Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

So to your shit for brains mind
You engage in name-calling because you are too stupid to make an intelligent argument.

You say Treyvon was looking to break into a house when there is no proof of that.
There is ample proof of that.

So it was OK for Thug Zimmerman to kill him.
Mr. Zimmerman is not a thug. The only thugs here are you and Trayvon.

Goes to show what a dumbazz you are.
You're the only one here who has to resort to name-calling because you are too stupid to produce an intelligent argument.
One thing I've noticed about this 2nd Amendment section is that lots of the posters here are leg humpers who like to gang up on people they don't agree with. I guess they think ganging up on folks will intimidate them and make them change their minds.
What you notice is people correcting you because everything you say is a lie.

I think Open Mouth Bolt is a show-off.
You engage in childish name-calling because you are too stupid to come up with an intelligent argument.

He needs approval from his fellow leg humpers.
Sad to see grown-ups with that childish ignorant mindset.
Sad to see stupid people engaging in childish name-calling. There should be an IQ requirement for the ability to post on the internet.
OK friends. My above post is post # 1,000. I didn't think this thread would reach that many posts---none of my other threads have. I am gratified.
Now I am really, truly NOT coming back to post anything else here. I'll read other people's posts, but that's all.
Thank you for helping me reach this milestone. Even if you didn't always agree with me, thank you anyway.
Thread began: May 27, 2022.
Today's date: July 9, 2022.
1,000 posts.
Have a nice day!
If Zimmerman had left Treyvon alone and minded his own business, I don't think he would have gotten into a fight with Treyvon. It's like he picked a fight with him by harassing/following him, and then shot him.
Wrong again. Mr. Zimmerman kept his distance and never approached Trayvon.
That's not the way I heard it. The dispatcher told Zimmerman at the very beginning not to follow Treyvon. But, Zimmerman followed him anyway.
Wrong again. The dispatcher merely warned Mr. Zimmerman that following him was a very bad idea. And Mr. Zimmerman took the dispatcher's advice and stopped following him.

Why do you lie about what happened?

Would he have followed a White kid the same way?
Sure, if he saw that white kid casing houses to break into later on after the kid was high on PCP.

Mr. Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch.
OK friends. My above post is post # 1,000. I didn't think this thread would reach that many posts---none of my other threads have. I am gratified.
Now I am really, truly NOT coming back to post anything else here. I'll read other people's posts, but that's all.
Thank you for helping me reach this milestone. Even if you didn't always agree with me, thank you anyway.
Thread began: May 27, 2022.
Today's date: July 9, 2022.
1,000 posts.
Have a nice day!

Run away!!!

If only Trayvon had done the same.........
And---what right did Zimmerman have to force Treyvon to stay indoors?
There was no attempt to force Trayvon to stay inside.

Treyvon had done nothing wrong.
Nothing besides casing homes to break into later that night when he was high on PCP. And then trying to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch.

Turn the situation around. What if Treyvon was following/harassing Zimmerman? How do you think he would have reacted to being followed by a Black teenager?
There was no such harassment.
Do adult White males feel they have the authority to follow Black males that they are suspicious of?
People are allowed to follow whoever they want to follow.

I believe those 3 guys who followed and murdered Ahmaud Arbery felt that way. (sorry to change the story). I believe Zimmerman getting away with killing Treyvon gave those 3 men the confidence to do what they did. They just knew they were going to get away with that killing.
Those poor guys should have gotten good lawyers from the start (ideally from one of the concealed carry insurers). And they should never have released that video.
OK friends. My above post is post # 1,000. I didn't think this thread would reach that many posts---none of my other threads have. I am gratified.
Now I am really, truly NOT coming back to post anything else here. I'll read other people's posts, but that's all.
Thank you for helping me reach this milestone. Even if you didn't always agree with me, thank you anyway.
Thread began: May 27, 2022.
Today's date: July 9, 2022.
1,000 posts.
Have a nice day!
got your ass handed to you so running way I see. By the way Zimmerman is NOT white he is Hispanic.
If there was I'm sure a REAL policemen would be called to take care of the situation.
No fake wannabe policemen like Zimmerman would be needed.
Except for the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled that police j=have no legal obligation to come to anyone's aid.

Do you want to bet your life on help that might never come?

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