Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

since folks here, like jillian believe the right is just fronting Cain to show that they are not racist,

what i've said and i'll say again is the truth. the right loves tokens. it validates them.

if i were black, i'd feel about cain like i do about jews who don't act in their self interest and spew garbage about poor put upon palestinians.

you can pretend it's not true if that makes you feel better about yourselves.

and which still doesn't explain why you don't care that they had to pay a lot for cain's inappropriate behavior.

oh right... he's a rightwingnut... you don't care what he does. :thup:

what i've said and i'll say again is the truth. the right loves tokens. it validates them.

-identity politics is your bag, not mine.

if i were black, i'd feel about cain like i do about jews who don't act in their self interest and spew garbage about poor put upon palestinians.

you are one sick not so closet racist, wow, and you dare call others loons?

and which still doesn't explain why you don't care that they had to pay a lot for cain's inappropriate behavior.

so hes guilty and I should be putting on a horse hair suit? I don't know enough to either sppt or pillory him , as a supposed lawyer maybe you can appreciate that.

oh right... he's a rightwingnut... you don't care what he does. :thup:

:lol:hackasauras strikes again, you above all, and thats a wide field, should not be casting aspersions vis a vis anyones intellectual honesty...... your shit does stink honey, so kick start your boom and have a nice night.
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Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


once again you miss the point. Its not the act, its the LYING that happened TODAY.

nice try though

Too funny. Democrats caring about a politician who might have lied is right out hysterical.

Come on. Why do you care? Are you going to vote for him? Nah.

Faux rage. Spare me.

Let me check. Nope, not feeling any rage here.
Maybe so, But he is not wrong Comparing this kind of Baseless Smear Propaganda with something the Nazi's would have done.

In 2004 Drudge accused John Kerry of having an affair with an intern. It was a baseless smear that the Right ran with for several days.

Does that make them all Nazis?

Have you seen Kerry's wife???

Kerry needs some strange every once in awhile. After do you think he landed that socialite with the Heinz-fortune in the first place.

I know a lady that lived in Washington D.C. back around that time. Senators are the biggest whore-mongers on Earth.

That's what makes this all together so funny.

The people who kept Senator Kennedy and Senator Dodd in power knowing full well about the "waitress sandwich" incident lecturing Conservatives on how unacceptable Herman Cain's alleged/supposed/never proven actions might have been 20 years ago.

Same people who dissed Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones lecturing us on why Herman Cain is a bad candidate.


Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.
who did what? Cain 'did it'? :eusa_eh:

Do you know the difference between accuse and accused?

This happened 20 years ago and nothing came of it.....

well besides a settlement...but who is counting facts right?

Why do you care? I've asked this before. You aren't going to vote for him. No liberal is going to vote for him.

So why do you care what happened 20 years ago with a Republican candidate?
Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:

oh good so you admit the right had a melt down over weiner right? Weinergate on here went on for 99 pages....Somehow i already know that will be different....

Cain was showing his pecker on the internet????:eusa_angel:
Do you know the difference between accuse and accused?

This happened 20 years ago and nothing came of it.....

well besides a settlement...but who is counting facts right?

Why do you care? I've asked this before. You aren't going to vote for him. No liberal is going to vote for him.

So why do you care what happened 20 years ago with a Republican candidate?

They're just trying to dictate who we are allowed to vote for through voter-suppression.
Have you seen Kerry's wife???

Kerry needs some strange every once in awhile. After do you think he landed that socialite with the Heinz-fortune in the first place.

I know a lady that lived in Washington D.C. back around that time. Senators are the biggest whore-mongers on Earth.

That's what makes this all together so funny.

The people who kept Senator Kennedy and Senator Dodd in power knowing full well about the "waitress sandwich" incident lecturing Conservatives on how unacceptable Herman Cain's alleged/supposed/never proven actions might have been 20 years ago.

Same people who dissed Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones lecturing us on why Herman Cain is a bad candidate.


Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.

unproven? hat does settlement mean to you? Oh it must mean unproven is retard land

Settlement means jack shit. Companies pay out all the time to save litigation costs. And in the 90's every one and their mother who wanted to punish a co worker or a superior was claiming sexual harassment.

And don't tell me there aren't vengeful bitches in the workplace. But in the 90's until companies got a spine and started to demand more than "she said he said" sexual harrassment charges were a real tool for some women.

Pity is that it became like the "boy who cried wolf" because there are serious cases of sexual harassment, but it was so overworked at the time many Human Resource personnel became numb to the genuine claimant.
well besides a settlement...but who is counting facts right?

Why do you care? I've asked this before. You aren't going to vote for him. No liberal is going to vote for him.

So why do you care what happened 20 years ago with a Republican candidate?

They're just trying to dictate who we are allowed to vote for through voter-suppression.

I never thought I'd personally witness the day that liberals became the "moral majority" and cared about the quality of character of a politician.

It must be end times.
Have you seen Kerry's wife???

Kerry needs some strange every once in awhile. After do you think he landed that socialite with the Heinz-fortune in the first place.

I know a lady that lived in Washington D.C. back around that time. Senators are the biggest whore-mongers on Earth.

That's what makes this all together so funny.

The people who kept Senator Kennedy and Senator Dodd in power knowing full well about the "waitress sandwich" incident lecturing Conservatives on how unacceptable Herman Cain's alleged/supposed/never proven actions might have been 20 years ago.

Same people who dissed Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones lecturing us on why Herman Cain is a bad candidate.


Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.

unproven? hat does settlement mean to you? Oh it must mean unproven is retard land

It tells me that it is sometimes cheaper to pay an annoyance to go away rather than pay a team of lawyers. Until more details come to light, this is a non-story... Unless of course you vote democrat...

Oh, and before you jump my shit, I have no intention of voting for any of the fools in the Republican pool.
Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:

oh good so you admit the right had a melt down over weiner right? Weinergate on here went on for 99 pages....Somehow i already know that will be different....
Weiner was caught red handed. What has been proved about Cain?

Have you seen Kerry's wife???

Kerry needs some strange every once in awhile. After do you think he landed that socialite with the Heinz-fortune in the first place.

I know a lady that lived in Washington D.C. back around that time. Senators are the biggest whore-mongers on Earth.

That's what makes this all together so funny.

The people who kept Senator Kennedy and Senator Dodd in power knowing full well about the "waitress sandwich" incident lecturing Conservatives on how unacceptable Herman Cain's alleged/supposed/never proven actions might have been 20 years ago.

Same people who dissed Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones lecturing us on why Herman Cain is a bad candidate.


Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.

unproven? hat does settlement mean to you? Oh it must mean unproven is retard land
What settlement? The one the report claims to have been paid?
This is another example of the Left's fear of a viable conservative candidate.
They play their game of "it isn't whether or not guilt can proved. All that matters is the seriousness of the charges."
The harder you dopes push this, the more people of intelligence will support Cain.
This thing gets ZERO mileage.
It wasn't a settlement plasma. It was a typical severance package. At least get your facts straight. You look less of a fool then.

im going off the links ive read:

Earlier in the day, Herman Cain explicitly denied knowledge of any settlement or financial payout related to allegations of sexual harassment, telling Fox News: "At the Restaurant Association – outside of the Restaurant Association, absolutely not. If the Restaurant Association did a settlement I wasn’t even aware of it and I hope it wasn’t for much because nothing happened. So if there was a settlement it was handled by some of the other officers who worked for me at the time.”

But just a few hours later, in an interview with the cable network's Greta Van Susteren, he recalled specific details about the allegations and one of the two settlements first reported by POLITICO.

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"My general counsel said this started out where she and her lawyer were demanding a huge financial settlement…I don't remember a number," he said in a transcript portion published by Byron York.

"…But then he said because there was no basis for this, we ended up settling for what would have been a termination settlement." When van Susteren asked how much money was involved, Cain said: "Maybe three months' salary. I don't remember. It might have been two months. I do remember my general counsel saying we didn't pay all of the money they demanded.

so we are both right. These are Cains words...

yes but he went on further to say that it was a typical severance package that most employees receive when they leave.

I just don't get the rush to guilt.
oh good so you admit the right had a melt down over weiner right? Weinergate on here went on for 99 pages....Somehow i already know that will be different....
Weiner was caught red handed. What has been proved about Cain?


i dont give a shit about about Weiner, I dont give a shit about Cain. I give a shit about them LYING. Cain lied, Weiner lied.

Thats the issue.

Ok first of all you guys are quick to point out to me that they all lie.

Secondly can you fucking remember who you may or may not have flirted with twenty damn years ago? I sure as hell can't.
who did what? Cain 'did it'? :eusa_eh:

Do you know the difference between accuse and accused?

This happened 20 years ago and nothing came of it.....

well besides a settlement...but who is counting facts right?

if you had a clue you might be dangerous.

of course we supposedly have a lawyer running around here and she apparently isn't firing on all synapses, or has as the hack she is, willfully looked past a simple fact; these settlements happen all of the time, a 'settlement ' does not speak to egregiousness of offense, it simply means they paid them to go away and any lawyer worth their salt ( or intellectually honest) as it pertains to corporations most especially, knows, they would rather settle than fight, especially for 3 months of salary, billable hours for a law firm to work a case would blow that way in weeks, easy. See?

Now, it does not mean nothing happened, I already told ravi waaaaay back in this thread, I agree something did happen, or there would have been no settlement, BUT, it means exactly doo doo as we don't know the WHAT.

And I will say a reasonable person would conclude as well, that if they let themselves be bought for what amounts to a standard corp. severance package , it wasn't dynamite, or when they lawyered up, they would have gone for the big bucks.....
oh good so you admit the right had a melt down over weiner right? Weinergate on here went on for 99 pages....Somehow i already know that will be different....
Weiner was caught red handed. What has been proved about Cain?


i dont give a shit about about Weiner, I dont give a shit about Cain. I give a shit about them LYING. Cain lied, Weiner lied.

Thats the issue.

So let me get this right.

Lying about an alleged sexual encounter is now considered very bad by liberals.


Paula Jones must be laughing her ass off tonight.

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