more than one firearm.

No it isn't. I've never stated that premise, it's just there in your addled brain. I like guns, I used to own guns, I'm against allowing every Tom, Dick and Harriett to get a gun without adequate screening. That's what our laws and procedures do, quite effectively, thank you. Are they perfect? No. But I don't need a gun to feel safe, or manly, or whatever other reasons you people put forward.

They don't. Guns aren't allowed in UK schools, Jewish or otherwise.

Over 56 years?

Meanwhile, you Europeans murdered 1,000,000 children in 6 years.........

Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1 And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths.

Can you tell which number is bigger?

In 246 years of our existence.....if you add up all the criminal gun murder.....over 246 years.....we don't even come close to the murder of your peoples by your governments in that 6 year period.........and if you stretch the murder to 1933 it goes up to 20 million....

After the Europeans gave up their guns to be safer......

And what keeps those 700,000 gun owners from using their guns to murder children in schools? Please, show us which law keeps that from happening, considering two mass public shootings have happened since the gun ban and confiscation in Britain.......
Question: Do anyone here know if George Zimmerman was able to sell his gun? He was selling the gun he killed Treyvon Martin with to the highest bidder a few years ago? I'm just curious.
Question: Do anyone here know if George Zimmerman was able to sell his gun? He was selling the gun he killed Treyvon Martin with to the highest bidder a few years ago? I'm just curious.

The gun he used to save his life from the violent thug? Don't know....

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