Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

why would i apologize. i didn't mischaracterize. i didn't however think you were joking. my bad. but it's not like you said anything particularly different from the rightwingnuts on the board dancing to defend him. :)

Next time I'll include a disclaimer for those in hack-attack mode that my lack of taking a position one way or the other on a topic which neither I nor you nor anyone else on USMB know the particulars of should not be misconstrued as taking a position one way or the other.

except we DO know a good chunk of the particulars. they were admitted by the candidate. your refusal to acknowledge that is stupefying.

so there ya go.

A good chunk? You have no idea and no basis for knowing what the actual events and circumstances were which gave rise to claims of sexaul harassment. So your rush to judgement is even more stupefying despite being prepared in advance by your earlier asinine response to my posts.

So there you go.
Just wanna chime in on how ridiculous the idea of Herman Cain predicting a "high tech lynching" is.

Without even touching what incredibly poor taste it is to compare criticism -- from the press or otherwise -- when running to lead the Western world to fucking lynching; this sort of statement is totally indicative of where our national politics are at these days. We recognize two things: the discomfort we have with our elected representation (i.e. the feeling they aren't accurately representing us) and the patterns of election season; our weariness with hearing the same narrative.

The outside-the-box folksy type's strategy is to act as though they are subverting that process, as though anything that conforms to that pattern is Old Politics and thus invalid. In this sort of radically divided media environment, a candidate like Cain can actually make hay by predicting "a high tech media lynching" -- so when the criticism comes, and he knows it will (because, you know, he knows his own history better than anyone) he can say "see, I told you" and on sympathetic outlets, the story isn't the very serious charge that he was, on two occasions, the subject of sexual harassment claims -- it's the coverage.

I'll put it this way, I heard this predicted not by Cain but by a friend right at the start of his rise. He said something like, "by the way -- I'll put down money right now that Cain has some kind of skeleton or baggage from back when he was just a pizza CEO. This guy is not a lifelong politican/Mormon -- he has way outstepped his bounds and, again, money down that it catches up with him."
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he did?

The nbc article i saw on the right side of this forum said he didnt know about it. First Read - NBC confirms one Cain accuser received cash settlement

The man is a liar and should remove himself from the race.

come people lets see you hold to your convictions, like you screamed in the weiner thread...

Dr.House lets go, say he should resign for LYING.
Yes, he did. It will be in his interview tonight on FOX.

Herman Cain now acknowledges details of payout - Maggie Haberman -

where the calls then for him to resign? Seeing how he lied about what happened like Wiener....

Go to the last pages and see that is the reason he should have resigned. It wasnt the act but the cover up.

Somehow i dont see Lia saying he should resign, or either. Somehow i think ill see some sort of insult or partisan answer. Thats if they comeback.
Well, Dr. House/Night Train has no morals, principles, or integrity, so I wouldn't expect any decency from that fuckstick.
Really? when did Bush bring it up at all, other than the ethical issues of the Clinton years.

Wasn't what we were discussing, of course. You claimed that what Cain did was worse than what Clinton did because it wasn't "consenual". Well, neither were his relationships with the three women listed above.

But you liberals called these gals every name in the book, but you will give Cain's accusers instant credibility without know who they even are.
I never called any of them anything. Bush campaigned on returning dignity to the White House. :lol:

What a joke that turned out to be.

Well, never had to explain to a kid during the Bush years what a "Semen Stain" was.
Why would you explain that to a kid, you sick fuck?
Well, never had to explain to a kid during the Bush years what a "Semen Stain" was.

well, maybe you should place the blame on kenny starr and company for spending 70 million of our money to make that an issue.

what a concept.

What has happened to you???

The spirit....the really viscious posts....the insults to the Right???

Now, this???

Your defense is to hide the mala fide act, and attack the exposing of same???

I almost wish the Left would win in 2012, so you could get back to your bad old self.

I said almost.

Here, maybe this will help: "BUSH-IDIOT-DOLT-STUPID-COULTERGEIST- RUSHBOT-brain dead-wingnut-fruit loop- nutcase."
What exactly in her post is so offensive to you?

Be specific - use your words, not Ann Coulter's.

After that, perhaps you could direct some of that indignant righteousness toward some of your fellow Righties.

That is, if you can muster and/or borrow some integrity.
well stupid get ready to look like a complete and utter moron...which is normal for you:

Step one:
First Read - NBC confirms one Cain accuser received cash settlement


Not exactly a reliable source.

That's the original claim.

You fear Cain so will make hay of any unsubstantiated allegation in hopes of protecting your shameful party and your Messiah®

step 3:
Turn off your computer and never return to this site.

Step 4:

Go fuck yourself, fascist.

you are a joke.....
No, he's a little boy with a mouse in one hand and his dick in the other. That's why I have him on ignore.
Well, never had to explain to a kid during the Bush years what a "Semen Stain" was.

well, maybe you should place the blame on kenny starr and company for spending 70 million of our money to make that an issue.

what a concept.

Or Clinton could have never harrassed Paula Jones, and it wouldn't be an issue.
Or Clinton could have settled with Paula Jones, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton never could have had an affair with Lewinsky, and it never would have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have told the truth when asked about it in court, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have come clean and fessed up instead of wagging his finger at us, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have never signed the IC statue back into law, when Lawrence Walsh proved what a horrible idea it was.
Or Clinton never could have run on the "I believe Anita (Dung)Hill" platform in 1992, and it wouldn't have been an issue.

Can't blame Ken Starr for doing what the law he operated under required. It's why it's a bad law.
In this whole moronic post, not one mention of "Whitewater".

You know....the thing that Starr was SUPPOSED to be investigating, not personal lives. The thing that turned up NO wrongdoing on Clinton's part.

Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!

I'm just wondering when MSNBC's expert victim of unintended sexual arousal, Chris Matthews, will pin Herman Cain to the wall on this one.

The best format would be a face to face HardOn interview in which Chris Matthews presents Herman Cain with a doll and demands he show us where he made those ladies tingle!

you know it's a republican who leaked this, right?

dems had no upside putting it out there.

I don't know who 'leaked' it, can you share please? how was it.?:eusa_eh:

and saying the dems have no upside as to this information being outted? Is , well, you are pretty far gone, but you cannot be that obtuse.......can you? :eusa_eh:
you know it's a republican who leaked this, right?

dems had no upside putting it out there.

Um..I didn't mention any political party or ascribe credit to anyone. You know it's a joke, and I don't care who leaked this silly shit or their reasons, right? Go buy a sense of humor.

how is it a joke? they paid a lot of money for what he did... and he admitted it.

i'm not sure how you deny it under those circumstances.

who did what? Cain 'did it'? :eusa_eh:
since folks here, like jillian believe the right is just fronting Cain to show that they are not racist,

what i've said and i'll say again is the truth. the right loves tokens. it validates them.

if i were black, i'd feel about cain like i do about jews who don't act in their self interest and spew garbage about poor put upon palestinians.

you can pretend it's not true if that makes you feel better about yourselves.

and which still doesn't explain why you don't care that they had to pay a lot for cain's inappropriate behavior.

oh right... he's a rightwingnut... you don't care what he does. :thup:

Are you sure its the right, that loves, what you call "tokens"??

Way to channel being black btw, you guys on the left have that down.
Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.
since folks here, like jillian believe the right is just fronting Cain to show that they are not racist

Some on the left have a real Problem with Reality. Rather than just take Republican Support for Cain for what it is. They have to justify it, and tell themselves that Republicans would actually Elect a Black man solely to Make people think they are not Racists.

No Sorry, That is why Millions of People voted for Obama, but that is not why Republicans Like Cain. Republicans like Cain because he speaks his mind, is clearly not an establishment guy, and is a savvy businessman.

We could care less what color the mans Skin is.

ABSOLUTELY!!!!! We all know there are no racists on the right.

no one ever said that ...hello.
Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


once again you miss the point. Its not the act, its the LYING that happened TODAY.

nice try though

Too funny. Democrats caring about a politician who might have lied is right out hysterical.

Come on. Why do you care? Are you going to vote for him? Nah.

Faux rage. Spare me.
Um..I didn't mention any political party or ascribe credit to anyone. You know it's a joke, and I don't care who leaked this silly shit or their reasons, right? Go buy a sense of humor.

how is it a joke? they paid a lot of money for what he did... and he admitted it.

i'm not sure how you deny it under those circumstances.

who did what? Cain 'did it'? :eusa_eh:

Do you know the difference between accuse and accused?

This happened 20 years ago and nothing came of it.....
You haven't a clue what a fascist is.

Maybe so, But he is not wrong Comparing this kind of Baseless Smear Propaganda with something the Nazi's would have done.

In 2004 Drudge accused John Kerry of having an affair with an intern. It was a baseless smear that the Right ran with for several days.

Does that make them all Nazis?

Have you seen Kerry's wife???

Kerry needs some strange every once in awhile. After do you think he landed that socialite with the Heinz-fortune in the first place.

I know a lady that lived in Washington D.C. back around that time. Senators are the biggest whore-mongers on Earth.
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Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:

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