Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

The beginnings of Obama throwing people not useful to him under the bus.

Why buy a vibrator when you lay so many speed bumps? The man is sick as Hell.

It was later discovered that all of this had been talked about during his think tank sessions with Bill Ayers and others.

How was a racist like Obama gonna cover up his bigotry once everyone discovers who his spiritual adviser was.

They decided it was worth risking it. The trick was buying off the press. Work out deals with CNN and other major media outlets. They would provide cover for Obama if Rev. Wright becomes public knowledge.

Obviously the Cain camp didn't think this would be that damaging. So they didn't go to as much trouble as the Obama team did to cover for him.

This is why it's not being handled as smoothly as RW would like.
Well? It really didn't do too much damge to cain. The public sees it for what it is. Cain's donations are rising.

Not according to RW.

Cain didn't do the correct dance so it's time to move on to the next victim.
It was later discovered that all of this had been talked about during his think tank sessions with Bill Ayers and others.

How was a racist like Obama gonna cover up his bigotry once everyone discovers who his spiritual adviser was.

They decided it was worth risking it. The trick was buying off the press. Work out deals with CNN and other major media outlets. They would provide cover for Obama if Rev. Wright becomes public knowledge.

Obviously the Cain camp didn't think this would be that damaging. So they didn't go to as much trouble as the Obama team did to cover for him.

This is why it's not being handled as smoothly as RW would like.
Well? It really didn't do too much damge to cain. The public sees it for what it is. Cain's donations are rising.

Not according to RW.

Cain didn't do the correct dance so it's time to move on to the next victim.
Whom will it be? Perry? Romney...Nah it won't be Romney...they want Romney...another squishy Repubican and the next in line for the Repubican crown in thier eyes following John McLame.

Nope. They won't be picking the nominee this time.
I am a well known for my positive statements on Herman Cain. Fine man and excellent role model.
However, he fucked this up from the word go.
They claim he has had 3 different stories on this but I count 4.
Herman is done. And this ain't all of it. Book it.
Told you so. I stated LONG AGO that Herman has baggage and this is not all of it.
Wait and see. This is much ado about nothing but it was the way he MISHANDLED it is what matters most.
Cain is not handling himself very well in his first crisis.

Once again showing he is not ready for prime time

What would you have him do?

Should he just go to the back of the bus and STFU?

Repeatedly changing your story and remembering information when you get confronted with new information makes him look like an idiot
I am a well known for my positive statements on Herman Cain. Fine man and excellent role model.
However, he fucked this up from the word go.
They claim he has had 3 different stories on this but I count 4.
Herman is done. And this ain't all of it. Book it.
Told you so. I stated LONG AGO that Herman has baggage and this is not all of it.
Wait and see. This is much ado about nothing but it was the way he MISHANDLED it is what matters most.

Your sincerity and honesty is surprisingly refreshing! :eek:

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Clinton raped Juanita Broderick, had a thing going with Jennifer Flowers for years and Paula Jones won her lawsuit against the bottom feeder. Those are just three that come to mind and there were several others. You do remember the "NUTS AND SLUTS' routine he and his minions used against these women don't you?

The exact same scumbag liberals that forgave and still worship Clinton are attempting to play the holier than thou card with Herman Cain. LAMFAO!

Like I've always said; there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.
If the accusation of sexual harassment was baseless in truth, why on earth did they PAY these women?

If the accusation of sexual harassment was baseless in truth, why on earth did Clinton offer to PAY Paula Jones?

NO lawyer/legal team would pay ANYONE off of BASELESS claims. Now would they?

It was severance pay, sparky. And yes, everyone pays it all the time.
The Left is very afraid of Cain because HE didn't NEED them to get ahead to where he is. Obama, is manufactured and coddled.

Marc is a racist, probably the most racist poster on the board. By being a conservative, Cain is viewed as a "race traitor" by bigots like Marc. Marc HATES Cain, with the deep and festering hatred that only a racist can feel.
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He didnt have to use affirmative action to get to where he is.

Barack Obama had a white mother and a father who was half black and half Arab. Obama is one quarter black. It will be hard to push gay Barry Soetoro as the "black" choice.

I have done a great deal of reading, and this is the first 'half Arab' I have seen. Where did you hear it?
The best definition of sexual harassment I ever heard came from Larry Flynt

Sexual Harrassment is when you tell a woman "if you don't have sex with me, you are fired"

Everything else is some poor guy trying to get laid

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