Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

since folks here, like jillian believe the right is just fronting Cain to show that they are not racist,

what i've said and i'll say again is the truth. the right loves tokens. it validates them.

if i were black, i'd feel about cain like i do about jews who don't act in their self interest and spew garbage about poor put upon palestinians.

you can pretend it's not true if that makes you feel better about yourselves.

and which still doesn't explain why you don't care that they had to pay a lot for cain's inappropriate behavior.

oh right... he's a rightwingnut... you don't care what he does. :thup:
Someday soon I hope you will actually post something to back up your stupid assertions. It seems all you have are your own allegations backed up by what?
I'm just wondering when MSNBC's expert victim of unintended sexual arousal, Chris Matthews, will pin Herman Cain to the wall on this one.

The best format would be a face to face HardOn interview in which Chris Matthews presents Herman Cain with a doll and demands he show us where he made those ladies tingle!

you know it's a republican who leaked this, right?

dems had no upside putting it out there.

Again based on what info? are your words fact?
Weiner was caught red handed. What has been proved about Cain?


i dont give a shit about about Weiner, I dont give a shit about Cain. I give a shit about them LYING. Cain lied, Weiner lied.

Thats the issue.

So let me get this right.

Lying about an alleged sexual encounter is now considered very bad by liberals.


Paula Jones must be laughing her ass off tonight.

In case you're a bit too 'slow' to figure it out, let me explain something to you.

Liberals aren't voting for Herman Cain. Period. No matter what his escapades may or may not have been.

This is about whether or not conservatives will vote for him.
In 2004 Drudge accused John Kerry of having an affair with an intern. It was a baseless smear that the Right ran with for several days.

Does that make them all Nazis?

Have you seen Kerry's wife???

Kerry needs some strange every once in awhile. After do you think he landed that socialite with the Heinz-fortune in the first place.

I know a lady that lived in Washington D.C. back around that time. Senators are the biggest whore-mongers on Earth.

That's what makes this all together so funny.

The people who kept Senator Kennedy and Senator Dodd in power knowing full well about the "waitress sandwich" incident lecturing Conservatives on how unacceptable Herman Cain's alleged/supposed/never proven actions might have been 20 years ago.

Same people who dissed Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones lecturing us on why Herman Cain is a bad candidate.


Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.

In case you're a bit too 'slow' to have figured this out, liberals/Democrats on this forum were hammering on Herman Cain, and his idiotic beliefs and positions, long before this story came out.

Ain't no Dems voting in the primaries to pick the Republican nominee....
In some states people can choose whether they want a Republican ballot or a Democratic ballot in the primaries. Democrats will choose to vote the Republican ballot and vote against Herman Cain just to keep him out of the general election.
What are you, a fucking idiot?

Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
No, you're not liar. You are $h!tting in your pants over the pervert.

My liberal sources expect more news to break after midnight. We'll see...
I hope that there's MORE damning evidence that comes out tomorrow. I suspect it will.

If all goes as I expect Herb Cain will be resigning from his campaign by Thursday late morning...early afternoon at the latest.
In some states people can choose whether they want a Republican ballot or a Democratic ballot in the primaries. Democrats will choose to vote the Republican ballot and vote against Herman Cain just to keep him out of the general election.
What are you, a fucking idiot?

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
No, you're not liar. You are $h!tting in your pants over the pervert.

My liberal sources expect more news to break after midnight. We'll see...
I hope that there's MORE damning evidence that comes out tomorrow. I suspect it will.

If all goes as I expect Herb Cain will be resigning from his campaign by Thursday late morning...early afternoon at the latest.
Your a joke of an American. "i hope more damning evidence comes out"

I hope the man and his family can withstand the pure hatred that people like you live in.
Your a joke of an American. "i hope more damning evidence comes out"

I hope the man and his family can withstand the pure hatred that people like you live in.

You ranking, stanking SUMMAMABATCH!

Where was this talk when the guttersnipe from your side was (and still are) talking about the OWS protesters to freeze to death?

Ju leeedle batch!
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Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


What libs are freaking out???

Ain't no Dems voting in the primaries to pick the Republican nominee....
In some states people can choose whether they want a Republican ballot or a Democratic ballot in the primaries. Democrats will choose to vote the Republican ballot and vote against Herman Cain just to keep him out of the general election.
What are you, a fucking idiot?
No, he is not.

They are called 'open primary states'.

Michigan is one of them and that is exactly what the Democrats did in the 2000 primaries in Michigan.
Some on the left have a real Problem with Reality. Rather than just take Republican Support for Cain for what it is. They have to justify it, and tell themselves that Republicans would actually Elect a Black man solely to Make people think they are not Racists.

No Sorry, That is why Millions of People voted for Obama, but that is not why Republicans Like Cain. Republicans like Cain because he speaks his mind, is clearly not an establishment guy, and is a savvy businessman.

We could care less what color the mans Skin is.

ABSOLUTELY!!!!! We all know there are no racists on the right.

no one ever said that ...hello.

Not true. Check out USArmy Retired, Radioman, and Rabbi. Just for starters. They are out and out racist with their stupid pictures and comments. And then there are others that are so passive-aggresive that they think nobody gets it. Yet when any of them are accused of being racist they have absolute hissy fits. Hello to you.
"Inappropriate" behavior with 2 women is pretty tame stuff, compared to the "mother of all smear campaigns" that was orchestrated against John McCain in the 2000, after he upset George Bush in Republican Presidential Primary in New Hampshire.

The conservative assumption in this thread is that the current accusations against Herman Cain are being concocted and spread by Democrats - the reality is that what occured in the 2000 Republican Primary in South Carolina provides ample evidence that Republican presidential candidates are more than capable of smearing "one of their own."

2000 Republican Primary in South Carolina
- Bush supporters circulated church fliers that labeled McCain “the fag candidate.”

- whisphering rumors that McCain had fathered an illegitimate baby with a black prostitute (the McCains had adopted a baby girl, Bridget, from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh)

- McCain's wife, Cindy, was portrayed as a drug addict

- after spending 5 1/2 years as a POW in North Vietnam, McCain was characterized as having a "temper problem," an euphemism for being too mentally unstable to be trusted with nuclear weapons

- rumors were spread that while McCain was a POW, he was a "weak-minded coward," "escaped death by collaborating with the enemy" and therefore was guilty of treason

- Bush Campaign used Voter/Consumer Research to conduct telephone "push polls" to misrepresent McCain's positions and link him with scandal

- Ted Sampley, led a veterans "fringe"" group that accused McCain of being "compromised" by the North Vietnameses and recruited as a Soviet "operative" -a future “Manchurian Candidate” (Sampley resurfaced again in 2004 and led the "swiftboating" campaign against John Kerry's military career)
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Lefties are trying to perform a valuable service for righties - helping to vet Cain. Gee, we don't want another unvetted usurper like Obama to end up in the White House.
Your a joke of an American. "i hope more damning evidence comes out"

I hope the man and his family can withstand the pure hatred that people like you live in.

You ranking, stanking SUMMAMABATCH!

Where was this talk when the guttersnipe from you side was (and still are) talking about the OWS protesters to freeze to death?

Ju leeedle batch!


I have never said such stupid things about ows or Obama for that matter. You are accountable for your words and your words alone. Those WERE YOUR WORDS.
It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:

oh good so you admit the right had a melt down over weiner right? Weinergate on here went on for 99 pages....Somehow i already know that will be different....

Cain was showing his pecker on the internet????:eusa_angel:
No, but he's been showing his ass for the past month. :lol:
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! We all know there are no racists on the right.

no one ever said that ...hello.

Not true. Check out USArmy Retired, Radioman, and Rabbi. Just for starters. They are out and out racist with their stupid pictures and comments. And then there are others that are so passive-aggresive that they think nobody gets it. Yet when any of them are accused of being racist they have absolute hissy fits. Hello to you.
Ummm. No one ever said there are no racists on the right.

You did.

But no one else did.


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