Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.

That would be a moronic conclusion, but I understand why you would make it.

He, we, would say it because of the chorus on the Right calling opposition to and attacks on Herman Cain


Are you saying that those on the Right who are saying or implying are clueless jackasses who are full of shit, aka, morons?
Oh, that is such crap!!! The GOP did not go after Bill Clinton because their sensibilities were injured. They went after him because they hated him.

They went after him because he is a crook.

They tried to destroy him just as they are trying to do to Obama.

Obama has been treated with kid gloves. If he endured one one-hundredth of the shit you fascists hurled at Bush, you would be curled in the corner crying.

That's the reason the left was pissed off. There was nothing funny about it.

The most vicious demagogues on Earth are the fascist democrats, look at the bullshit you are attempting to smear Cain with. Demagoguery, slander and libel are the basis of your shameful party.

And FYI, my first reaction to this business with Cain is to wait and see. The story just broke and we don't have enough information to jump to conclusions.

Cain is an enemy of the party. The party will do anything to destroy him.
what? shut up.

Answer the question, stupid fuck. If slander and libel fail, will you try violence?

i need to ask you this. How the fuck do you manage to breath? I mean someone who is this stupid must have a hard time breathing. I mean you must really have to think about it or you will start crying because its to complicated.

I shit out more IQ points every morning than you have ever possessed, pussball.

I am going to tell you something i told Thomas a long time ago.

I am happy people like you will never hold office in any shape or form.

And I'm happy that people like you will never get out of prison.

You would damage this nation more than any other type of person out there. You are everything wrong with being an American, with being human, and having a voice.

Unlike you fascists, who have slander and libel as your platform.

I am a huge fan of free speech but i need to make an exception with you and your moronic postings.

No one is forcing you to read my posts, pussball.
here we go again.....Dude you are not my type. You are too stupid

Pussball, it isn't just that "the T" is smarter than you, that's to be expected; you're a drooling imbecile after all. No, what is shocking is that my Dingo is smarter than you. (She knows how to work doorknobs, I'm certain that you could not be trained thus...)

From the far left HuffingGlue Post;

{I don't remember a number…But then he said because there was no basis for this, we ended up settling for what would have been a termination settlement." When van Susteren asked how much money was involved, Cain said. "Maybe three months' salary. I don't remember. It might have been two months. }

Hear that sound?

That's the sound of this bit of libel deflating, Goebbels....
i would like a nutter to explain to the class........what exactly is the "race card"?


Claiming ones opposition to an idea of an African American is fueld by hatred or a feeling of subordination toward African Americans.

For example...I did not vote for Obama for his policies and ideology do not go along with my sentioments.

Yet I was accused of not supporting Obama becuase I cant vote for a black man.

That was the race card being used against me.
i would like a nutter to explain to the class........what exactly is the "race card"?


Claiming ones opposition to an idea of an African American is fueld by hatred or a feeling of subordination toward African Americans.

For example...I did not vote for Obama for his policies and ideology do not go along with my sentioments.

Yet I was accused of not supporting Obama becuase I cant vote for a black man.

That was the race card being used against me.

That we don't support a Marxist because he's black wears thin after awhile, doesn't it?
Okay, new rules.

Conservatives are not allowed to use hand jestures. Keep your hands to your sides or better yet out of sight.

Democrats can drop trou and tell em to kiss it still.

Oh, and Dems are allowed one free grope. standing in the room with women without armed escort.
i would like a nutter to explain to the class........what exactly is the "race card"?


Claiming ones opposition to an idea of an African American is fueld by hatred or a feeling of subordination toward African Americans.

For example...I did not vote for Obama for his policies and ideology do not go along with my sentioments.

Yet I was accused of not supporting Obama becuase I cant vote for a black man.

That was the race card being used against me.

Are there any white people who did not vote for Obama for whom the race card was not played?

Were you in any way affected by this card being played against you?
Your a joke of an American. "i hope more damning evidence comes out"

I hope the man and his family can withstand the pure hatred that people like you live in.

You ranking, stanking SUMMAMABATCH!

Where was this talk when the guttersnipe from you side was (and still are) talking about the OWS protesters to freeze to death?

Ju leeedle batch!


I have never said such stupid things about ows or Obama for that matter. You are accountable for your words and your words alone. Those WERE YOUR WORDS.

I'm not responding to your quoting me you jackass. I'm responding to your hypocrisy in your "hatred" statement. You were absolutely SILENT about the sentiments about OWS freezing to death. Now you start squawking and squeaking?!??

In fact, I'm doubling down, I hope more damning evidence comes out to crush Cain's chance of even running against Obama.
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I don't know why you cons are all crying about this. All you have to say is, we don't care, we're voting for Cain anyway.

No one can stop you.
I don't know why you cons are all crying about this. All you have to say is, we don't care, we're voting for Cain anyway.

No one can stop you.

Like no one stopped you from voting for Johnny Edwards.

You must have been proud when you pulled his lever, eh?
The only one of my votes that I have ever shared with anyone, is my vote for Perot.

Other than that, assume as you wish with the information you have.

I was one of the volunteers for Obama's Inauguration. So, whatever you want to glean from that information, feel free to do so.

Says you. I don't believe you would do that.

In case I had never made this clear to you, not only could I not care less what you think, I'm not convinced you can.

Have the rest of your case of Twinkies. Breakfast has to hold you over until your mid-morning snack of a case of Ho-Hos.

That's right. Talk stupid and just avoid the topic. You sure seem to know the names of all the cheap snacks. You must be the one eating them. Maybe you don't just look like a dog. Maybe you look like a 400 pound dog.
Says you. I don't believe you would do that.

In case I had never made this clear to you, not only could I not care less what you think, I'm not convinced you can.

Have the rest of your case of Twinkies. Breakfast has to hold you over until your mid-morning snack of a case of Ho-Hos.

That's right. Talk stupid and just avoid the topic. You sure seem to know the names of all the cheap snacks. You must be the one eating them. Maybe you don't just look like a dog. Maybe you look like a 400 pound dog.
Okay, new rules.

Conservatives are not allowed to use hand jestures. Keep your hands to your sides or better yet out of sight.

Democrats can drop trou and tell em to kiss it still.

Oh, and Dems are allowed one free grope. standing in the room with women without armed escort.

DAMN STRAIGHT CUZ!!!:lol::lol::clap2:
I don't know why you cons are all crying about this. All you have to say is, we don't care, we're voting for Cain anyway.

No one can stop you.

Verbatim from Clinton supporters except insert "Clinton" instead of Cain.
I don't know why you cons are all crying about this. All you have to say is, we don't care, we're voting for Cain anyway.

No one can stop you.

I don't care about this one bit. Why would I? Some chick got a nuisance suit payoff for a few thousand dollars. It happens every day.

Hell, many years ago we (the insurance company actually) paid off en ex-employee that threw a fit, punched a door jam and broke her hand.

This shit is routine.
Hermie B at duh teatre party ?
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Who cares??? He isn't in jail, so he hasn't done anything criminal. And we still don't know the whole story. He's not going to win the nomination anyway!!!

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