Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Considering they raised a "kid" who was a burglar, bully and racist/homophobe and who ambushed and attacked a man for following him down the sidewalk at night, my sympathy for Martin"s parents is extremely limited.
What is your opinion of Dylann Roof's parents? Payton Gendron's parents?
Or the parents of any of the mass shooters? What kind of parent raises that kind of killer?
Even "normal" kids will try to use leverage against their parents. My daughter came home one day after talking with her friends and claimed our rules amounted to child abuse and if we didn't let her do whatever she wanted (AT 14!!!!) she was going to call Child Protective Services and report us. I picked up the phone and asked information for the number and dialed it and handed the phone to her. That ended that forever.

Kids are little insurrection conspirators. They trade plans and tactics over the lunch room table. :biggrin:
What is your opinion of Dylann Roof's parents? Payton Gendron's parents?
Or the parents of any of the mass shooters? What kind of parent raises that kind of killer?
You're the one who started wishing bad fortune on good people. Everyone else is merely responding in kind to your cruelty.
What is your opinion of Dylann Roof's parents? Payton Gendron's parents?
Or the parents of any of the mass shooters? What kind of parent raises that kind of killer?
Looks like AZawhaile can't answer this question after making the ugly comments about Treyvon. It figures.
Looks like AZawhaile can't answer this question after making the ugly comments about Treyvon. It figures.
In some cases the parents are responsible in some they are not. Racist views are normally expressed at home so I suspect in roofs case I would say his parents are to blame the other fellow I dont know.
In some cases the parents are responsible in some they are not. Racist views are normally expressed at home so I suspect in roofs case I would say his parents are to blame the other fellow I dont know.
Don't sugarcoat it. Their parents probably were racists. It had to be more than being radicalized on the internet. Their upbringing no doubt taught them to be xenophobic.
Don't sugarcoat it. Their parents probably were racists. It had to be more than being radicalized on the internet. Their upbringing no doubt taught them to be xenophobic.
I'm sure Trayvon's no good parents are the reason why he was planning to get high on PCP and break into people's homes later that night, and are why he tried to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch when he got found out.
I'm sure Trayvon's no good parents are the reason why he was planning to get high on PCP and break into people's homes later that night, and are why he tried to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch when he got found out.
So to your shit for brains mind what Treyvon might have done is equal to what Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron did do? You say Treyvon was looking to break into a house when there is no proof of that. So it was OK for Thug Zimmerman to kill him.
Goes to show what a dumbazz you are.
One thing I've noticed about this 2nd Amendment section is that lots of the posters here are leg humpers who like to gang up on people they don't agree with. I guess they think ganging up on folks will intimidate them and make them change their minds.
Or they like to show out in front of their friends. "Did you see what I told her?" I think Open Mouth Bolt is a show-off. He needs approval from his fellow leg humpers.
Sad to see grown-ups with that childish ignorant mindset.
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Paying politicians to do your bidding is NOT free speech.
/----/ The hell it isn't.
Everyone knows the First Amendment protects freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly. How many remember that, in addition, the First Amendment protects a fifth freedom — to lobby?

Of course it doesn’t use the word lobby. It calls it the right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Lobbyists are people hired to do that for you, so that you can actually stay home with the kids and remain gainfully employed rather than spend your life in the corridors of Washington.

To hear the candidates in this presidential campaign, you’d think lobbying is just one notch below waterboarding, a black art practiced by the great malefactors of wealth to keep the middle class in a vise and loose upon the nation every manner of scourge: oil dependency, greenhouse gases, unpayable mortgages and those tiny entrees you get at French restaurants.
Looks like AZawhaile can't answer this question after making the ugly comments about Treyvon. It figures.

Likely they came from broken homes......the 4th of July shooter had 21 police visits to his home, the parents were a mess........
So to your shit for brains mind what Treyvon might have done is equal to what Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron did do? You say Treyvon was looking to break into a house when there is no proof of that. So it was OK for Thug Zimmerman to kill him.
Goes to show what a dumbazz you are.

looking to break into a house when there is no proof of that. So it was OK for Thug Zimmerman to kill him.

How stupid are you? really.

Martin wasn't shot because he was casing houses....he was shot because even though he was free and clear of Zimmerman and could have simply gone to his fathers townhouse, he ran back, circled around and violently attacked Ziimmerman.....and was beating his head against the concrete sidewalk, putting Zimmerman in immediate threat of death or serious bodily harm...

That is why he was shot, you dumb ass...
/----/ The hell it isn't.
Everyone knows the First Amendment protects freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly. How many remember that, in addition, the First Amendment protects a fifth freedom — to lobby?

Of course it doesn’t use the word lobby. It calls it the right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Lobbyists are people hired to do that for you, so that you can actually stay home with the kids and remain gainfully employed rather than spend your life in the corridors of Washington.

To hear the candidates in this presidential campaign, you’d think lobbying is just one notch below waterboarding, a black art practiced by the great malefactors of wealth to keep the middle class in a vise and loose upon the nation every manner of scourge: oil dependency, greenhouse gases, unpayable mortgages and those tiny entrees you get at French restaurants.
I believe every politician should be required to wear a jacket with the logos of all the sponsors he/she is receiving money from. (Like the jackets race car drivers wear). This way citizens will know who is pulling their strings.

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