Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

So to your shit for brains mind what Treyvon might have done is equal to what Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron did do? You say Treyvon was looking to break into a house when there is no proof of that. So it was OK for Thug Zimmerman to kill him.
Goes to show what a dumbazz you are.
He didnt kill him because he was going to break into a house he killed him in self defense after the kid started pounding his head into a cement walk way.
He didnt kill him because he was going to break into a house he killed him in self defense after the kid started pounding his head into a cement walk way.
If Zimmerman had left Treyvon alone and minded his own business, I don't think he would have gotten into a fight with Treyvon. It's like he picked a fight with him by harassing/following him, and then shot him.
I believe every politician should be required to wear a jacket with the logos of all the sponsors he/she is receiving money from. (Like the jackets race car drivers wear). This way citizens will know who is pulling their strings.

That is the first thing you have posted that makes sense.....really good sense...........great idea....and when they are in debates, maybe there should be a thing at the bottom of the screen listing their donors as least the big ones.....
If Zimmerman had left Treyvon alone and minded his own business, I don't think he would have gotten into a fight with Treyvon. It's like he picked a fight with him by harassing/following him, and then shot him.

If you had followed the trial you would know that Zimmerman lost contact with martin in the townhouse complex.......martin told his friend on the phone he had lost that point, the confrontation was entirely the fault of martin, not zimmerman.

Martin circled back and ambushed Zimmerman....zimmerman was returning to the parking lot to meet the police........
so you are opposed to the Teachers Unions donating to politicians? And the Trade Unions and the billionaires?
Teacher's Unions, Trade Unions and billionaires (I hope) don't protect instruments of death (guns) like the NRA does.
If Zimmerman had left Treyvon alone and minded his own business, I don't think he would have gotten into a fight with Treyvon. It's like he picked a fight with him by harassing/following him, and then shot him.

No.......he only shot martin when martin was banging his head against the cement sidewalk......which is deadly zimmerman was justified in shooting martin at that point.
Teacher's Unions, Trade Unions and billionaires (I hope) don't protect instruments of death (guns) like the NRA does.

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.......that is more than are taken by criminals using guns, in fact, guns save lives........

Again, the NRA doesn't even make the top 10 of political nitwit....
If Zimmerman had left Treyvon alone and minded his own business, I don't think he would have gotten into a fight with Treyvon. It's like he picked a fight with him by harassing/following him, and then shot him.
He quit following him when the dispatcher told him too. The kid was home all he had to do was go inside, instead he circled back and attacked Zimmerman who was returning to his car.
So you actually think that teachers and trade unions have no members that believe they have a right to own firearms?

Good point.....I would like to see a comparison of the NRA or other 2nd Amendment groups and trade union membership........
He quit following him when the dispatcher told him too. The kid was home all he had to do was go inside, instead he circled back and attacked Zimmerman who was returning to his car.
That's not the way I heard it. The dispatcher told Zimmerman at the very beginning not to follow Treyvon. But, Zimmerman followed him anyway. Why? Would he have followed a White kid the same way?
That's not the way I heard it. The dispatcher told Zimmerman at the very beginning not to follow Treyvon. But, Zimmerman followed him anyway. Why? Would he have followed a White kid the same way?

No....the dispatcher stated Zimmerman didn't need to follow martin and Zimmerman said okay, and began to walk back to the parking lot to meet the police....he had already lost contact and sight of martin at that point........

The Townhouses had experienced a series of break ins, and zimmerman was simply following martin to tell the police where he was......the police were already on their way...

Martin lost zimmerman.....stated this to his friend on the phone.....he then decided to beat up zimmerman, so he circled back, waited in the shadows and jumped zimmerman.....

The shooting, at that point, was all on martin.
He quit following him when the dispatcher told him too. The kid was home all he had to do was go inside, instead he circled back and attacked Zimmerman who was returning to his car.
And---what right did Zimmerman have to force Treyvon to stay indoors? Treyvon had done nothing wrong.
Turn the situation around. What if Treyvon was following/harassing Zimmerman? How do you think he would have reacted to being followed by a Black teenager?
I believe every politician should be required to wear a jacket with the logos of all the sponsors he/she is receiving money from. (Like the jackets race car drivers wear). This way citizens will know who is pulling their strings.
/——-/ A touching sentiment but silly. BTW, we had a guy in the White House who didn’t owe anything to the lobbyist, but he had to go. Too many mean tweets.
/——-/ A touching sentiment but silly. BTW, we had a guy in the White House who didn’t owe anything to the lobbyist, but he had to go. Too many mean tweets.
Yes, but he wasn't fit to be President---a blind person could see that. He is a racist, miscygonist sore loser.
He still can't accept the fact that he lost in 2020.

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