Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

You ranking, stanking SUMMAMABATCH!

Where was this talk when the guttersnipe from you side was (and still are) talking about the OWS protesters to freeze to death?

Ju leeedle batch!


I have never said such stupid things about ows or Obama for that matter. You are accountable for your words and your words alone. Those WERE YOUR WORDS.

I'm not responding to your quoting me you jackass. I'm responding to your hypocrisy in your "hatred" statement. You were absolutely SILENT about the sentiments about OWS freezing to death. Now you start squawking and squeaking?!??

In fact, I'm doubling down, I hope more damning evidence comes out to crush Cain's chance of even running against Obama.

You wish ill will on someone else?
Let it go and you will feel better.
I don't care about this one bit. Why would I? Some chick got a nuisance suit payoff for a few thousand dollars. It happens every day.

Hell, many years ago we (the insurance company actually) paid off en ex-employee that threw a fit, punched a door jam and broke her hand.

This shit is routine.

It wasn't even that much, it was severance pay. We give people more generous severance than two months every day..
Who cares??? He isn't in jail, so he hasn't done anything criminal. And we still don't know the whole story. He's not going to win the nomination anyway!!!

Wanna bet?

Unless the fascist democratic party can torpedo him, he damned well will win the nomination. He has critical mass.

I have never said such stupid things about ows or Obama for that matter. You are accountable for your words and your words alone. Those WERE YOUR WORDS.

I'm not responding to your quoting me you jackass. I'm responding to your hypocrisy in your "hatred" statement. You were absolutely SILENT about the sentiments about OWS freezing to death. Now you start squawking and squeaking?!??

In fact, I'm doubling down, I hope more damning evidence comes out to crush Cain's chance of even running against Obama.

You wish ill will on someone else?
Let it go and you will feel better.
I wish to see public, blatant and flagrant pathological liars get their just desserts. Which is utterly exposed and having been brought down by their own web of lies.

You reap what you sew.

You believe Obama's an enemy of the State and you wish to see him fail. Am I right?
I wish to see public, blatant and flagrant pathological liars get their just desserts. Which is utterly exposed and having been brought down by their own web of lies.

You reap what you sew.

You believe Obama's an enemy of the State and you wish to see him fail. Am I right?

You're filled with fear, and that fear has festered into hatred.

You know your Messiah® is an incompetent fraud and you know Cain will easily defeat him. In an open and honest election, Obama loses. So you pray for something to happen to Cain, as the only means of saving your pathetic Messiah®

Say Marc, do you hate Herman Cain because he's black? Is this all about racism with you?
I wish to see public, blatant and flagrant pathological liars get their just desserts. Which is utterly exposed and having been brought down by their own web of lies.

You reap what you sew.

You believe Obama's an enemy of the State and you wish to see him fail. Am I right?

You're filled with fear, and that fear has festered into hatred.

You know your Messiah® is an incompetent fraud and you know Cain will easily defeat him. In an open and honest election, Obama loses. So you pray for something to happen to Cain, as the only means of saving your pathetic Messiah®

Say Marc, do you hate Herman Cain because he's black? Is this all about racism with you?
Yeah...that's it. You got me pegged! :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! We all know there are no racists on the right.

no one ever said that ...hello.

Not true. Check out USArmy Retired, Radioman, and Rabbi. Just for starters. They are out and out racist with their stupid pictures and comments. And then there are others that are so passive-aggresive that they think nobody gets it. Yet when any of them are accused of being racist they have absolute hissy fits. Hello to you.

please link posts where any of these folks said there are no racists on the right? thx in advance.

I'll state the obvious, of course there this news?

Q for you, are there racists on the left?
It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.


they only care about consensual sex.. like bill and monica or anthony and his playmats.

sexual harassment and lying by a rightwingnut is a-ok by them. they can run anthony out of office for flashing his shwinkie at someone who was ok with it...

but call cain on this and he's being "victimized".

too funny. but they're not hypocrites or anything, right?

what did he do, exactly?

care to share?

you are so far gone down your rabbit hole of spittling hate, you don't even know what you are mad at.......:lol:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.


they only care about consensual sex.. like bill and monica or anthony and his playmats.

sexual harassment and lying by a rightwingnut is a-ok by them. they can run anthony out of office for flashing his shwinkie at someone who was ok with it...

but call cain on this and he's being "victimized".

too funny. but they're not hypocrites or anything, right?

what did he do, exactly?

care to share?

you are so far gone down your rabbit hole of spittling hate, you don't even know what you are mad at.......:lol:
All she need do is stare into a mirror. Problem solved.:lol:
it's not like the rightwingnuts will care. they'll just lie and try to trash the women like they did anita hill.

they'll probably just like the idiot more.

whoa....think MONICA LEWINSKY.
you all CAME to her rescue...remember?
I remember how they were saying, she ASKED FOR IT..
and how it was ONLY A BLOWJOB

monica wasn't the one complaining, steffie baby. that was lucianne goldberg and the witch linda tripp.

but whatever rocks you.

but then again, you loons always have everything butt backward.

Clinton raped Juanita Broderick, had a thing going with Jennifer Flowers for years and Paula Jones won her lawsuit against the bottom feeder. Those are just three that come to mind and there were several others. You do remember the "NUTS AND SLUTS' routine he and his minions used against these women don't you?

The exact same scumbag liberals that forgave and still worship Clinton are attempting to play the holier than thou card with Herman Cain. LAMFAO!
whoa....think MONICA LEWINSKY.
you all CAME to her rescue...remember?
I remember how they were saying, she ASKED FOR IT..
and how it was ONLY A BLOWJOB

monica wasn't the one complaining, steffie baby. that was lucianne goldberg and the witch linda tripp.

but whatever rocks you.

but then again, you loons always have everything butt backward.

Clinton raped Juanita Broderick, had a thing going with Jennifer Flowers for years and Paula Jones won her lawsuit against the bottom feeder. Those are just three that come to mind and there were several others. You do remember the "NUTS AND SLUTS' routine he and his minions used against these women don't you?

The exact same scumbag liberals that forgave and still worship Clinton are attempting to play the holier than thou card with Herman Cain. LAMFAO!

Arkansas Trooper Alters Story to Clinton's Benefit

Clinton is still a hero in Statist eyes.
If the accusation of sexual harassment was baseless in truth, why on earth did they PAY these women?

NO lawyer/legal team would pay ANYONE off of BASELESS claims. Now would they?
I don't know why you cons are all crying about this. All you have to say is, we don't care, we're voting for Cain anyway.

No one can stop you.

I don't care about this one bit. Why would I? Some chick got a nuisance suit payoff for a few thousand dollars. It happens every day.

Hell, many years ago we (the insurance company actually) paid off en ex-employee that threw a fit, punched a door jam and broke her hand.

This shit is routine.

Exactly. It happened with Paula Jones.
If the accusation of sexual harassment was baseless in truth, why on earth did they PAY these women?

NO lawyer/legal team would pay ANYONE off of BASELESS claims. Now would they?
Tell us why Clinton was Disbarred...and is still held as a hero?

You have nothing, MARCIE. Zero.
If the accusation of sexual harassment was baseless in truth, why on earth did they PAY these women?

NO lawyer/legal team would pay ANYONE off of BASELESS claims. Now would they?
Tell us why Clinton was Disbarred...and is still held as a hero?

You have nothing, MARCIE. Zero.

He was disbarred because he ignored a judge's instructions. Which has nothing to do with sex.

What kind of a fool (perhaps I'm answering my own question) makes a statement like that without hearing the women's side of the story?

That RAnd Paul really makes me sick!

Ever since he had his thugs kick up that poor young school girl for attempting to show him a sign of protest I've realized he hated women.

I'm sure we'll be seeing a scandal from him in the future. I'll just wait.

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