Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Zimmerman was stalking Treyvon,
No he wasn't.

when he should have been minding his own business.
Mr. Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. It was very much his business that Trayvon was casing homes to break into later that night after he got high on PCP.

When Treyvon started kicking his a** he got scared and shot him. Like a cowardly thug.
Nonsense. Self defense is not cowardly, and people who defend themselves are not thugs.

Trayvon started the fight.

It's OK though. Thug Zimmerman is reaping what he sowed. What goes around comes around. Thug life is hard, yo.
As far as I know Mr. Zimmerman is doing just fine.

And as previously noted, he is not a thug. The only thug here is Trayvon.
IF all these things had been in place at Robb Elementary School a few days ago, would it have saved any of those 19 kids and 2 teachers lives? NO.
With the enforcement of keeping locked doors shut they would have prevented the shooter from gaining access. He'd have had to shoot his way through an airlock past an armed security guard. I've seen similar set ups in sensitive office spaces. An armed guard sits in a bulletproof kiosk with shooting slots. Anyone entering has to enter the airlock one person at a time. Then present ID and a good reason for access to the guard. who then either denies them access through the second door or allows them to pass. It's simple and bulletproof as it were. The key is enforcing the one point of access and exit rule. Now at the beginning and end of the school day, all access doors would be open, but the police could schedule security coverage for those times.
IF all these things had been in place at Robb Elementary School a few days ago, would it have saved any of those 19 kids and 2 teachers lives? NO.
The only reason those teachers and student were shot was because an idiot teacher took a short cut to her car and didn't make sure the door locked behind her when she came back in. If that door was locked as was required, the shooter wouldn't have been able to access the school before being arrested or shot.
Obviously I wasn’t referring to them. Do mass shooters break into peoples houses often?
No because then they wouldn't be MASS SHOOTERS. But ordinary criminals do it hundreds of times every day. Thousands of innocent residents are robbed, raped and /or killed in home invasions every year.
Sometimes in life we make an oopsy ------------- :oops:
The problem is that security violations can't ever be seen as an "oopsie". Security and safety rules have to be ruthlessly enforced to be effective. Violations have to have teeth and constantly be seen enforced to be effective.
Mr. Zimmerman is not a thug and has never murdered anyone.

As far as I know, Mr. Zimmerman is doing just fine.
I hear he is broke and nobody will hire him. That's why he sold that gun. Serve him right. He is a thug.
No he wasn't.

Mr. Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. It was very much his business that Trayvon was casing homes to break into later that night after he got high on PCP.

Nonsense. Self defense is not cowardly, and people who defend themselves are not thugs.

Trayvon started the fight.

As far as I know Mr. Zimmerman is doing just fine.

And as previously noted, he is not a thug. The only thug here is Trayvon.
So why can't your boy Zimmerman find a job? And why does he like to pull guns on women? His girlfriend made a police report on him for threatening her with a gun.
Kids in schools are usually shot by other kids. I gave a gun law solution to that above.

Semi-automatic rifles sold publicly are not military grade. The shooter in Las Vegas brought 6 of them with him because he had modified them to be MORE like an automatic military grade weapon. When they stormed his hotel suite -- they found 2 or 3 of them COMPLETELY ruined with the barrels melted and jammed up. AR does not stand for "assault rifle" -- look it up.

They are neccessary for personal defense of life and property. During rioting, massive looting, or home assault with multiple persons involved. The police INCREASINGLY refuse to protect property in rioting and looting. And home assault and angry mobs outside your doors are on the increase. AND of course to protect against tyrannical governments. The types that think a "Disinformation Board" is a GREAT idea or call parents terrorists for yelling at a school board meeting.

As for LOBBYING - which is where all the money flows -- Banning ONE representative of the people on gun rights and not the OPPONENTS of gun rights would be Unconstitutional.

The NRA IS people. PEOPLE fund them to tell the truth about crime/gun policy and make voices heard. Contributions from members are speech. Beats having 80Million LEGAL RESPONSIBLE gun owners marching armed on the Capitol mall -- doesn't it?
The democrats think January 6th was an insurrection. What would they think of a half million armed NRA and GOA members peacefully marching on the Capital? Their 1/6 "insurrection" was a few hundred unarmed idiots showing their asses. I can easily see demonstrations that size or larger if the government ever manages to get the mass of gun owners seriously annoyed. At this point we are willing to work within the system because we still believe in it. The minute we lose faith, there would be problems that would probably start with tar and feathers for congressional leaders who weren't evacuated quickly enough and go up from there. Conservatives are patient, we worked for fifty years to overturn a bad SCOTUS decision, but patience has limits. One thing to think about, the majority of the volunteer military veterans are conservatives, it's not like the old days when liberals were drafted to serve.
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With the enforcement of keeping locked doors shut they would have prevented the shooter from gaining access. He'd have had to shoot his way through an airlock past an armed security guard. I've seen similar set ups in sensitive office spaces. An armed guard sits in a bulletproof kiosk with shooting slots. Anyone entering has to enter the airlock one person at a time. Then present ID and a good reason for access to the guard. who then either denies them access through the second door or allows them to pass. It's simple and bulletproof as it were. The key is enforcing the one point of access and exit rule. Now at the beginning and end of the school day, all access doors would be open, but the police could schedule security coverage for those times.
I am not discussing the Uvalde school shooting anymore. I've said all I want to say on that subject.
It pains me to say it -- but I cannot BEAR the grief to know that a TROUBLED teen with obvious warning signs CAN LEGALLY purchase and own. But all this is because of societal/family/moral decay and the fact that people are not doing their jobs.

If the teen STOLE the weapon from parents and parents KNEW or if the parents PURCHASED the weapon for a kid that was under psychiatric care (like the shooter Sandy Hook school) -- I dont feel a lot of personal responsibility to change gun laws. Just use the law -- HOLD these parents responsible.

Parents ALSO need that leverage. As dealing with mental case child is difficult enough with the cutting/suicide/outbursts/conflict without having to ASSURE this future criminal doesn't LEGALLY obtain firearms.
Even "normal" kids will try to use leverage against their parents. My daughter came home one day after talking with her friends and claimed our rules amounted to child abuse and if we didn't let her do whatever she wanted (AT 14!!!!) she was going to call Child Protective Services and report us. I picked up the phone and asked information for the number and dialed it and handed the phone to her. That ended that forever.
Hey trollfish -- It's ALREADY MANDATED in most states that outside doors remain locked during classes. And it's drilled into teachers to LOCK the classroom doors when any intrusion alarm is given.

That's why they call it a "LOCK DOWN" alert that goes out to the schools automatically bullwinkle.
And Uvalde happened because that rule wasn't enforced, and a teacher snuck out to her car.
I hear he is broke and nobody will hire him.
Says who?

Serve him right.
No it wouldn't.

A just outcome would be if Trayvon's scumbag parents contracted a horrible disease and followed Trayvon to the grave in short order.

He is a thug.
No he isn't.

I hope your grave site is not used for the same purpose.
I'm a good person. So is Mr. Zimmerman.

Trayvon was an evil scumbag, and his parents are evil scumbags.

There is a great difference between a good person and an evil scumbag.

So why can't your boy Zimmerman find a job?
Who says he can't?

And why does he like to pull guns on women? His girlfriend made a police report on him for threatening her with a gun.
Says who?
Not really. In fact, it could do enough damage to the lock to keep it from opening.
Oddly enough I was watching an old rerun of Mythbusters last night and it was about shooting the locks off doors. 9mm and .357 pistols weren't powerful enough to break a Master padlock or break a lockset, but a shotgun shooting a slug destroyed both as did an M-1 Garand. An AR-15 has about a third of the muzzle energy of an M-1 and three times the muzzle energy of a 9mm and two times that of a .357. An AR-15 MIGHT blow open a lock, but the military in the Middle East used 12 Gauge shotguns shooting slugs for the job despite every soldier carrying a M-4 chambered for the same .223/5.56mm the AR-15 fires. I doubt teh Uvalde shooter would have been able to shoot a lock off a door especially since a police sharpshooter was already on scene and requesting permission to shoot the intruder BEFORE he got into the school.

The 22-year-old was convicted of having a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook on a computer hard drive.
Hell, I've had a copy in one of my bookcases since 1970. I'd bet good money that you couldn't find an active or ex-EOD tech who doesn't have at least one copy.
Thank you for your response. That was a slap in the face for Treyvon's parents.
Considering they raised a "kid" who was a burglar, bully and racist/homophobe and who ambushed and attacked a man for following him down the sidewalk at night, my sympathy for Martin"s parents is extremely limited.

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