Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

Cain may be totally innocent, but according to POLITICO, he was told about the story 10 days before it became public.

The question is why didn't Cain and his campaign use those 10 days to decide on a public response, stick with it or even announce a pre-emptive announcement in an attempt to defuse it.

Cain is under criticism not only about the story, itself, but because his responses kept changing throughout the day. The more his responses evolved to keep up with the facts, the more he begins to look that he has something to hide!

These charges date back to the 1990's - didn't anyone in the Cain Campaign have enough common sense to realize that once you became the leading Republican candidate in a presidential campaign, any hint of past scandals have a habit of resurfacing.

Both McCain and Kerry had their "patriotism" openly questioned in 2000 and 2004 by Bush operatives, based on incidents dating back to when they served in Vietnam - so why would Cain assume that he should be any different?

Yeah, it's the 10-day thingy that really puzzles me. They had plenty heads-up not to look like monkeys trying to screw a football. Strange...
Yet, Lakota is a shameless racist. It may try to hide that from time to time, but it will eventually show its racism.

It came here from Stormfront, obviously.
I bet you have a 'friend' who is Black, too.


You have no idea...
Oh, but I DO know about your shameless and inherent racism.

Shall I link to just some of your posts demonstrating it?

I can do that. It's quite easy to do.

You clearly came here from Stormfront.

Link away, little girl. Like I said, paybacks are hell... If it's good enough for Obama - it's good enough for Cain. Goodnight, dear...
You have no idea...
Oh, but I DO know about your shameless and inherent racism.

Shall I link to just some of your posts demonstrating it?

I can do that. It's quite easy to do.

You clearly came here from Stormfront.

Link away, little girl. Like I said, paybacks are hell... If it's good enough for Obama - it's good enough for Cain. Goodnight, dear...
Oh, that's intelligent.

Good grief.

Yet, Lakota is a shameless racist. It may try to hide that from time to time, but it will eventually show its racism.

It came here from Stormfront, obviously.

You are right about all of the above.
Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


once again you miss the point. Its not the act, its the LYING that happened TODAY.

nice try though

It is the act, too....because it wasn't consensual. And yeah, his interview pretty much confirms the fact that he crossed the line.
Who cares what happened 20 years ago? The moral majority is dead. The conservatives I know couldn't give a rats ass about this.

The only people I'm witnessing freaking out on various boards are libs.

What happened? All y'all take a puritan pill?:lol:

Why do you care about a Republican candidate? You aren't voting for him anyway.

Let me get this right.

All of a sudden liberals care if :

A) a candidate is telling the truth


B) a candidate had any sex scandals in his past

Someone cue twilight zone music because hell's bells I must have fallen into a different freaking dimension!!!!!!!!


Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.

Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.


they only care about consensual sex.. like bill and monica or anthony and his playmats.

sexual harassment and lying by a rightwingnut is a-ok by them. they can run anthony out of office for flashing his shwinkie at someone who was ok with it...

but call cain on this and he's being "victimized".

too funny. but they're not hypocrites or anything, right?
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It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.


they only care about consensual sex.. like bill and monica or anthony and his playmats.

sexual harassment and lying by a rightwingnut is a-ok by them.
Just like rape is a-OK with leftwingnuts.

I never called any of them anything. Bush campaigned on returning dignity to the White House. :lol:

What a joke that turned out to be.

Well, never had to explain to a kid during the Bush years what a "Semen Stain" was.
Yeah, good point. Tougher though to describe why we killed people for no reason.

Oh, I never had a problem with that... if anyone asked me, "They're dirty stinkin' terrorists who hate America, and they need to die!"
Cain may be totally innocent, but according to POLITICO, he was told about the story 10 days before it became public.

The question is why didn't Cain and his campaign use those 10 days to decide on a public response, stick with it or even announce a pre-emptive announcement in an attempt to defuse it.

Cain is under criticism not only about the story, itself, but because his responses kept changing throughout the day. The more his responses evolved to keep up with the facts, the more he begins to look that he has something to hide!

These charges date back to the 1990's - didn't anyone in the Cain Campaign have enough common sense to realize that once you became the leading Republican candidate in a presidential campaign, any hint of past scandals have a habit of resurfacing.

Both McCain and Kerry had their "patriotism" openly questioned in 2000 and 2004 by Bush operatives, based on incidents dating back to when they served in Vietnam - so why would Cain assume that he should be any different?

Uh......what other responses fit the facts other than "The accusations were proved to be baseless"?

What really bothers me is this image building that seems to be a mark of politics today.

Reality is thrown out the window and replaced with focus-group responses.

Honesty is replaced with deceptive responses and distortions.

We already have one Barrack Obama, we don't need another.
well, maybe you should place the blame on kenny starr and company for spending 70 million of our money to make that an issue.

what a concept.

Or Clinton could have never harrassed Paula Jones, and it wouldn't be an issue.
Or Clinton could have settled with Paula Jones, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton never could have had an affair with Lewinsky, and it never would have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have told the truth when asked about it in court, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have come clean and fessed up instead of wagging his finger at us, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have never signed the IC statue back into law, when Lawrence Walsh proved what a horrible idea it was.
Or Clinton never could have run on the "I believe Anita (Dung)Hill" platform in 1992, and it wouldn't have been an issue.

Can't blame Ken Starr for doing what the law he operated under required. It's why it's a bad law.
In this whole moronic post, not one mention of "Whitewater".

You know....the thing that Starr was SUPPOSED to be investigating, not personal lives. The thing that turned up NO wrongdoing on Clinton's part.


Not at all, PeeWee...

Ken Starr, like all IC's, investigated whatever wrongdoing came to his attention.

Just like Lawrence Walsh ended up indicting Cap Weinberger for saying he didn't keep a diary when he was supposed to be investigating Iran-Contra. (Cap was actually opposed to the idea.)

Just like Patrick Fitzfong started out investigating who outed Covert Barbie and ended up prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering his conversation with Tim Russert.

That's why IC was a bad law. One that was dead until Clinton ressurected it so it would be available to torment future Republicans.

Just like
It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.


they only care about consensual sex.. like bill and monica or anthony and his playmats.

sexual harassment and lying by a rightwingnut is a-ok by them. they can run anthony out of office for flashing his shwinkie at someone who was ok with it...

but call cain on this and he's being "victimized".

too funny. but they're not hypocrites or anything, right?
I think the funniest part is that Cain keeps playing the race card. Constantly.

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